Sweep the invincible, the blood drifts!

In a short period of time, this mansion, which covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, was killed by Zi Yan. All the powerhouses of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain were cut off from their tendons and tendons, and they became nine huge dragon mountains. It was a spectacular sight. .

"This girl, you are courting death, and you have provoked our Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain, and there will be disasters in the future!"

There was someone roaring on one of the Dragon Mountains. Although he was not a genius, he relied on the name of the ancient sacred mountain, and the Ninth Mountain and Sea was also rampant. How could he have suffered such humiliation, he immediately shouted angrily.


Zi Yan stepped on the ground, and the huge Qinglong war halberd stood beside him, looking majestic and majestic, and blasted out a treasure light, the scolding big man was directly beaten to a bloody mess and died.

"Little, little girl, you... what do you want?"

Finally someone was afraid, put down the self-esteem of the ancient mountain, and begged Zi Yan for mercy.

Only then did Zi Yan show satisfaction, walking around the nine dragon mountains and saying, "From the day you received Long Gaitian, he has been my mortal enemy, but I need someone to go back and hand me the war book, so among you There is one person who can live."

As soon as these words came out, all the nine dragon mountains became restless, and one survived?Who lives and who wants to die?


Zi Yan's dragon's prestige swayed, and those people immediately dared not speak like quails.

"The seventeenth prince went to me before and performed a dragon breath technique. I am very satisfied. Whoever tells me these two techniques first can survive." .com

Zi Yan said slowly, her eyes turned straight, looking strange.

"You dream, that is the secret of my Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain, how can it be revealed to outsiders!"

Another person shouted loudly, like this kind of top-level treasure art, is branded in the bloodline inheritance mark, and is connected to the soul. Unless it is voluntary, no matter how strong the strength is, you can't get it.


Zi Yan didn't talk nonsense, a Sun Peng Fist directly beat the man's head to shreds. She has always been known as a murderous person, and she will never be merciful to the enemy.

Some people are afraid, their eyes dodge, revealing the secret treasures of the clan is a serious crime, and going back will be subject to cruel criminal law, but it is better than losing a small life directly.

"I... I said!"

A teenager who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old said tremblingly, he is also a contemporary Tianjiao of Hei Yaolongshenshan, and he comes from the same branch as the seventeenth prince. Although the identity background is much different, the blood inheritance imprint is the same.

"This is a good boy. If you dare to say it, I will spare your life!"

Zi Yan held the halberd and jumped in front of the boy, and said something very encouraging.

After a while, the young man recited the Treasure Movement Technique Jue, the name was called "Black Flame Dragon Breathing Technique", it was divided into three realms, the small one became red flame, the big one became purple flame, and the perfect realm was black flame. The power to destroy the world.

Those arrogances of the ninth mountains and seas saw this scene, and they all showed envy. They knew the power of this dragon breath technique.

The Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain is divided into seven peaks, each of which has a Dragon Emperor in charge, with different inheritances.This "Black Flame Dragon Breathing Technique" is the top inheritance of the sixth peak. It is famous and famous. It is the magic trick that all dragon powers dream of, but even the geniuses of the other six peaks of the Black Flame Dragon Mountain can't learn it, let alone outsiders. .

Now that it has been taken by Zi Yan, why not make people envious and jealous.

Next, Zi Yan made another amazing move, cutting off the heads of everyone except the teenager, putting them into gift boxes one by one, and handing them over to the teenager.

"Take this gift box back and treat it as a gift from me to you. Then tell Long Gaitian that I will wait for him on the mainland."

All the onlookers were sweating profusely, this is simply too brutal, not to mention killing people, but also to send people's heads, and they are sent directly to the Taikoo Shenshan, this is Hong Guoguo's slap in the face, even the same Taikoo Shenshan forces would not dare to do this. Arrogant, who gave her the courage.

A war ended here, and as a result, many people watching the fun did not expect that Zi Yan really overturned an ancient Shenshan force by herself.

This is a big shock, so that those arrogances from other worlds will no longer dare to underestimate the local arrogances of Shengyuan Continent, and the name of Zi Yan's little witch has completely spread in the circle of the ancient gods.

"Did the two big sisters see that, my dad is amazing, is he fascinated?"

At the end of the war, Zi Yan set up a table in another restaurant, chatted with Chan Yurou and Hu Meier, two top descendants of the mountain, and tried again to abduct these two beauties to be Zhang Tian's concubine.Because these two women are really beautiful, their bodies are like the golden section, and their temperament is like a fairy. If they are cheap, it would be a waste.

Chan Yurou looked at the Qinglong Zhanji, who had put her eyes aside, and sighed softly: "You have made a big disaster this time, and the battle for the immortal road is very cruel. This green dragon halberd should not be used to steal the "Black Flame Dragon Breathing Technique", this is a big taboo, and the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain will never let you go."

Hu Mei'er echoed: "The Qinglong halberd is nothing but a divine weapon, but the "Black Flame Dragon Breathing Technique" is the supreme treasure technique, the foundation of a family's inheritance, even if it is plundered by the powerful emperor, the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain is also It will be recovered regardless of the cost, and your father will not be able to protect you when Venerable Shenshan goes to the lower realm."

Chapter 486 The strongest person in the nine mountains and seas!

Zi Yan didn't care, poured a glass of sake and drank it, and asked: "If I don't take this treasure, will Heiyan Long Shenshan let me go?"

Cicada Rain was soft and fox Meier was speechless for a while.Yes, the matter has developed to this stage, the two sides have been dying for a long time, and there is no difference in adding this hatred.

"Hey, you are so foolish, this time Venerable Shenshan can't even think of going down to the realm. Although my Tianming Shenshan is bigger than Heiyanlong Shenshan, it may not be able to keep you."

Hu Mei'er sighed, Zi Yan caused too much trouble, whoever protects her is to become a mortal enemy with Heiyan Dragon Sacred Mountain, Tianming Sacred Mountain may not be willing to pay such a high price.

Chan Yurou was also silent, her concerns were the same as Hu Mei'er, and she could only secretly regret Zi Yan's talent.

Zi Yan said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, I've said it all, what kind of sage dares to go to the realm, let my dad shoot him directly, and shoot a few to death."

The two beauties shook their heads for a while, Chanyu judo: "When the time comes, you will know how powerful it is, and I just hope that a miracle will happen. Tomorrow, the Tianjiao of the ancient mountain will take the lead and hold a ten thousand demon conference thirty miles outside the city. The ninth mountains and seas and the arrogance of the world will pass by, if you want to go and see, maybe there will be opportunities."

"The Ten Thousand Demons Conference? Interesting, of course I'm going to take a look. You gods are so rich, it's best to contribute a few more magical weapons and treasures to me."

Zi Yan said briskly, and stroked the Qinglong war halberd next to her, her eyes full of little stars.

Chan Yurou couldn't help rolling her eyes, this little girl is simply lawless, she still wanted to rob the Ten Thousand Demons Convention, and immediately reminded: "Don't mess around, tomorrow's Ten Thousand Demons Convention, there will be many in the ninth The famous monsters from the mountains and seas are present, and many of them are stronger than the seventeenth prince of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain. There is even one who can be said to be one of the strongest geniuses in the world, and has the potential to impact the fairyland."

Zi Yan's eyes lit up and said, "The potential to hit the fairyland? Then I have to try his weight."

Chan Yurou was pissed off by Zi Yan, her chest heaved violently, she turned her head and stopped talking.She originally wanted to bring out that existence to make Zi Yan be honest, but she didn't expect this little girl to be too crazy, she didn't care about it at all, and she still wanted to challenge the throne of the strongest genius in the nine mountains and seas?

Hu Mei'er smiled tenderly for a while, her smile trembled, and she said softly: "Do you know who that person is? Say it, the nine great mountains and seas will shake, and countless ancient sacred mountains will worship, saying that he is the strongest in the world. One, it’s because he has beaten the Nine Great Mountains and Seas without a single defeat. Do you think he’s great or not? If you can beat that existence, then you’ll be able to reach the sky in one step, and you’ll be able to make a name for yourself in the entire Nine Great Mountains and Seas.”

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