Chan Yurou couldn't help but said: "It is impossible to defeat that person, because that person has already cultivated the martial arts to the limit of that realm, unless it is a heaven-defying existence that breaks the limit, or who dares to say that he can beat him ?"

Chan Yurou is a pure and indifferent flower of Gao Ling, and her speech has always been smooth and steady, with the appearance of a fairy dust, but Zi Yan is so irritating that she can't stand it anymore, and she wants to frustrate Zi Yan. Sharp.

Zi Yan was still very casual, saying: "No matter who he is, he will be suppressed in front of me. If you don't believe it, can you dare to make a bet with me? If I win, how about you be my father's concubine? ?"

Hu Mei'er smiled tenderly and said, "You're really persistent. Anyway, we'll bet with you. If you can win, it's okay for me and Fairy Ziling to serve together. Fairy Ziling, are you okay?"

Chan Yurou's face blushed, how could she be willing to fall into the trap of Hu Mei'er? Tianmingxuehu clan has always shown people with charm. This kind of bet is naturally nothing, but if she bet on being someone else's concubine, it is Big joke. 89 Library

"What? You won't be afraid, right?" Zi Yan asked back.

Chanyu said softly to her heart, "You can gamble, but if you lose, you should obediently join my Purple Spirit Mountain."

In order to subdue Zi Yan, the daring little witch, she gave it up completely, and when she waited for Zi Yan to join their sacred mountain, she must find a way to beat her and relieve her anger.

Hu Mei'er's eyes were charming, and she smiled and said, "Come on, little sister, sister, I'm looking forward to serving Ling Zun with Zi Ling. It will definitely be interesting to watch the beauty of the fairy under her body."

Zi Yan nodded vigorously, holding a small pink fist and said: "For the happiness of my father, I fought hard this time."

Chanyu was soft, shy and angry, stood up suddenly, and said coldly: "Remember, that man's name is Huntian Xiaopeng King, he is the descendant of the Buddha's Pure Land, and he has been in nine mountains and seas for [-] years, inviting battles in various places. The arrogant mountain of the Great Immortal Realm has never been defeated, so you can wait to join my Purple Spirit Mountain."

Zi Yan said slowly: "What King Xiaopeng, King Xiaodiao, that's why he didn't meet me."

"You, do you know what the words 'Buddha's Pure Land' mean? It is a real transcendental force, comparable to the ancient heaven, and the nine great mountains and seas are invincible!"

Zi Yan took out her ears and said, "So what?"

Chan Yurou was speechless and walked out of the wing directly. She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would not be able to bear to lift the table directly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At this time, Hu Mei'er couldn't stand upright with laughter, she gave Zi Yan a thumbs up, and said: "Little sister is really amazing, this is the first time I have seen Chan Yurou so rude, but you made her angry. "

Zi Yan flashed her big eyes and said, "I'm just telling the truth."

Hu Mei'er held back her smile and said, "Sister, I'm going back too. Tomorrow we will go to the Ten Thousand Demons Conference. You are now more famous than your elder sister. You will help elder sister to deter some enemies."

Zi Yan said boldly: "No problem, you are going to be my father's concubine anyway, whoever dares to bully you, I will shoot him to death."

There was a touch of emotion in Hu Mei'er's eyes, as if moved by Zi Yan's innocence, and said solemnly: "You better not take the bet just now. The limit of the realm, no one can beat the arrogance of the world. Moreover, his character is very cruel. The arrogance of the immortal realm and the demon king of the mountain that he fought against are all either dead or disabled. You have no background, and he will kill you when the time comes. There will be some concerns."

Zi Yan stroked the Bingling bracelet, her confidence soared, and she raised her voice: "Then let him come!" , . . .

Chapter 487 My Dad Transformed into Blade of Grass Sword Emperor

Early the next morning, the morning sun was rising, the purple air was coming from the east, and the earth was full of vigor.

Hu Meier and Zi Yan made an appointment to go out of the city together, and saw the Ziling Fairy Chan Yurou who was waiting at the door from a distance, but she was afraid that Zi Yan would be caught in Hu Meier's ecstasy soup, and finally joined Tianming Shenshan.

After all, Zi Yan is naughty and naughty, and her talent is really amazing. If it is cultivated well, it is very likely that she will become a great emperor in the future, which is of great significance to Ziling Mountain.

The three of them walked all the way, and soon reached their destination. I don’t know which one of the great masters of the ancient sacred mountain actually used a supreme space magic weapon to create a huge dojo. There were two powerful beasts guarding the entrance. As high as [-] zhang, the eyes like a cage stared coldly below, giving people a kind of oppression deep into the bone marrow.

It was the first time that Zi Yan saw this legendary immemorial relic, and she stepped forward to look at it curiously, which immediately caused the hostility of the two beasts, and the overwhelming murderous aura pressed towards her.


Zi Yan and Liu Mei frowned, and a suffocation flashed from her pupils, staring back at the two fierce beasts.

After a stalemate like this for a moment, the eyes of the two fierce beasts suddenly showed a touch of anthropomorphic fear, they squatted down, lowered their heads and looked away.

This scene was witnessed by many demon clan Tianjiao, and immediately caused a burst of surprise. The name of the little witch spread like wildfire, and after a while, the news of Zi Yan's arrival spread throughout the dojo.

"This little witch!"

Chanyu patted her forehead softly, feeling very speechless, she was obviously a native of a small world, how could she be so tossed.

Violet air beams passed through the sky, rendering this dojo extraordinarily majestic and majestic. Walking all the way, I saw that the surrounding area was very spacious, and all the palaces were boundless, like mountains.

There are various rare beasts wandering in the river, and sometimes there are dragons flying into the sky, ranging from dozens to hundreds of feet.

Many Tianjiao of the Great Thousand Worlds are amazed, they have never seen such a luxurious dojo, and they are completely different from the world.

Seeing Zi Yan's dazzling eyes, Hu Mei'er explained softly: "This is a dojo in ancient times, which was specially used for preaching by the powerful people who could reach the sky. , the situation is prosperous and indescribable.”

Chan Yurou's eyes were also full of nostalgia, and he sighed: "That kind of big man can really be called heaven and earth, every sentence and every word echo the general trend of heaven, and every time he preaches, it can cause mountains and seas to shake. Unfortunately, after the war, , Xian Yun collapsed, and the characters of the fairyland disappeared one after another. Those dojos that once prospered and prospered also withered, and became a monument that no one cares about."

After a pause, she added: "I have such a person in the Purple Spirit Mountain. Although I have been asleep for a long time and don't ask about the world, but with your aptitude, you may be able to alarm a certain Supreme and make an exception to accept you as a disciple, then But with the great creation, no matter how many people ask for it, they will not be able to ask for it."

Zi Yan pouted and said disdainfully: "Isn't it just blowing a few flowers on the ground, what's so great, my second sister can do it, and a thousand flowers bloom in one thought. My father is even more powerful, just sweep it, and the ground will be all over the place. It is tens of thousands of years of Zhuguo, hundreds of thousands of years of elixir, let you eat enough. Raise your hand, and you will transform into a million-year-old Blade of Grass Sword Emperor, killing powerful enemies, bigger than you said. It can be much more powerful." Dog Novel Network

Chanyu soft and fox Meier rolled her eyes together, this little girl is too bragging, and she is not afraid of blowing the cowhide, and it is tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years of elixir, so why don't you sell elixir? .The Sword Emperor of Blades of Grass, who is still a million years old, knows what a million-year-old medicinal elixir means?Heaven has reincarnation, and even the Supreme Emperor would not dare to say that he could live for a million years.

If there is no common sense, the two women are too lazy to refute Zi Yan, and only think that she is a child.How do you know that all this was seen by Zi Yan with her own eyes.

The three of them walked all the way, and soon before they reached a majestic Tianmen, the white clouds fluttered in the sky, as if they were in the Nantianmen of the heaven, which was awe-inspiring.

After entering Tianmen, the three of them had reached the end of the trip. They saw a huge Taoist platform in the center, made of five-color divine jade, radiating radiance, surrounded by stone cases, also made of top-quality jade, many of which were hideous. Ferocious beasts lined up, exuding an astonishing breath.

At this time, the party has not yet started. Many Tianjiao gathered together to chat and talk about some hot topics. They all come from big forces and have deep backgrounds. Although their cultivation base is very low now, they will all be giants in the future. Kindness is important.

Among them, there are two people who have been mentioned the most times, one is the little witch Zi Yan, and the other is the Hunyuan Xiaopeng King of the Pure Land of the Buddhist Kingdom.

The main reason for mentioning Zi Yan is that she has been in the limelight recently and killed the seventeenth prince of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain. This is not a small achievement, so that she can rank among the arrogance of the ninth mountain and sea world demon clan, but also That's all, if she hadn't been a native of the small world, it wouldn't have caused so much discussion.

The focus of everyone's attention is still the Hunyuan Xiaopeng King, who is the real man of the moment.

"Look, that little witch is here."

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