"Yoyo, what a great show, to have Fairy Ziling and Fairy Xuehu personally accompany you."

Many people noticed Zi Yan, with provocation and unkindness in their eyes. They are all proud of the sky, and naturally they don't want to be stole the limelight and become a foil.

"Are those the arrogance of the Taikoo Divine Mountain?"

Zi Yan pointed at random, as if she were pointing at Jiangshan.

Chan Yurou glanced at him and said, "The ones in front are the arrogances of the Taikoo Divine Mountain. If you walk out of one, they are no weaker than the seventeenth prince of the Black Flame Dragon Divine Mountain that you killed before. From left to right are the Golden Armor Storm. The tyrannical bear king of the bear clan, the iron-hoofed king of the golden-winged mang cattle clan, the god ape king of the tong-armed ape clan, the white elephant king of the white jade dragon elephant clan…”

Zi Yan nodded slightly and said: "Yes, it seems that the qi and blood are very strong, and the flesh and blood are like precious medicine, it must be delicious to eat."

As soon as this remark came out, it caused waves in the audience. Many people noticed this side, watched secretly, and listened to the words word for word, and immediately exploded the pot.

The Bear King, the Iron Hoof King, the Ape King, the White Elephant King... These are all peerless murderers who have been killed from countless primordial gods. Each of them has magical powers that shake the heavens and the earth. This little girl actually killed them. Think of it as a blood and flesh medicine, and plan to eat it?

In an instant, the terrifying killing intent covered the sky, intertwined, and rolled towards Zi Yan like a mountain. , , .

Chapter 488: The Ten Thousand Demons Conference Shows Success!

Cicada Yurou and Hu Meier unknowingly took a step away from Zi Yan. This little girl is too capable of causing trouble, so she ignited the powder keg as soon as she arrived.

You know, these are the arrogances of the Taikoo Divine Mountain.

What is the ancient sacred mountain? It is a sacred mountain that has been passed down from the ancient times to the present. It has nurtured true spirits and is not weaker than the gods. The concentration of aura above is thousands of times that of the outside world, how terrifying.

Because of this, the Primordial Divine Mountains are all the top caves and blessed places, and there are enough races to occupy them. None of them are weak, and they can even fight against gods and demons in the Primordial Years.These arrogances are backed by the ancient sacred mountain, with prominent identities and noble blood, how have they ever been so despised and provoked.

"Little witch, I am the arrogance of the gods and mountains, please pay attention to what you say, don't cause trouble!"

One of the bear kings who was more than ten feet tall said tyrannically that it was the violent bear king of the Golden Armored Bear Clan.

Zi Yan pouted and said: "You are in my eyes, but you are just a plate of braised bear's paw. You jumped out in such a hurry, do you want me to eat you?"


"What are you? Is Shenshan Tianjiao amazing? It annoys me, eats it, and doesn't roll aside." Zi Yan stared, but her small body was very coercive, and she did not show any timidity in front of the Bear King.

All Shenshan Tianjiao was in an uproar, and many people's faces were blue and white. This little witch is too crazy. They usually scold others.

Those Tianjiao from the Great Thousand Worlds were frightened and foolish. They were in front of the people of Shengdu, and they didn't even dare to let a fart when they got here, for fear of annoyed the Shenshan Tianjiao.Did this little witch eat bear heart and leopard gall and consider it her own backyard?

"Little girl, you are too provocative to the majesty of the mountain!"

The Iron Hoof King said gloomily, he was born in the Golden Winged Bull Clan. He was a wild alien. He was very powerful. His body was a bit taller than the Storm Bear King. His voice was cold, and no one could feel his anger.

Zi Yan was also angry, like a mad scorpion, looking at everyone and said: "You are provoking my majesty!"

All the arrogances of the gods and mountains turned pale, and the scene was tense. If it wasn't for Zi Yan's defeat of the Emperor Shi'er and the killing of the seventeenth prince, which made them fearful, these people would have slapped this annoying little girl to death.

At this moment, the earth roared, and a snow-white giant elephant slowly stepped forward. The four elephant legs were like jade pillars, tall and majestic, giving people great oppression. Being able to suck Jiang Hai dry, he walked closer and looked down at Zi Yan coldly.

"I've long heard that there is a small world's natives who are arrogant and domineering. I didn't expect it to be even more than the rumors. Did you think that the waste prince who killed the Black Flame Dragon Mountain would be invincible in the world?"

This person's momentum is very strong, and his status seems to be very high among the gods and mountains. Seeing him speak, many people show excited expressions.

Chan Yurou's face changed slightly, her dan lips lightly opened, and she said to Zi Yan: "Little girl, stop making trouble, this is the White Elephant King of the White Jade Dragon Elephant Clan. Even if you can rank among the top three in the field, you are definitely not his opponent."

Zi Yan turned a deaf ear to Chan Yurou's words, and looked at the iron-hoofed king, the violent bear king, and the white elephant king standing in front of her like three big mountains, and said indifferently: "Do you want to trouble me? Let's go together. Come on, watch me blow your dog's head off."

Many people were speechless. They were still thinking of finding an excuse to suppress the little witch, but they didn't expect that they would say it outright and let the three demon kings join together, pretending that they were the Xiaopeng King of Hunyuan.

"Isn't she afraid of Kamiyama's revenge?" a young girl onlookers whispered. She had pointed ears, a slender figure, and looked very weak. Her eyes were full of curiosity when she looked at Zi Yan. 61 Wenku www.61wenku.com

"This little witch is a malevolent star. She is not afraid of the sky and the earth. She has offended several Shenshan forces. Now she is in debt." Another girl pouted.

The three demon kings, the King of the Bear, the King of the Iron Hoof, and the King of the White Elephant, were also stunned. In front of these three powerful demon kings, this little witch was so provocative. Are you really afraid of dying?

"Okay, I'll fight you!"

The violent bear king was the most anxious, and stood up with a loud roar. The golden armor on his body shone brightly under the sunlight, like a god, full of energy and blood.

As soon as this remark came out, many people showed excitement, wanting to see the violent bear king kill this rude little witch, but some people stopped, saying that this is the ten thousand demon conference, and it is not suitable to use force.

"Let them fight."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the central Taoist platform. It was cold and clear, but it was an ape king wearing a purple-gold crown with three-pronged hair on his head. The God Ape King of the Gibbon God Clan is also the host of this Ten Thousand Demons Conference.

The king of the ape opened his mouth, and the crowd soon gathered in front of a martial arts arena. They saw that the martial arts arena was huge and could accommodate many people to fight.

Zi Yan jumped to the corner of the martial arts arena and said loudly: "Come on, today I want to eat steamed bear paw, braised bear gallbladder, skewered bear meat, roasted bear meat with onion, braised bear brain..."

A group of Tianjiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and secretly said a bear child. Before waiting for the fight, they started to sign up for the name of the dish, and they made various tricks, making them all hungry.

The Bear King also set foot on the battlefield, his eyes gloomy and said: "Okay, let's see who we eat today."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and everyone knew that this would be a life-and-death struggle, and the King of the Bears would definitely not show mercy to a small world aborigines.In the same way, the little witch is ruthless, and I am afraid that she will not care about the identity of the violent bear king.

"This little witch."

Cicada Whisper Soft Hu Meier was a little nervous, but she couldn't stop it, she could only pray in her heart.

On the other side, the White Elephant King and the Iron Hoofed King were lining up for the Storm Bear King, looking contemptuous.


The violent bear king roared, and the huge bear paws slammed into the ground. The white jade bricks on the martial arts field exploded one after another, blasting hundreds of feet high, wrapping up the tyrannical energy and rolling towards Zi Yan, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, like a scene. Meteor shower.

"What a ferocious bombardment, this martial arts field is difficult to destroy even ordinary demon saints, but the palm of the violent bear king smashed the ground."

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