"This is a killing blow, and the King of the Bears is really angry."

"The little witch will surely die this time!"

Everyone took their emotions to the extreme, staring at the martial arts arena, staring at Zi Yan under the meteorite rain.

Suddenly, Zi Yan moved. , , .

Chapter 489 One-on-one All Taikoo Divine Mountains!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Zi Yan held the Qinglong halberd horizontally in her right hand, and the huge halberd beam swept across the sky and swept in all directions, smashing all the jade bricks that were pressed down.

"It's my turn!"

Zi Yan swung the Qinglong war halberd in a circle, slammed her right foot on the ground, rose into the sky like a young god, and rushed to the stormy bear king like lightning. slammed out.


There was a loud noise, and the mighty beast body that was more than ten meters tall suddenly burst into a burst, and the footsteps could not help but step back several steps, the left shoulder blade shattered a large hole, the scales of the golden armor shattered, the flesh turned up, and the bones were deep. A column of blood rushed to the sky.

"Okay! It really is a blood and flesh medicine, the color is crystal clear, and the meat is tender and beautiful."

Zi Yan's eyes flashed brightly, and she waved the Qinglong halberd to attack again.

"Ahhh, I want you to die!!"

The violent bear king was completely furious, his eyes glowed red, and the blood on his body was billowing like wolf smoke. He lifted the huge bear paw like a hill, and screamed at Zi Yan. The powerful force blocked the void, causing the entire martial arts arena to be stunned. Tremble for it.


Cicada Yurou and Hu Meier couldn't help reminding that Zi Yan's body was too petite, she looked like a weak willow, and being hit by this slap, I was afraid that it would be embedded in the white jade floor tiles of the martial arts arena, and the buttons would not be able to be buckled. come out.


At the critical moment, Zi Yan reverberated with a halberd, a huge real dragon phantom in the sky, and the terrifying dragon claws tore it down fiercely, and five terrifying claw marks appeared on the bear paw of the violent bear king.


The tyrannical bear king let out a long hiss again, let out an extremely mournful howl, and staggered backwards.

"The Bear King is defeated."

Below, there is Tianjiao, who has a good vision, and made a judgment in advance.

A sparrow clan arrogant with lightning flashes all over his body said: "This little witch completely relied on the power of the Azure Dragon's halberd, and the people of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain are also idiots, and they have lost such top-notch imperial soldiers."

A girl said angrily: "The Azure Dragon Halberd contains the will of the peerless Dragon Emperor, even if it is a waste of urging, it can wipe out the arrogance of us. This is an invincible victory."

Another young man said: "You can't say that, how easy is it to control the imperial soldiers of the extreme path? Even the top princes of the Black Flame Dragon God Mountain may not be able to exert [-]% of the power of the Qinglong war halberd. I think this small The witch's body should also be a dragon, and even have the blood of a real dragon. In any case, the little witch can stimulate the power of the Azure Dragon Halberd to such a degree in such a short period of time, which is her skill."

As soon as these words came out, many people couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement. The real dragon is one of the three ancient evils, and the bloodline is extremely expensive and powerful. Only such a bloodline can allow the indigenous people of a small world to have such a sky-defying fighting power.

Just at the stall where all the arrogances were talking, great changes have taken place in the martial arts arena.

I saw Zi Yan imposing like a rainbow, wielding the Qinglong weapon like a general charging on the battlefield, constantly rushing forward, stabbed one terrifying hole after another in the violent bear king, causing bursts of furious roars, if not for this violent bear king. Huge in size and amazing in resilience, he died a long time ago.Nine Nine Chinese www.99zwxs.com

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat!"

The Storm Bear King had already been blinded by the stormy attack. He felt the blood in his body rapidly draining, and finally he couldn't care about his dignity and begged for mercy loudly.

"go to hell."

Zi Yan's eyes did not waver in the slightest, the golden light on the Qinglong halberd, like a golden torrent, rushed towards the violent bear king.


At the critical moment, the Ape King spoke up, full of majesty, and a huge iron rod fell from the sky, trying to block Zi Yan's offensive.

Unexpectedly, in the face of the God Ape King's stop, Zi Yan's speed suddenly increased sharply, a long howl shook the sky, and the Qinglong War Halberd flew the iron rod directly and stabbed the violent bear king on the head.


Under the mad battle of the dragon halberd, the head of the violent bear king exploded directly, and his flesh and blood flew hundreds of feet away. Countless geniuses couldn't avoid it, and they were splattered with blood, but they didn't care about being shocked and just stared at the battlefield. .

Although, although this result was already expected, when it happened, it still made them feel extremely shocked.The dignified tyrant bear king was killed by an aborigines from a small world in front of everyone!

"This little witch actually killed another divine mountain arrogant."

Cicada Yurou and Hu Mei'er were also shocked. Compared with killing the seventeenth prince in the restaurant, this time it was even more shocking. In front of all the arrogance of the ancient gods, he slapped them in the face!

"Bold, you dare to disobey my orders?"

The Ape King was angry, holding an iron rod in his hand, and a mad power burst out.

Zi Yan pulled out the demon pill of the violent bear king from the broken flesh, and said disapprovingly: "How old are you, why should I listen to you. Come up if you want, don't chatter."

The arrogance of the gods is absolutely overwhelming, is this little witch planning to single out all the gods? They still underestimate the little witch, this guy is definitely more ferocious than King Xiaopeng.

"Humph! I also said how strong you are, but it's just the power of the imperial soldiers. If the king of the ape wants to preside over the conference, let me come and meet you for a while."

The White Elephant King spoke, his voice was very calm, with a kingly demeanor.

I saw him step onto the battlefield, looked at Zi Yan, and said solemnly: "The martial arts competition should not be based on external force, but since you used the Qinglong halberd, then I don't need to worry about it, let you see it, The treasure of my clan!"

After speaking, a powerful force suddenly erupted from the White Elephant King. A half-zhang wide, pure white and flawless ivory appeared on the top of his head, exuding a gleaming white light, very holy, noble, and exuding fluctuations that were extremely terrifying. It made the entire martial arts field tremble, as if it couldn't support it.

"Ancient fairy treasure!"

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