Another divine mountain arrogant, perished!

Zhenxu Baiya lost control and fell from the sky, Zi Yan quickly raised her dragon claw to grab it.But at the moment of contact, a huge blood-colored vortex suddenly appeared in the void in front of him, as if a supreme being was about to break through.

"Little baby, do you dare to touch my clan's fairy treasure?"

The indifferent voice came from the blood-colored vortex and attacked Zi Yan. Yu Wei shook the dojo, causing many Tianjiao to feel their ears tingling and fell to the ground.

"Yi, do you dare to touch this emperor's daughter?"

Behind Zi Yan, a huge vortex also cracked, reflecting the scene of Zhang's small courtyard. Zhang Tian sat in the center of the courtyard and just glanced up at will, and the sound wave that hit Zi Yan exploded! , , .

Chapter 491 Destroying the Immortal Finger, beheading the Venerable, Shocking the World

"Dad, you are here!"

Zi Yan turned her head to look, showing a very happy expression, and then looked at Chanyu soft and fox Meier said: "See, this is my father, you can go home with me tonight and be my father's concubine. ."

"shut up!"

The two beauties were jealous at the same time, and under the gazes of all the arrogances, even Hu Mei'er of the Tianming Snow Fox Clan showed embarrassment, and her delicate face like white jade porcelain was dyed with a faint blush.

"You are the father of this kid? Dare to call the deity ants, this is a big sin, and it must be washed with the blood of this small world!"

The blood-colored vortex was even bigger, and it kept shaking, and a hideous grimace appeared faintly, emitting a sinister deterrent.

All the arrogances were awe-inspiring, knowing that the spiritual body of Venerable Baiyu Shenshan was about to break through the world, and being able to be Venerable Shenshan would never be an ordinary immortal emperor, at least at the level of emperor, enough to crush a small party. The world, even if it is just a spiritual body, should not be underestimated.

Zi Yan was confident in Zhang Tian, ​​not afraid at all, and replied loudly: "Which old ghost is calling again?"

"Old ghost?"

All Tianjiao was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately, because the Venerable Shenshan called her a 'little devil', and she called her an old ghost in turn.

"The Light of Rice Grains also wants to compete with Haoyue? I really don't know whether to live or die."

The vortex trembled more violently, and it was faintly visible that a huge and boundless elephant leg protruded out, like a pillar of the sky, as if a giant city could fall with one foot.

"The old ghost will come down as soon as he can, and your butt will bloom!" Zi Yan reincarnated into a human form without giving in.

"You are courting death!!"

The blood-colored vortex seemed to be about to burst, revealing half of the giant elephant's body, as if a thousand-bladed peak, which could not be looked up, gave people great oppression.

The lower realm of Venerable Shenshan is not an easy task. Every world has a world barrier, and it will automatically exclude people who are too strong from entering, because these people are too powerful and will pose a threat to the origin of the world.

Like a small world, the upper limit is the immortal emperor. Even local monks, after cultivating to a stronger realm, must soar to the great world, otherwise they will be suppressed by the will of the world, and their cultivation will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, this Venerable Shenshan only descended a spiritual body, because if his real body wants to come, he needs to pay a very high price.

Above the dojo, the void roared, and all Tianjiao felt tremors from the bottom of their hearts, only to see a huge elephant leg hanging down like a sky curtain, pressing down on Zi Yan, covering the sky and the sun, as if to make the entire martial arts fight. The field is destroyed.

Zi Yan shouted strangely: "The little one beats the little one, the old one beats the old one, Dad, teach this old ghost a lesson and smash his ass."

In the vortex behind Zi Yan, Zhang Tian still sat steadily, straight forward, and a ray of light of destroying immortals burst out.

Suddenly, this Immortal Extinguishing beam directly tore through the void and appeared on the dojo. The atmosphere of the whole world changed, as if a huge dragon passed by, making a roaring roar, and it was like the ancient gods were low. Chanting, Sanskrit sound bursts, making people feel a huge shock.

A **** glow swept across the field, and a terrifying aura swept the audience, instantly swallowing the elephant leg, like a bone razor, swallowing all the flesh and blood on it, leaving only the dry skeleton, and then moving towards the The giant elephant body in the huge vortex is covered.Bashan Love Novel Network

"Ah... No, don't kill me, I am Venerable Shenshan. If you kill me, Baiyu Shenshan will not let you go!"

The Venerable Shenshan of the White Jade Dragon Elephant Clan let out an extremely terrifying roar, as if something terrible had happened to him, and in the next instant, he was completely enveloped by Shenxia.


The rays of light dissipated, and a dragon elephant bone with a size of several thousand feet fell from the sky and shattered directly, as if it had been weathered for thousands of years.

"Come back early for dinner."

Zhang Tian retracted his finger and said something casually, and the vortex slowly healed.

Above the dojo, it was as silent as death, and the Venerable Shenshan, who looked at the desolate world and looked down on the heroes, died just like that.

The Divine Ape King, the Iron Hoofed King and others all showed shocking expressions. They thought that the little witch was a stunned young girl, but now I know that this is clearly fearless.

Cicada Yurou and Hu Mei'er were also amazed. They had already made the worst plan, thinking that this time it was more fortunate than fortune. I didn't expect the little witch's father to be as powerful as she said, so powerful and unfathomable. Venerable Shenshan was beheaded.

Not to mention the rest of Tianjiao, looking at Zi Yan's eyes full of fear, maybe there is a stronger existence than Zhang Tian in their group, but they can't come to the world of Shengyuan.Now that you are in someone else's territory, how dare you make a fool of yourself.

"That finger just now, I seem to have seen it in an ancient book. No, it's impossible. The ancient book records things thousands of years ago."

Chanyu whispered softly and thoughtfully, but she denied it herself, but there were still some ripples in her heart. Zhang Tian felt very strange to her, as if she had been exiled from the sword fairy. That kind of temperament made her heart fascinated. The bet made his face even redder.

Hu Mei'er stood aside, listening to Chan Yurou's words, with a very deep look in her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

"Now that the fight is over, let's start the party."

The Ape King barely stabilized his mind and said calmly, and everyone returned to the central Taoist platform one after another.

As for the iron-hoofed king who had trouble with Zi Yan before, he had already hidden away from Zi Yan when the crowd was rioting.

On the martial arts arena, Zi Yan, like nothing else, put away the white elephant king's demon pill and the pure white ivory-shaped fairy treasure, and ran happily to the seat in the middle of the soft fox and the fox, showing it proudly. , said: "Let me say, these gods and mountains are so rich, they will definitely contribute one or two treasures to me!"

All the arrogances were speechless and envious at the same time. In today's era, every immortal treasure is extremely precious. It can be used as the foundation of the divine mountain and immortal realm, not to mention that Zhenxu Baiya is a well-known immortal king-level treasure. .Based on this, this fairy treasure is enough to make Zi Yan invincible across the emperor's realm after landing in the emperor's realm.

"This little witch, I am afraid that only King Hunyuan Xiaopeng can crush her."

Many Tianjiao talked about it, and the tone was no longer hostile. Zi Yan had proved with her strength that she had the potential to grow into an invincible emperor. Some Shenshan Tianjiao were even considering the issue of making friends.

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