More than halfway through the feast, the gongs and chips were staggered, and everyone drank to the fullest.

At this moment, the void suddenly vibrated violently, and a terrifying crack appeared out of thin air, as if it was connected to the outside world.

The ape king stood up abruptly and said excitedly: "Hunyuan Xiaopeng king has arrived." ,, . . .

Chapter 492 Under the Buried Emperor, All Are Chickens and Dogs!

"King Hunyuan Xiaopeng has arrived."

As soon as this sound came out, the audience suddenly became silent, and then there was a lot of enthusiasm, and there was a lot of discussion.

As the king of the gods, it is still impossible to organize such a conference. Many of the gods in the mountains are here for the king of Hunyuan Xiaopeng, the rising demon emperor star under the great world. There are no rivals in the mountains and seas, and the limelight is unparalleled.

Coinciding with this moment of great change unseen in five million years, many senior figures have speculated whether this is a sign of great prosperity.In this life, it is very possible to break the curse of five million years, to give birth to fairyland characters again, and even to reproduce the glory of the ancient times.

King Hunyuan Xiaopeng is an invincible arrogant who can lead the general trend. If he can have a good relationship with him, and even attach his tail, he will likely hit the fairyland in the future.

Seeing that the cracks in the void are getting bigger and bigger, the discussion below is getting hotter and hotter.

"King Hunyuan Xiaopeng actually came to this small world. It seems that there is indeed a treasure in the ancient times hidden in the ancient land of Tianfeng. Even this descendant of the pure land of the Buddhist kingdom will be tempted."

"The Pure Land of the Buddhist Kingdom is the number one force in the Nine Great Mountains and Seas. There is no such thing as a treasure. I think King Xiaopeng has other plans."

"The first force? Under the ancient heaven, who dares to be the first?"

A group of gods and mountains and arrogances talked eloquently, discussed the general trend, and showed their profound knowledge.

The gray-robed boy who said that the Buddha's Pure Land was the first was questioned, but he was not annoyed, but shook his head and said: "Desolate Ancient Heaven? No. But after [-] million years of Emperor Burial, Heavenly Court’s masters fell apart, and now they are scattered, and even the nine worlds of mountains and seas cannot be controlled. I heard that the first mountain and sea has established itself as the Lord of Mountains and Seas, and publicly disrespects the jurisdiction of Heavenly Court. Look at the other eight mountains and seas soon."

Another person said: "Even if you don't talk about the desolate ancient heaven, it is difficult for the Buddha country to be the first. Don't forget that the Zixiao Shrine is the leader of Taoism in the world. The two founding ancient Buddhas were also born in Zixiao Divine Palace, how dare they say they are better?"

The gray-robed boy said, "Zixiao Shrine is a Taoist sect, and it is naturally powerful, but the word 'Dao' is too big and covers everything. The ideas of several Taoists are different. In recent years, the conflict has become more and more intense. I think Separating the family sooner or later can compare to the unity of all the people in the Pure Land of Buddhaland.”

All Tianjiao listened to this gray-robed boy talking freely, and they were justified and well-founded.

But there are also Tianjiao who are unconvinced and argue: "You said that the Zixiao Shrine can't be completed, what about the Zhoushan forces and the Northern Demon Court? These two groups control both the Lich and the hegemony, and Megatron Xuanyu should be able to compete with each other. The struggle for the pure land of the Buddhist kingdom! There are also the powers such as the Supreme Palace and the Escape Palace, which have also been handed down from the early days of ancient times, and have a profound background."

The gray-robed boy drank a full cup and said wildly, "The Wu Zhou Mountains are powerful, but they only cultivate their bodies, not their souls, and they don't know how to conform to the will of God, and they will be destroyed by the way of heaven sooner or later. In the Northern Territory, it’s just a matter of honoring, how many immemorial mountains listen to its orders? It’s not even as good as one-fifth of the three major demon alliances. As for the powers such as the Supreme Palace and the Escape Palace, they are even more turkey in front of the Buddha’s Pure Land. Dog, it’s not worth mentioning! If you want me to say, it is the general trend that the Buddhaland Pure Land will take the place of the ancient heaven, and it will be a matter of time.”

"Well said!" Jiuliuwei Novel Network

The cracks in the void slammed into a battle, revealing a vast star field. Countless star storms raged in it, and a large gray-black shadow rushed out. Pengniao, as if combining the power of Hunyuan, has the domineering power to stir the heavens and the world.

A black light flashed on the huge Pengbird, and it turned into a mad man in a black robe. He glanced at the gray-robed young man with a strange look, and said with appreciation, "I didn't expect that there is a Mingyuan like you among Tianjiao. Those who know me will not waste this king's visit here."

The gray-robed youth showed a flattered expression, and quickly bowed and said, "I have seen King Xiaopeng."

He was born in the Primordial Divine Mountain. He was originally a genius of the same level as King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, but he didn't dare to compare it at all. Not to mention the background forces, the power displayed by King Hunyuan Xiaopeng alone made him unmatched.

The arrogance of the gods, headed by the king of the ape, also greeted them one after another, echoing the words of the gray-robed youth, with a submissive expression.

At this moment of solemnity, Zi Yan was still swaggering, holding the Nine Dragons Cup on the jade platform, drank all the delicacies in the cup, and pretended to wipe the corner of her mouth, sighing: "Good wine!"

This is the monkey wine specially brought by the King of Apes from the mountain. It is indeed a treasure in the world. It can nourish the spirit and replenish the vitality, but now is not the time to feel emotional.

I saw Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang's eyes swept towards Zi Yan, and said coldly: "Do you think this gray-robed boy is wrong?"

Zi Yan said: "It's not just wrong, it's just nonsense."

Cicada Yurou and Hu Meier's heart was broken. This little witch is so tossed, she even publicly challenged King Hunyuan Xiaopeng. She is really not afraid of death.

King Hunyuan Xiaopeng gave a look, and said with power: "Then you say, which point of my Buddhist Pure Land is not worthy of the first place?"

Zi Yan said: "If you want me to tell, I'll tell you. The Pure Land of the Buddha is its mission to live in the world, and now the world is full of aliens, slaughtering both humans and monsters, making life difficult for the people of the nine mountains and seas, and the corpses are everywhere. I don't know you. What did the Buddhist Pure Land do? Which alien immortal emperor was sealed, or which alien race in the forbidden area was prevented from being born?"

These are actually what she heard from the ruthless people, and now they are now learning and selling.

King Hunyuan Xiaopeng was speechless. After a long time, he said: "The rise of alien races is a general trend. How can I stop the Pure Land of Buddhism, and other forces have not achieved the two points you said."

Zi Yan said loudly: "I did it back then, so the Emperor Buried is the number one in the world, and the rest are all chickens and dogs!"

All the arrogances are speechless. The Emperor Buried is an invincible immortal emperor who rose from ancient times, the emperor of the human race. He killed all his life, and the quasi-immortal emperor-level existences who died in his hands can be exhausted into mountains of corpses, and his achievements are countless. Who can compare?That's how they respond.

Even with the arrogance of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, he didn't dare to be disrespectful to the Emperor Burying Heaven, he could only stare at him in anger, his eyes seemed to be spitting fire. , , .

Chapter 493

Zi Yan was reasonable and unforgiving, and continued: "Your Buddhist Pure Land is deceiving the world and stealing your name, and you don't do the right thing. If you want me to say, you have a lot of water in this world."

Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a cold expression. It was not his turn to dictate the policy of the Buddha's Pure Land, but he was the number one arrogant of the nine mountains and seas, but he had used it for [-] years. The time is out, and no one is allowed to question it.

This time, King Hunyuan Xiaopeng did not rush to speak, but thought about it seriously to prevent Zi Yan from grasping the loophole. From the beginning, they all have an invincible momentum, and these two kings have not yet fought. Except for them, this king believes that he is invincible in the world, but tell me, where is the first moisture? You kill!"

Speaking of the end, King Hunyuan Xiaopeng showed a fierce look on his face. He was invincible, and he wanted to achieve a great cause. He wanted to follow the example of Emperor Burial and kill all the people in the world who did not obey. Zi Yan's repeated provocations had already aroused his killing Heart.

Facing the fierce pressure of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, Zi Yan was unmoved and drank another cup of monkey wine, and then said slowly: "I want to say, except for those Wubei and Xingtian, this There are at least three more geniuses in the world than you."

King Hunyuan Xiaopeng is really shocked now, three?He is already famous in the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, even more powerful than him. Why didn't he hear the wind at all, so he didn't care about being annoyed and asked curiously, "Which three are they?"

Zi Yan pointed her finger and said, "My eldest sister, my second sister, and me."

All Tianjiao were dumbfounded. They originally planned to hear some big inside story, but they didn't expect such a result. They were dumbfounded for a while, and the little witch really didn't play cards according to common sense.

"Little girl, you dare to play with me!!"

Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang burst into anger, and the momentum soared throughout his body, as if a sleeping lion had woken up and howled up to the sky, causing the entire void to vibrate. It was the first time in his life that he was fooled like this. Like a volcano that is about to erupt at any time.

"King Xiaopeng, this girl is a native of this small world, and her body is a Taixu ancient dragon. Before..."

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