The Ape King and Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang have a good relationship, and now he told Xiaopeng Wang what happened just now by means of sound transmission.

"Oh, you killed the Bear King and the White Elephant King?"

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, and he looked at Zi Yan again. Although it was nothing to him to kill two gods of the mountain, it was not a small record, and it was worth his attention.

"So what? If you provoke me, you will kill me." Zi Yan looked contemptuous.

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar, and no one thought that Zi Yan would really dare to say such a thing, and challenge the first arrogance of the nine mountains and seas!

Hearing this, Xiaopeng Wang of Hunyuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and Zi Yan laughed angrily, saying: "This king has been studying martial arts in Buddhism for [-] years, and he has been in nine mountains and seas for [-] years, and there is no rival, you are the first to say Those who want to kill this king."

Zi Yan said seriously: "I'm not joking, these two sisters have already said that as long as I defeat you, they will go to be my father's concubine, and the two fairies will serve one husband together."

"Little witch!"

Cicada Yurou and Hu Meier sneered at the same time, her face was flushed, why did this girl say anything, looking at the surprised eyes of Tianjiao around them, it made them tear Zi Yan's heart.

"Bold, you dare to use this king to make trouble, then let this king see your strength!"

Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang was even more angry, Zi Yan's randomness made him feel a sense of insult, the moment the voice fell, the black light of the slender right hand turned into a Peng claw, terrifyingly, fiercely towards Zi Yan Grab it, as if to smash it together with the void.

"What a terrifying attack."

All Tianjiao felt a shudder in their hearts. King Xiaopeng's claw did not use any magical powers, but he affected the space with pure power, which shows how powerful his strength is.

"Good come!"

Zi Yan shouted and threw a "Sun Peng Fist" with her backhand. The two attacks collided fiercely, and suddenly the stone platform made of white divine jade in the middle was crushed into powder.

"The treasures of the Kunpeng clan? Sure enough, there are some ways. However, that's all."

Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang's eyes became serious, his body was half-peng, his body was boiling, and he suddenly pressed towards Zi Yan.

His bloodline is very strong, it seems to be a branch of the Primordial Demon Peng, and it has some blood connections with the ancient Demon God who is very famous.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Zi Yan also turned into a half-dragon state, with golden dragon scales covering her upper body, making her look like an empress, extremely majestic, wielding a green dragon halberd and fiercely attacking King Hunyuan Xiaopeng.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

This is a world-class battle. The two flew into the sky and entered the ground, and in the end they all turned into their bodies to fight. A treasured art and magical power collided. Only the aftermath that escaped covered most of the dojo, and many Tianjiao who had no time to retreat were shocked. He vomited blood and flew upside down, his eyes trembling violently.

Both are Tianjiao, compared with the two fighting in the sky, their strength is really weak and unsightly, and they are not even qualified to enter the battle. .

"Oh my God, where are two Tianjiao fighting, clearly two young gods, two ancient creatures are fighting!"

"This is the great world. The immemorial Tianjiao reappears. It is inevitable to reopen the immortal path, and it is very possible to restore the glory of the ancient times!"

Countless Shenshan Tianjiao shuddered with excitement. Their eyes widened and they heard too many tragedies that the great emperor had to be reincarnated and rebuilt. It was their great honor to be born under this great world!

"The little witch is about to lose. Although her Azure Dragon Halberd has the advantage, her cultivation is one big step behind King Hunyuan Xiaopeng. This is an irreparable gap."

Chan Yurou's face was full of worry, afraid that the little witch, the seed of the great emperor, would fall.

Hu Mei'er also sighed: "The little witch is too impatient, her background is indeed strong, but her cultivation level is only half-step demon king. If she can break through to the demon king realm, coupled with the Qinglong war halberd, she may be able to compete with Hunyuan Xiaopeng. Wang Yizhan."

"The defeat of the little witch has been decided. A native of a small world, even trying to challenge King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, is simply asking for a dead end!"

Seeing Zi Yan being ruthlessly crushed, the Ape King made an indifferent judgment.

At this moment, a ray of radiant gold burst out from Zi Yan, and all of a sudden Xiaopeng Wang Zhenfei, a roar blasted in the void.

Ten round seas came out together, vast and boundless, hanging on top of Zi Yan's head, connected to each other, forming a perfect divine ring, exuding a mysterious power, setting off the center of Zi Yan like a god!

In an instant, the world turned pale. , , .

Chapter 494: The Ten Round Seas Against the Chaos Heavenly Dao

"Ten... ten round seas?"

All Tianjiao showed a shocking look, even the Hunyuan Xiaopeng King, regardless of the humiliation of being shaken by Zi Yan, stared blankly at the vision in the sky with a ghostly expression.

"My God, ten round seas, how is this possible!"

Finally, a girl exclaimed, breaking the silence, causing an unparalleled commotion in the audience!

Twenty million years ago, the Emperor Buried Heaven stood in place of the sky and revised the laws of heaven. From then on, the sea of ​​​​wheels could not pass through nine, and the holy body could not reach eternity. In the past [-] million years, no one has broken this law.

However, they saw with their own eyes a Tianjiao with ten rounds of seas today!

Right in front of them, on the body of a small world native.

"No, it's impossible!"

King Hunyuan Xiaopeng does not believe that the pure land of the Buddha country is infinite. He cultivates with the most powerful resources, but he still cannot break the shackles. How can the natives of this small world be able to break the shackles of heaven?

But the ten ring seas connected to the top of Zi Yan's head are so real, it is definitely not an illusion or something, and the mysterious fluctuations emanating from it make him feel a palpitation.

"Pretend to be a ghost, what about ten round seas, even if it is an ancient true spirit, I will kill it!"

King Hunyuan Xiaopeng went mad, his body was boiling with magic flames, and he rushed towards Zi Yan like a thunder. Ten round seas meant breaking the limit of heaven. Such Zi Yan made him feel scared and must be strangled in the cradle as soon as possible. among.

"Fight is war!"

In Zi Yan's eyes, the fighting spirit was boiling, and the divine rings formed by ten round seas turned into infinite divine power and poured into her body, making her have an invincible aura that could turn the world upside down. , slashed hard towards King Hunyuan Xiaopeng.


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