Zhang Tian's eyes lit up and praised: "Having ambition, my cultivation method of the human race is indeed not inferior to the demon race. If you can insist on laying the foundation of the human race step by step, maybe one day, you will be eligible to get the inheritance of my father. However. Since this Demon Emperor Martial Spirit was given to you, Dad will not take it back, if you change your mind or become strong enough, you can refine it."

"Thank you Dad! I will definitely work harder to get my father's inheritance!" The ruthless man showed an extremely hot color. She still remembered that Dad's Lingtian Jedi was like an invincible figure like an ancient god king.

"Since you don't want to refine the demon emperor's spirit, just accept this demon emperor's heart."

Zhang Tian suddenly changed the subject and raised his finger to the ancient golden coffin.

The ruthless man immediately followed Zhang Tian's guidance and saw that in the ancient coffin, a bright red heart the size of a fist was quietly suspended, like a lake, exuding a powerful pressure, the surrounding void, in this Under the pressure of terrifying coercion, it kept rolling, roaring, and making bursts of roars.

"Is this the heart of the demon emperor?" The ruthless man looked at the heart and felt an amazing vitality coming from it. Compared with it, he was like a mayfly facing the vast sea, incomparably small.

"What a strong life force fluctuation, I'm afraid it is stronger than a million blood demon kings, no, it is a hundred million blood demon kings! It's too scary, I feel my soul trembling, Dad, I have a kind of Intuitively, it would be difficult for a hell oven to smelt it."

Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment, and said speechlessly: "Silly girl! This is a pure-bred adult beast of ancient times, and the heart of a dignified generation of demon emperors is enough to make all the demon races in the nine mountains and seas boil. With your current strength, it is naturally difficult to digest. What Dad means is, seal this heart in your body, use it to continuously purify your blood, flush your fairy body, and have a chance to give you a more powerful divine body! This is the best use. way." New Fiction City www.xxsc.cc

"Oh, that's it." The ruthless man stuck out his tongue, showing a very playful expression.

Zhang Tian shook his head, took out the heart, and said in a condensed voice, "Nan, this demon emperor's heart contains the instinct of Kunpeng's will, hold your mind and don't be affected."

Zhang Tian finally warned again, with a wave of his right hand, he directly smashed his heart into the ruthless Dantian.


The heart entered the body, and immediately turned into a huge Kunpeng, covering the sky and the sun, hitting the water for thousands of miles, soaring upwards, exuding fierce arrogance and malice, and madly attacking the will of ruthless people.

At this moment, the nine seals descended from the sky, like a cage of heaven and earth, tightly covering Kunpeng, and countless iron chains were derived from the void, penetrating Kunpeng's huge body, constantly absorbing the blood of his body, nourishing the flesh of the ruthless man.

When the divine body and veins are forged, the ruthless man will truly have a foundation comparable to that of the ancient beasts!


Until Kunpeng was completely stunned, the ruthless man sighed in relief, and there was still a three-point shock in his eyes. Kunpeng's violent will, which is above all things, has already penetrated into the bone marrow and every drop of blood essence, which made her really appreciate it. What is called divine might as hell.

"What a powerful Kunpeng, it's hard to imagine such a terrifying existence in the world!" The ruthless man said slowly, his eyes full of determination, Kunpeng's will did not defeat her, but tempered her soul even more, making her martial arts more powerful. Heart, become more firm!

Zhang Tian nodded with satisfaction, lifted the ruthless man, and said in a low voice, "We should go out too, this ruin is about to be destroyed."

The voice fell, and a huge door light appeared in front of Zhang Tian. Zhang Tian embraced the ruthless man and stepped out, turning the world upside down.

"Finally out!" Looking at the scenery of the mountains and rivers outside the ruins, Ruthless felt like seeing the sun again, and couldn't help feeling filled with emotion.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

At this moment, dozens of rainbow lights spurted from a distance. This was a group of warriors in the extraordinary realm, and everyone had a look of fear on their faces.

Seeing Zhang Tian and Ruthless being cuddled together, the man in the lead immediately shouted: "Damn, you two are still here to show your love, the flying thief is about to kill you, don't run!"

Chapter 59 The Flying Thief Little Witch

"Show affection?"

The ruthless man was stunned for a moment, and only then did he realize that he was snuggling in Zhang Tian's arms. To outsiders, he really looked like a loving couple, and he couldn't help blushing.

Zhang Tian's focus was on the words "Flying Thieves". When he raised his right hand, dozens of escape lights immediately stopped in the air.

"This...why can't I move, damn it, could it be that the flying thief has learned a new spell again!" The man at the head showed an extremely panicked expression, desperately trying to stimulate his true qi, but he couldn't move.

"Boss, the flying thief seems to be chasing in the other direction, we are safe!" A warrior behind him reminded in time.

"It's really, damn it, thank goodness, this aunt is finally gone." The leading man showed a relieved expression.

The ruthless man said strangely: "What flying thief, scaring you all like this, why don't I remember that there is such a number one person in Donghuang."

The man at the head saw that Zhang Tian and the ruthless had extraordinary temperament, and he did not dare to despise him at the moment, and said one by one: "This flying thief has only recently appeared, and he is extremely powerful. Invincible, if she wants to kill people, that's all, she has her own masters to suppress it. But she doesn't harm people's lives, she just makes trouble everywhere and robs some property by the way, which can be hard for us warriors in the transcendent realm and Lunhai realm."

"There is such a thing. I remember that there are many descendants of the ancient sect holy land and the big demon tribe who have experienced here. They are not afraid of this flying thief, right?" The ruthless man became more and more strange.

The leading man sighed: "The girl doesn't know something, this flying thief only looks like five or six years old, but he is actually a bear child, but the equipment on his body is very luxurious. Those legendary kings think she has a big background, and no one wants to do this Little things left a reputation for bullying children, so she was allowed to be arrogant."

"Five or six years old, flying thief."

Zhang Tian murmured a few times, vaguely thought of something, and said helplessly: "Can you describe the flying thief in detail?"

The leading man said: "It seems that you really don't know. The flying thief looks very easy to remember. She is a little girl of five or six years old. She wears a white skirt and looks very innocent and cute, but she is actually very black. She has a six The Wing Yalong mount has six wings that can release magic. It is extremely powerful, comparable to the legendary king. It also has a trident and a bracelet that protects the body. No matter whether it is attacking or defending, it is impeccable. If you see it, you must stay far away. Stay away!"

"Five or six-year-old little girl, six-winged dragon, trident, isn't this the third sister!" The ruthless man didn't react until then, and suddenly exclaimed.

"What, is that flying thief your sister?" Baiyue Novel Network www.yue100.com

All the warriors retreated a dozen feet as fast as lightning, and looked at the ruthless man with full alertness. Obviously, Zi Yan left them a very terrifying memory, which has formed a conditioned reflex.

The ruthless man showed a speechless expression and waved his hands quickly: "Don't be afraid, my third sister is just playing more, but she is actually kind-hearted. Tell me where she is now, and I will take her back immediately."

"Good-hearted?" A group of warriors all showed strange expressions, thinking about what the little devil did, how could it not be called "kindness".

Although they thought so in their hearts, they didn't dare to show it, so they could only reply honestly: "She should have flown to the southeast, where there are several large tribes of monster tribes training the younger generation."

"Dad, those big monster tribes are very vengeful, let's hurry up, lest the third sister be bullied." The ruthless man looked very anxious.

The rest of the warriors fainted collectively. Is there a mistake? They were chased and run around.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said: "Let's go, Zi Yan has six-winged Yalong and Jidao holy soldiers, it's too late, those monsters may be tortured by her."

A group of warriors nodded frantically. This is the truth. In front of that little witch, they only had to be beaten.

The Ruthless Man no longer hesitated after hearing the words, and directly harnessed the escape light and shot towards the southeast, while Zhang Tian's body gradually dimmed, and once again turned into a true spirit and attached to the Ruthless Man.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

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