Before they got close, Ruthless Man heard a series of earth-shattering explosions, countless smoke and dust billowed up, and a huge six-winged Yalong hovered in the air, flapping its wings continuously, and the six wings shot out lightning, frost, hurricane, and sea of ​​fire. , water waves, boulders, ravaging hundreds of demon clan below.

"Big loach, aren't your Huoyun Python clan the holy clan of the demon clan? Why don't you even have a holy soldier of the extreme path? It's too shabby!" Full of disgust.

A huge crimson python below was blown away by the lightning and the sea of ​​​​fire, and scolded: "Little witch, you deceive people too much! I am a fire cloud python, not a big loach! Also, are you a Chinese cabbage when you are a holy soldier of the extreme path? ?"

"If you don't have the holy soldiers of the extreme way, just try my thunder fire stew, hee hee, Xiaolong, quickly discharge!" Zi Yan held the sea god trident and wore an ice crystal bracelet, like a queen in the sea, said majestic.

Chapter 60 The Inborn Supreme Dragon Gaitian



All kinds of gorgeous magic came from the sky one after another, and each attack had an all-out blow close to the powerhouse of the ninth-level supernatural realm.

The group of monsters below vomited blood collectively, and they were so angry that they thought that any of them was not a master of the monsters, and they walked sideways when they went out. Today, they were beaten by a bear child and could not fight back.

Suddenly, Zi Yan's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she said crisply: "Okay, there is another fish that slipped through the net, Xiaolong, quickly discharge!"

Stab it!

An arm-thick silver thunderbolt shot out from one of the six-winged Yalong's wings, instantly smashing an ancient tree dozens of feet high, and the fault ignited a raging fire.

In the tree hole under the ancient tree, there was a boy of about ten years old. He felt that the hiding place had been discovered, and immediately ran out, with a round and fat face being smoked. jet black.

"Giggle, it's fun, it's so fun." Xiao Ziyan clapped her hands again and again.

The black-faced young man's lungs were about to explode, and he said loudly: "Little witch, I am the descendant of the ancient killer whale, you dare to fight me with a fair fight, relying on the power of monsters, what kind of ability!"

"Xiaolong is my mount. It shoots the same as mine. Don't you want to fight, Xiaolong, burn him with fire!"


A gigantic dragon breath spewed out, and the black-faced boy was immediately frightened. He hurriedly activated a blue water shield and covered his head, feeling extremely frightened in his heart.

Just at this critical moment, the ruthless man flew to the light, blocked in front of the black-faced boy, and slammed a punch.


A huge explosion sounded, and the flame dragon breath was directly smashed by this terrifying fist wind. Yu Wei wrapped the billowing flames and moved towards the six-winged sub-dragon hood, and suddenly fell Zi Yan to somersault.

"Zi Yan, you're too rambunctious, don't come down soon!" The ruthless man looked at the miserable battlefield with a very serious expression.

"Not good!" Zi Yan was restrained by the ruthless man's aura, so he didn't dare to be aggressive anymore, obediently let the six-winged Yalong land, jumped into the ruthless man's arms, and said coquettishly: "Eldest sister, you finally escaped from the ruins. Come out, where's Dad?"

The ruthless man hummed: "Of course my father is also here, now go back with me and see how to deal with you!"

After speaking, the ruthless man lifted Zi Yan with one hand and was about to leave when the voice of a black-faced boy suddenly came from behind: "Wait!" Reading Studio

It turned out that the black-faced boy saw Zi Yan being subdued, and his momentum suddenly increased, and he held his head high and said: "Little witch, I am the arrogance of the killer whale family. Since you are challenging things around at this time, you must be preparing for a month. The next 'Scarlet Trial'. In that case, why don't you dare to fight me fairly, is it because you are afraid of me?"

Zi Yan blinked and wondered: "Scarlet trial, what is that?"

The ruthless man explained: "There is a bloody cave in the East Wasteland. Legend has it that it is a broken small world separated from the fourth mountain and sea world. There are various ancient ruins inside, and the spiritual energy is extremely rich. There are many rare things in the Shengyuan continent. Spirit medicine, but only monks below the transcendent realm can enter. Therefore, the transcendental forces on the mainland have set the rules of the blood test, and all races will participate in the trial, which is also an important way for major colleges and ancient sect holy places to select disciples. "

"That's right, I, Hu Dali, have the bloodline of an ancient killer whale. This time, I must be a blockbuster in the blood test, and then join the Deity Academy." The black-faced boy had horns on his head.

"Join the Deity Academy?" Zi Yan's eyes lit up, and she said in surprise: "Can't you be with the eldest sister and the second sister?"

Hu Dali squinted and said, "It's not that easy to enter the Deity Academy. Only the top [-] in the final score can be selected by the four major academies. Not to mention that during the trial last year, someone discovered the Immortal Temple inside. This year Tianjiao who participates in the trial will definitely increase several times, and your monsters won't be able to get in by then, be careful that you will be kicked out by zero points on the first day!"

"That's right!" One of the arrogances of the Huoyun Python clan walked out of the group of demon clan who were tyrannized just now, and said proudly: "There are many inheritances of immortal emperors inside the immortal temple, so powerful that many super clans do it It is tempting. It is said that even the peerless Tianjiao of Tianlonghai and Long Gaitian of the Taixu Gulong clan will also participate in this year's blood test! It is easier said than done if you want to enter the top [-]!"

"Long Gaitian, it is said that this son is the son of the Northern Dragon King of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. He swallowed a Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit when he was young. The Taixu Ancient Dragon bloodline on his body is very pure, surpassing the king level, almost to the emperor level!"

"I heard from the clan elders that Long Gaitian has awakened several lost dragon clan treasures, which are being cultivated by the Taixu ancient dragon clan.

"Long Gaitian can cover even the sky, and he is extremely domineering. He is simply born supreme! It is very likely that he will become an immortal emperor in the future and lead my demon clan to prosperity."

The three words 'Long Gaitian' seem to have a kind of magic power, making the demon clan masters present boil over, that is a god-like arrogance, and even makes life incapable of transcendence. Although he is only eleven years old, he has already stayed. There are countless legends!

"Natural Supreme?" Zi Yan's eyes were a little erratic, as if someone had told her that a long time ago.

A graceful and beautiful woman with a face full of love, said to her in the swaddling clothes: "Yan'er, you have the blood of the Dragon Emperor that my Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan has never seen in millions of years, and you are born supreme! When you are five years old, Once you take the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, you can make your bloodline more pure, and even master the power of the Heavenly Phoenix..."

"Long Gaitian's name has long shaken this continent. It is said that he challenged the Tianjiao of the entire Southern Wilderness half a year ago. He did not use any dragon skills, but he was invincible!" Hu Dali said with emotion, even if Tianjiao was as arrogant as him , and only look up to Long Gaitian.

The arrogance of the Huoyun Python clan nodded and said, "Long Gaitian is truly a peerless hero, he is the best in the past and present, how many people can be compared? This blood test will definitely lead the way!"

"I will defeat him." Zi Yan said softly, but attracted everyone's attention, looking at her in surprise.

"Little witch, what did you just say? I heard right." Hu Dali said in surprise.

"Bear children don't know how high the sky is, so be careful to take your life." Several powerful monsters sneered.

Zi Yan raised her head, her eyes full of determination, glanced at the audience, Ling Ran said: "I will participate in the blood test, and then defeat Long Gaitian!"

Chapter 61 I am the Emperor of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan

"Zi Yan..."

The ruthless man held Zi Yan's hand with a worried expression.

Regarding Zi Yan's life experience, Zhang Tian has always mentioned very little, and the ruthless person only vaguely knows that Zi Yan has a very powerful Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor bloodline, and is the royal family in the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

But this royal family was very weak, and was overwhelmed by the dragon kings of several branches, especially the Northern Dragon King lineage, who gave birth to a peerless arrogance, whose bloodline was so pure that he could take the treasure of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan's treasure 'Dragon and Phoenix Origin' fruit'.

In the same era, two geniuses who could take the 'Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit' were born.

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