Therefore, Zi Yan, who had the first right, was exiled, and the lineage of the royal family declined completely.


At this moment, the earth trembled, a huge sea of ​​fire rose flat on the ground, and countless magma erupted, as if to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

A demon master showed extreme fear and said loudly: "The ruins of the demon emperor are about to collapse, everyone quickly withdraw from this area!"

The masters of the major demon clan didn't have time to think about it, and they rolled up the arrogance of their own clan, turned their bodies, and fled outside desperately.

"Little witch, the blood test, I'm waiting for you, then we'll have a fair fight!" Hu Dali's voice came from afar.

The ruthless man stroked Zi Yan's hair and said softly, "Let's go back too."

In the void, countless escaping lights rose up, and birds and beasts in the mountains and forests took off. During the flight, Zhang Tian turned into a phantom and appeared in the air, looking at the entire ruins of gods and demons from a distance.

I saw that this huge ruins of gods and demons was like a dead tomb, sprinkled on the ground, scattered everywhere, exuding the atmosphere of the vast and ancient, the collapse of the ruins of the demon emperor had almost no impact on this battlefield of gods and demons. An invisible force that annihilates all damage to the invisible.

"Interesting, this battlefield of gods and demons turned out to be the superposition of several battles of gods, not from the same era. I don't know if there were any warriors who fought against the sky..." Zhang Tian's voice was filled with a hint of joy, and his figure gradually grew. dim.

After he completely disappeared, the entire battlefield of gods and demons calmed down, as if he was relieved after the enemy had left.

Returning to the small courtyard in Liberty City, it was already nighttime, and the ruthless man pushed open the door and walked in, wondering: "Where is the second sister? At this time, she should be at home?"

Zi Yan said: "Since the eldest sister and father left, the second sister has become mysterious and stopped playing with Zi Yan, so Zi Yan will go to the ruins battlefield to relieve boredom."

The ruthless man put on a serious face and said: "You are still reasonable, you know what the consequences of provoking those big clans will be, in case a legendary king is provoked, and my father and I are not around, what should you do if you are bullied by others? I have to teach you a good lesson today!" Android Novel

Zi Yan's small face like white jade porcelain suddenly collapsed, her eyes suddenly turned, and she said sadly: "Big sister, when did that bloody trial start, Zi Yan has to start working hard now."

The ruthless man was stunned for a moment, and sighed softly: "Are you really going to confront Long Gaitian head-on? I have heard his name, he is a peerless evildoer, and Tianlonghai is the holy land of the entire monster clan, and there are countless strong men who He protects the road. Let Dad handle this matter. If Dad makes a move, he might as well go to Tianlonghai to get an explanation for you!"

Zi Yan shook her head and said in a low voice: "Those people stole my Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, took my inheritance mark, and expelled me from Tianlonghai. I want to be like the eldest sister, use my own hands to lose I will take everything back. I want to prove to those people that I am the supreme being! I...I am the emperor of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan!"

Ruthless was shocked. At this time, she deeply felt how much pain Zi Yan suffered when she was a child. Not only did she lose her royal identity, she was also expelled from her homeland, and even the inheritance imprint that each demon clan had with her was completely lost. Being ruthlessly deprived, it can be said that except for this bloodline, Zi Yan has nothing!

"Poor Zi Yan, remember that the eldest sister and father will be on your side no matter when. For you, even if the entire Tianlonghai is overturned, the eldest sister will not hesitate!"

The ruthless man held Zi Yan tightly in his arms, and suddenly, as if remembering something, he staggered his body slightly, spread his hands, and a group of faint green flames appeared in her palm, and the surrounding void burst into low voices, like Unable to bear the coercion of that flame.

"What is this?" Zi Yan showed curiosity in her eyes. She has the bloodline of the Dragon Emperor, which is supreme and holy, and any coercion will not have an effect on her.

The ruthless man said slowly: "This is the martial spirit of the Kunpeng Demon Emperor. It contains the Kunpeng Demon Emperor's lifelong martial arts insights. You have lost the imprint of inheritance and cannot use the Dragon Clan Treasures. For the time being, use the Kunpeng Treasures instead."

Zi Yan's eyes lit up, she happily accepted the soul fire, and nodded her head obediently: "Thank you eldest sister, Zi Yan will definitely work harder!"

The ruthless man showed a look of relief, stood up and said: "Dad, I'm going out to find the second sister, you take care of the third sister."

"Understood, remember to go to Zuixianlou to get two pounds of Zuixian Brew." A wooden door opened, and a young man walked out lazily, it was Zhang Tian who had returned to the true spirit.

"Okay!" The ruthless man responded and turned around to go out.

In the hut, only Zhang Tian and Zi Yan were left with big eyes and small eyes.

"Dad, I'm going to the Scarlet Trial to defeat Long Gaitian!" Zi Yan's eyes flashed with determination.

Zhang Tian curled his lips, sat on the self-made rocking chair, and said in a low voice, "You cheated your elder sister's punishment by using the method of 'cutting the border', but this trick doesn't work well on Dad. What the hell are you doing? Mind, Dad still doesn't know?"

As soon as these words came out, Zi Yan's little face couldn't hold back, her eyes turned into crescent moons with a smile, she bounced her body, and threw herself into Zhang Tian's arms, coquettishly said: "Dad is really wise and martial, I can't hide anything from you. . But Zi Yan is really angry with that Long Gaitian, Tian Longhai doesn't have a good person, and they bully Zi Yan."

Zhang Tian shook his head, gently squeezed Zi Yan's little face with baby fat, and said indulgently: "Don't worry, when the blood test is over, Dad will definitely help you out!"

"I knew Dad was the best!" Zi Yan was full of joy, kissed Zhang Tian's cheek fiercely, and said sweetly: "Zi Yan likes Dad the most!"

Chapter 62 The Strongest Demon Emperor in History!

Not long after, Ruthless Man and Yu Xin walked back together, both carrying various ingredients.

Yu Xin walked into the kitchen wearing an apron, and soon a scent came out, and the ruthless man explained the knowledge of martial arts to Zi Yan more seriously. The poor little Zi Yan could only pretend to be very serious in order to maintain her image. The appearance of listening to the ruthless man made Zhang Tian, ​​who was watching the excitement, secretly laugh in his heart.

That night, the family had a lively dinner like an ordinary ordinary family, full of warm atmosphere.

The next day, after having breakfast, Yu Xin packed her bags, and seeing the ruthless man's indifference, she couldn't help but wonder, "Isn't eldest sister going back to the academy today?"

The ruthless man said slowly: "I have gained a lot from this trip to the remains of the Demon Emperor. Not only have I mastered a new emperor-level sword art, but my cultivation has also improved by leaps and bounds. After Wang Jinghe and countless other spiritual treasures, he has reached the limit of the sixth level of the transcendent realm, and he is only one step away from breaking through to the seventh level of the transcendent realm. Therefore, I plan to retreat at home for a period of time and sort out the harvest this time."

"However, isn't the academy specially equipped with a quiet room for elite disciples with a spiritual gathering array? Wouldn't it be better to retreat in the quiet room?" Yu Xin still looked puzzled.

Ruthless Man's eyes narrowed, and he said in a low voice, "As I expected, Yan Qingxuan should still be an elite student. So I plan to retreat at home and break through to the seventh level of Transcendent Realm with the help of the blood of the Demon Emperor's Heart. Then go back to the academy to be promoted directly to the core student, and then you will have the power to kill Yan Qingxuan. If you go back early, it will cause her vigilance, but it will not be beautiful. "

"So that's the case, then I'll go back to the academy by myself. Dad, third sister, see you in the evening." Yu Xin waved at Zhang Tian and Zi Yan, then pushed the door and walked out.

"Goodbye, second sister."

"Be careful on the road."

Zhang Tian looked at the back of Yu Xin's departure, and felt that something was not right. Before he could think about it, he heard the ruthless man say: "Dad, I plan to close this time, and I will never break through to the seventh level of the transcendent realm. Come out. But the Scarlet Trial is about to start, Zi Yan has been abandoned for too long on weekdays, you have to supervise her during this time."

The ruthless man tirelessly warned her like the mother of a family. From her point of view, although her father Zhang Tian was very reliable in big matters and would never let her down, he was lazy in small matters and had to be instructed in place.

"Understood, you can rest assured to retreat." Zhang Tian held Zi Yan in his arms, and both of them looked solemn.

"Yeah!" The ruthless man nodded slightly, turned and returned to his room.

Just as she closed the door, Zi Yan immediately became active, turned around, and whispered in Zhang Tian's ear: "Dad, let's go to the ruins to play, I'll take you to a good place. The place, there is a lake, every day there are beauties of the Shuiyunhu clan bathing there, it’s fun.” Qusoshu Xiaoshu

The Shuiyunhu clan is a relatively common race of the demon clan. It is far inferior to the Tianhu clan and the nine-tailed fox clan in terms of cultivation talent, but it is the most beautiful fox clan. Almost every Shuiyun fox is stunning. Beautiful and docile, almost killing men of all races.

Sure enough, Zhang Tian showed a touch of emotion, but after seeing the joke in Zi Yan's eyes, he suddenly reacted, patted Zi Yan's little butt drum twice, and hummed: "Okay you little guy , Even my father dares to tempt me, who do you think of my father? Hurry up and cultivate, and first refine that Demon Emperor Martial Spirit."

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