
Unexpectedly, Zi Yan did not continue to gag, but really took out the demon emperor's martial arts, and said seriously: "Dad, if there is a chance, I really want to defeat Long Gaitian with my own strength, I think Let those people in Tianlonghai know that even without the Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruit and Inheritance Mark, I am better than him!"

Zhang Tian also showed a serious expression and said solemnly: "Zi Yan, you have the real blood of the Dragon Emperor, with a deep foundation, nine mountains and seas, millions of races, and few people can compare. As long as you want to do it, you can do it. arrive!"

"I want to do it, I really want to do it!" Zi Yan murmured, and resolutely patted the soul fire in her palm into the Tianling cover.


The soul fire burned, and the boundless sea filled Zi Yan's sea of ​​consciousness. A huge alien beast was fighting in the sea. It was named Kun, and it looked like a fish and had a size of [-] feet.

After millions of years of accumulation, it broke out of the sea, transformed from a fish into a bird, named Kunpeng, with a wingspan of [-] million li, swallowing clouds, traversing the sky and the earth, feeding on flying dragons, poisonous pythons, tiger lions, giant elephants, and ancient dragons. , Tianhuang, Qiongqi, and Qilin are the opponents.

In this process, Taiyang Fist, Taiyin Palm, [-] Divine Feathering Sword Furnace, Jinxuan Ripple Technique, Qingtian Pengshu, Illusionary Pengshu, Shenpeng Gangfeng, Yang-Yin Balance Technique...

Countless Kunpeng Treasure Techniques evolved one by one, and finally condensed into runes and imprinted them in Zi Yan's sea of ​​knowledge. Each rune represented an earth-shattering Kunpeng Treasure Technique.

Zhang Tian just watched Zi Yan practice so quietly, with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes, the blood of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, even in the tens of millions of years he ruled the nine mountains and seas, is extremely rare, and every birth will eventually become a Demon Emperor.

There is even a legend in the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan and the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan. It is said that if the Dragon Emperor or the Heavenly Phoenix bloodline can refine the nine Dragon-Phoenix Origin Fruits, the bloodline will be elevated to an incredible level, even surpassing The ancient holy body is one of a kind.

Although this legend is not entirely credible, Zhang Tian believes that under his cultivation, Zi Yan will surely become the supreme demon emperor who is famous in the nine mountains and seas!

Even the strongest demon emperor in history!

Chapter 63 Secretly Stalking Baby Daughter

More than ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and the ruthless man was still in seclusion in the room, and he never came out, but the wave of spiritual pressure that came out was getting stronger and stronger, like a stormy wave rolling on the shore, as if he could break through the shackles at any time and reach the Transcendent Realm Seventh Layer!

Zhang Tian's daily task is to train Zi Yan. This little girl devoured a lot of elixir and fruit of ten thousand years and one hundred thousand years in Wuliu Village before, all of which were transformed into pure aura and accumulated in her flesh and blood.It is also fortunate that she has the bloodline of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, and her body is extremely powerful. Otherwise, there will be so much spiritual energy in her body, even the legendary king will explode and die.

But after starting the training, Zhang Tiancai really understood the terrifying bloodline of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

The strong spiritual energy accumulated in Zi Yan's body, in terms of quantity alone, is enough for an ordinary human race warrior to directly break through from the first level of the Lunhai realm to the semi-sacred realm, and even if you are lucky, you can directly advance to the supreme holy realm.

But converted to Zi Yan, such a vast spiritual energy only made her reluctantly open up five round seas!

Each of these five round seas is a million zhang wide, as if made of colorful bronzing, shining with Shen Xi, strange and magnificent, exuding fierce life fluctuations.There are hundreds of thousands of seas of fire on the seabed. That is true energy to the extreme. It is condensed into magma. With a slight shake, it can stimulate tens of thousands of kilograms of giant power. Not so spectacular.

This is the essence of the demon clan!In the early days, it was far from being comparable to the human race.

But this is only limited to the initial stage, because the growth of the Monster Race requires too many resources, far exceeding the Human Race. The stronger the bloodline, the more resources are consumed. I want to cultivate the cub of a purebred Primordial Ferocious Beast to the Holy Land. , the required resources are tens of thousands of times, or even hundreds of thousands of times, than to cultivate a human race great saint!

Ordinary ethnic groups simply cannot support such a huge consumption.

That is to say, Zi Yan is lucky. When she meets Zhang Tian, ​​she can make a lot of ten thousand years of elixir and ten thousand years of spiritual fruit like cabbage. Otherwise, it is not possible for Zi Yan to open up five houses even if she exhausts the wealth of a princely family. Lunhai, not to mention the consumption of future cultivation.

Promoted to the fifth level of Lunhai Realm, Zi Yan has stimulated all the spiritual energy accumulated in her body. Although she is still a little tall, the power contained in her round little hands has increased by hundreds of thousands of pounds. The Kunpeng Treasure Technique can be described in just four words as terrifying.

This also makes Zhang Tian can't help but look forward to Zi Yan's performance in the blood test, which must make the entire continent shake!

Compared to Zi Yan's reassurance, Zhang Tian was a little worried about his other daughter.

On this day, the moon is like a hook.

Zhang Tian coaxed Zi Yan to sleep as usual, and then returned to his room, but he didn't fall asleep. He seemed to be thinking about something while lying on the bed.New Novel City www.xxsc.cc

In the middle of the night, there was a rustling sound from the next room, followed by a very subtle sound of the wooden door being pushed open.


Zhang Tian sighed softly, his figure flashed, and he appeared on the roof of his house. Looking into the distance, he saw Yu Xin carrying a small cloth bag, swiftly galloping towards the outside of the city, with graceful steps, as if A night elf.

Zhang Tian discovered Yu Xin's abnormality more than ten days ago. Almost every night, she would sneak out in the middle of the night, and then return before the sun rose. On weekdays, her performance was quite normal, but she never said anything about going out in the middle of the night. carry.

With Zhang Tian's strength, he can know all the secrets of his daughter with just a swipe of divine sense, but he is unwilling to do so.Over the years, he has never deliberately spied on his daughter's privacy, but only left a restraint in their bodies, which will only be triggered at the juncture of life and death.

But this time, Yu Xin's performance was so weird that he couldn't help but want to make an exception.


Moving at will, Zhang Tian directly tore the void and appeared not far behind Yu Xin, following him like a shadow, silently observing, trying to find out the truth that Yu Xin went out in the middle of the night every day.

The two ran out of the City of Liberty at a very fast speed, one after the other.

Zhang Tian was more and more surprised. He found that Yu Xin had acquired the cultivation of the Transcendent Realm at some point, and she mastered it very skillfully.This is unbelievable, one must know that at this time last year, the ruthless man had only just broken through to the Lunhai realm.

After running like this for another quarter of an hour, Yuxin finally stopped in a small forest. This forest is towering with ancient trees and luxuriant leaves. Only the moonlight is scattered, and it looks very quiet.

"The surrounding space fluctuates normally, there is no cave world, and there is no other person's breath within a hundred miles. Could it be to absorb the spirit of vegetation? But the spiritual energy here is not too strong..."

Zhang Tian stood on the branch of an ancient tree, looking at his daughter below, and became more and more curious.

I saw Yu Xin looking left and right. After confirming that there was no one around, she gently placed the small cloth bag in her hand on the ground. The rhythmic snow body that was eclipsed by the stars was also exposed to the air...

Zhang Tian's eyes widened, and ten thousand question marks flashed in his mind: "Baby girl, what are you doing!"

Chapter 64 My Daughter is a Killer?

Yuxin, who had taken off her clothes, was like a goddess in the moon. The faint moon was inlaid with a layer of light, making her beauty more mysterious and holy.

Fortunately, this beautiful scene didn't last long, Yu Xin leaned down, her slender waist curved in an astonishing arc, took out a black robe from a small cloth bag, and wore it from beginning to end.

This robe was so huge that Yu Xin wrapped her head and body inside, and then she wore a face mask, so that outsiders couldn't even tell whether she was a man or a woman.

Zhang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, watching his daughter walk out of the woods and run towards the City of Freedom along another road, his curiosity also rose to a peak.

She went out of the city with so much trouble, just to hide her true identity, which means that what she will do next must be very extraordinary, and it will be very dark.

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