
Zhang Tian followed Yu Xin all the way back to the City of Liberty. Unexpectedly, he stopped in front of an auction house. Obviously, an auction is about to be held. sky.

The City of Liberty has always had no laws and regulations, such as auctions held in the middle of the night, there will usually be a lot of black goods, such as the secret martial arts and martial arts of some ancient sect holy places, or the stolen goods obtained by killing people and stealing treasures, many things are in It is not available on the market at all, so it is very popular among Taobao shoppers.

It is for this reason that many people who come to the auction are reluctant to show their real faces, and 'people in black robes' such as Yu Xin are very common and are normally dressed up.

It was obviously not the first time that Yu Xin had come to this kind of place. She moved very agilely into the front row and silently entered the auction house.

"Is this girl here to auction something?" A few question marks flashed in Zhang Tian's mind, and he walked towards the entrance without haste. Zhang Tian's existence is normal.

Entering the interior, the eyes suddenly opened up. The densely packed seats and the auction platform made of five-color crystals were so dazzling that they could accommodate tens of thousands of people, and only Zhang Tian was dazzled.

After finding Yu Xin's figure, Zhang Tian was not in a hurry. He just found a seat in the back row and sat down. He listened to the people around him chatting in low voices. After a while, all the seats were filled up, and a dazzling burst of light from the central auction table rang out. Light:

The auction has officially started!

The person who presided over the auction was an enchanting snake beauty with a very plump upper body, but dragging a colorful snake tail on the lower body. She skillfully displayed one auction item after another. The transaction price of each auction item has increased by several percent.

"...The following auction item is one of the finale items of this auction. The imperial intermediate-level movement technique: "Three Thousand Thunder"! Starting price: [-] king-grade spirit stones!" The snake girl auctioneer's tone carried A touch of excitement instantly ignited the atmosphere of the auction.

Countless crimson eyes stared at the pale silver scroll on the high platform, the sound of rapid breathing resounded like a pulling bellows.

"Three thousand thunderbolts, isn't that the secret of the Southern Wilderness Ancient Sect's Fenglei Pavilion? Who would dare to ask for such a hot potato?" Xiaoshuowa.com

"Imperial-level movement techniques, I can't find a few in the whole continent. But this type of movement technique is too conspicuous, and it must be the wrong way. After training, I dare not show it. Once it is discovered by Fenglei Pavilion, it will be pursued endlessly. kill!"

"Humph! This is Donghuang, no matter how strong the Wind and Thunder Pavilion is, it can't control it. This "Three Thousand Thunder Movement" movement technique is well-known in Nanhuang, and the body shape changes like thunder and lightning, and the speed is amazing. Dacheng, you can fight beyond the ranks, and even in the face of opponents several levels higher, you can calmly escape, such a powerful movement technique, who wouldn't be tempted?"

"This identity, this uncle is going to be determined, I will issue [-] king-grade spirit stones!" A fierce-looking big man grinned and made an offer. He is a well-known loose cultivator in the city of freedom, known as the bloody butcher. The cultivation of the legendary king is not afraid of the wind and thunder pavilion.

"[-] king-grade spirit stones! This is an emperor-level movement technique. Although it's not right, it's worth the price." A somewhat ill young man made a cold quotation. His body was dark and his face was sallow. .

Zhang Tian naturally had no interest in these messy things. His attention was all on Yu Xin, so he noticed early on that Yu Xin didn't seem to care about this auction either. She started from entering the door. His eyes kept staring at the gloomy young man in front of him.

"what is happening?"

Until now, Zhang Tian still has some confusion about his thoughts. Through the coverage of his divine sense, he easily learned from the conversation between the young man and the followers around him that this young man is called Ren Shaoming, a famous ancient cultivator in the Eastern Wilderness. The young sect master of the Blood Demon Sect came to this auction house to buy back "Three Thousand Thunders" on the order of the sect master's father.Other than that, there seems to be nothing else special about it.

"Thirty-seven thousand king-grade spirit stones!"

Just as Zhang Tian was observing in the dark, the young sect master of the Blood Demon Sect once again burst out a price coldly, and the coldness in his tone seemed to penetrate the bone marrow.

Thirty-seven thousand king-grade spirit stones, this is a sky-high price, even many legendary kings do not have such a rich net worth.Although the value of the emperor-level movement method is more than that, considering that "Three Thousand Thunder Movement" is a secret exercise method of Fenglei Pavilion and belongs to stolen goods, it is not worth it.

Therefore, after this price came out, no one else raised the price, and he successfully photographed the secret manual of the body technique.

The successful purchase of the "Three Thousand Thunders" cheat book made Ren Shaoming very happy, and said lightly: "Yes, my father gave me a budget of [-] king-grade spirit stones this time, and now there are three thousand king-grade spirit stones left, take a look Can you find other treasures in the future?"

An old man next to him whispered: "Young Sect Master, let's hurry up and leave with the secrets of the movement technique. There is a killer behind you, and he will be watching you from the moment you enter."

The corner of Ren Shaoming's mouth cracked a cruel arc, and he said in a dark voice: "Do you think I didn't notice? Humph! A killer in the supernatural realm, just go out and cook it after a while!"


A flash of inspiration flashed in Zhang Tian's mind, and he finally sorted out all his thoughts. Yu Xin's performance from beginning to end was almost the same as that of a new killer.

The reason why he didn't guess is because he never thought about it in this regard, that the well-behaved and docile baby girl in his eyes would turn out to be a killer!

Chapter 65 Investigating Daughter's Qualifications as a Killer

Yuxin turned out to be a killer?

The conversation between Ren Shaoming and the old entourage reminded Zhang Tian, ​​and Yu Xin's performance made Zhang Tian completely sure that his precious daughter had become a killer from nowhere.

With careful observation, Zhang Tian discovered more information. Yu Xin has always been calm and calm, indicating that this is not her first action, but her performance is definitely not brilliant.

Any senior killer should know that he can't stare at the target, especially when the target's cultivation base is deep, the murderous aura that is inadvertently revealed can be easily caught.

Evil sect masters like Ren Shaoming and the old entourage are extremely sensitive to murderous aura, and because of this, Yu Xin was discovered by others almost as soon as she entered the venue.


Zhang Tian shook his head, he felt a little headache, not because Yu Xin had fallen into a killer, but Yu Xin's behavior was too clumsy, which made his father a little anxious.

He is the burial emperor of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas of Megatron!In the early years, he also did assassination.Even if his daughter was a killer, she would still be the strongest killer, the Rakshasa who made the nine mountains and seas tremble, not a rookie who was discovered by the target before she even acted!

"Would you like to remind this girl?" Zhang Tian thought about it, and finally decided to wait and see what happened.

Zhang Tian was thinking wildly here, and the auction stage had already ended the display of several auction items, and one of the flying martial arts even caused a lot of scramble.

After all, it is not an easy task to reach the supernatural state of flying in the sky, and this kind of flying martial arts is generally faster than the flying speed of the supernatural realm warriors in the air, which is effective for escaping and chasing the enemy.

"Cough, the auction item below is a bit special..." On the auction stage, the Snake Girl auctioneer spoke slowly, as if he was considering how to express the value of this auction item.

"As you can see, this is a broken ancient picture, even the most senior appraisers of our auction house can't tell what is depicted in this ancient picture. But one thing is certain, the ancient picture's The cloth is very old, and it is likely to be a treasure map or something. You must know that the treasures in the ancient times are of great value, so this incomplete treasure map is also of great value.”


The snake girl auctioneer's voice just fell, and a disdainful voice immediately came to mind on the field. A treasure map from the ancient times was still incomplete, and even the identification could not be identified. If the treasure can be found, the pigs can climb the tree. .There are no fools who often hang out in the city of freedom.

The Snake Girl auctioneer also seemed to find it difficult, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "This treasure map should have an extraordinary origin, if you are lucky enough to get the rest together, maybe you will get the chance against the sky and become a sensation on the mainland! The starting price; [-] Wangpin Lingshi!" E-book house www.dianzishuwu.net

The Snake Girl auctioneer finished speaking in one breath, and didn't hold out much hope. This picture belongs to the auction house itself. It's good to find someone to sell it, but it doesn't matter if it can't be sold.


Zhang Tian, ​​who has always been interested in auctions, has his eyes lit up at this time. From this incomplete ancient picture, he can feel a very pure fire spirit, which has survived millions of years without being wiped out.

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