This kind of fire spirit must be the rare and incomparably precious strange fire in the legend, and it is also a high-ranking strange fire!

Different fire is a kind of flame that is generated between heaven and earth. It is an emperor in fire. It is not easy to be born. Not only does it have powerful energy, but it also has an amazing bonus effect on alchemy. It is the favorite of alchemists.For any alchemist, possessing a strange fire is the highest goal.

Like such a high-level strange fire, even if I counted the nine mountains and seas, I couldn't find a few. I didn't expect it to appear in such a small place.

"I will give out five hundred king-grade spirit stones!"

Just when this incomplete ancient picture was about to pass out, a black-robed man sitting in the corner suddenly quoted the price. His voice was very hoarse, obviously disguised, and he didn't want people to recognize his true body.

The young master of the Blood Demon Sect, Shao Ming, was originally not interested in this incomplete ancient picture, but when he heard someone's quotation, he suddenly became interested, thinking that there were no other items to photograph, he said lazily: " Eight hundred Wangpin Lingshi, this is what the young master wants!"

The Snake Girl auctioneer was extremely overjoyed, for fear of Ren Shaoming's remorse, he hurriedly dropped the hammer and said, "Eight hundred Wangpin Lingshi, congratulations to this young master on the incomplete ancient picture."

The old entourage next to him frowned and said, "Young Sect Master, eight hundred king-grade spirit stones are not a small number. In this kind of place, you pay attention to not revealing your wealth. You spend too much spirit stone at one time, and it's easy to be missed by others."

Ren Shaoming glanced at the audience at will, and sure enough, he found that many people were staring at him vaguely, and he couldn't help showing a residual color, and said gloomily: "A group of ants, this young master is not afraid that they will fail. You will go out first , find a hidden place to set up a blood spirit formation, this young master mainly sacrifices the killer and the person who dared to attack me! It just makes up for the blood essence I lost some time ago."

"This subordinate knows what to do." The old man also showed a bloodthirsty look. If he dared to attack his blood demon sect's idea, he must have the consciousness of being refined by blood!

What the two of them didn't know was that their conversation had already flowed into Zhang Tian's ears without a word.

The auction is officially over with the last auction item being sold.

Zhang Tian stood up slowly, followed Yu Xin out of the auction house like a shadow, secretly said, "This time the goal is not simple, Yu Xin, let Dad see, you have some qualifications to be a killer."

Chapter 66 Elite Killer Yuxin

Ren Shaoming was a covert operation this time, only he and the old follower entered the auction house, and the rest were waiting outside.

When Ren Shaoming left the auction house, two young guards immediately greeted him and handed him a note that read: "The blood spirit formation has been set up, and it's just waiting for the young sect master to lead the enemy to come."

The corner of Ren Shaoming's mouth evoked a playful arc, and when he grasped it in the palm of his hand, the note turned into fly ash, and said in a low voice, "Follow me, and get rid of some trash first."

As soon as Ren Shaoming made a move, nearly a hundred figures from all directions followed immediately. These were all people who had participated in the auction before. They had witnessed Ren Shaoming making a lot of money and spending more than [-] Wangpin Lingshi in a row, which must be rich in wealth. .Even if there are no extra spiritual stones, the movement technique of the volume of "Three Thousand Thunders" is priceless, enough to make them take risks.

Among this group of people, Yu Xin was also included. She was wearing an ordinary black robe, hiding among the pursuers, and she was not conspicuous at all.

What the group did not expect was that after Ren Shaoming left the City of Liberty, he suddenly accelerated, and the whole person seemed to transform into a blood-winged bat, and disappeared without a trace after a few ups and downs.

However, many of the warriors who often roam the city of freedom have super tracking ability, so this wave only got rid of people with low cultivation, and there are still a few people with high cultivation who insist on pursuing.

And these people also knew that Ren Shaoming had discovered them, so he simply became unscrupulous and did not hide his figure, so he swaggered behind him, like a jackal staring at his prey, ready to have two fangs at any time.

"One, two, three... Twenty-nine, thirty. Very good, very good, all of you will be sacrificed to this young master!" Ren Shaoming glanced back, his eyes showed a touch of madness, and the speed was violent again. Doubled, and drilled directly into the jungle.

"He disappeared again, he should have gone to the right, everyone chase, don't let him run away!"

This group of people pursued all the way, and they have already developed a tacit understanding. They quickly speculated on the direction of Ren Shaoming's escape.

No one noticed that Yuxin, who had been following in the middle of the team, had unknowingly fallen to the back, her body seemed to be more transparent, and completely integrated into the woods, even if she walked head-on, if you didn't observe carefully , it is difficult to find her existence

Zhang Tian followed from a distance, with a faint surprise in his eyes.He originally thought that Yu Xin was a complete rookie, but the pursuit all the way made him change his opinion.

From the beginning to the end, Ren Shaoming's Gubu Doubt Formation had no effect on Yuxin. Her tracking skills were almost perfect, and during the pursuit, she was very good at using the environment to hide herself, and even achieved integration with the surrounding environment. One, like when Ren Shaoming turned around to count the number of people just now, Yu Xin was not included.

At this moment, she is like an elite killer who has gone through countless bloody experiences, silent, not impatient or impatient, just waiting for the chance of a fatal blow.

"Could it be that she had been staring at Ren Shaoming before, was Yuxin pretending to confuse him on purpose?" Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows, showing an interesting expression.

At this moment, on the other side of the jungle, Ren Shaoming suddenly shouted: "Twenty-nine, thirty, the number is enough, Old Ying, activate the blood spirit formation!"

call out!call out!call out!call out!call out! ok novel

As soon as Ren Shaoming's voice fell, five blood columns rose into the sky, forming a huge five-pointed star formation, surrounded by blood mist, covering everyone in it.


" blood, my blood is draining!"

"This is the blood spirit formation of the Blood Demon Sect, it is refining our blood essence!"

"Damn, I actually provoke the people of the Blood Demon Sect. They kill people without blinking. I hate it!"

"No, let me out, I'm willing to pay for my life!"

"Jie Jie, if you dare to provoke me, Shaoming Ren, you must have the consciousness of death!" In the blood spirit formation, Shaoming Ren had already taken off his disguise, revealing a pale face, full of hideous colors.

"You are the name of the young director of the Blood Demon Sect, I fought with you!"

"Ren Shaoming, I am from the Li family in Nancheng, kill me, the Li family and the Blood Demon Sect will never die!"

When a group of people saw Ren Shaoming, they all showed a state of madness, and several powerful transcendental warriors rushed towards Ren Shaoming.

"Being out of control, Elder Ying, solve them. As long as you are all dead, who would know that our Blood Demon Sect did it? Haha, with so much pure blood, I will definitely be able to make up for the blood I lost!" Ren The young man put his hands behind his back, with an expression of complete control.

"Follow your orders!" The old man who had been following Ren Shaoming suddenly started, his body was as fast as lightning, and his two palms were full of demonic blood. Just being blown by the palm wind, those warriors exploded and died, with a lot of blood essence. Flow into the spirit array.

"Legendary King!"

The rest of the warriors felt the fierceness of the old man, and they all showed despair. The legendary realm and the extraordinary realm are the difference between heaven and earth, not to mention that they are still in the blood spirit formation, and they need to spend a lot of infuriating energy to suppress the body. Blood loss.


Old Ying's movement was getting faster and faster, rushing directly into the crowd, and soon a large fog of blood was brought up. Every warrior died in a miserable state, and the flesh and blood were separated.

Just when the shadow boss was killing the special kill, Yu Xin, who was hiding in the jungle at the other end, suddenly her eyes flashed!

Chapter 67

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