
Just when Yu Xin was about to take advantage of the emptiness of Ren Shaoming's defense to carry out a fatal blow, a terrifying howl broke out in the blood spirit formation, and one of the corpses that had all fallen in a pool of blood suddenly burst out and stabbed with a knife. Shade the old heart.

"Blood-handed butcher, it's actually you!"

Seeing the person who attacked clearly, Old Ying was shocked and angry, and waved a bloody palm in the air. In an instant, it was like a river of blood rushing out.

"Haha...good time!"

In the face of such a shocking blood palm, the blood-handed butcher was not afraid, only to see the purple rhythm rising on his face, and the two qi of yin and yang were actually differentiated, exuding a profound and mysterious fluctuation, the right hand holding the knife remained unchanged, the left hand remained unchanged. Ling Kong threw a punch and collided with Baizhang Xuehe.


The huge roar resounded through the heaven and the earth, and Elder Ying was blasted out, a terrifying black hole the size of a fist shattered in his heart, and an endless stream of blood rushed out, spreading wildly across the audience.

"Haha... Your blood demon sect transforms blood and refines blood, based on blood, your vitality is really strong, you hit my blood evil knife, but you were not immediately swallowed by blood evil, you are the first!"

The bloody butcher defeated the old man with one blow, and he seemed extremely proud. In order to refine the bloody knife, he slaughtered a prince and fiefdom and hundreds of millions of civilians, and trained the remnants of these people into evil spirits and sealed them in the bloody knife. , as long as it is slightly rubbed, there will be ten thousand ghosts immediately, life is better than death!

"Ah ah ah..." Although Old Ying escaped, his appearance became extremely terrifying, and he kept screaming, and the flesh and blood on his body was rapidly eroding, as if he was swallowed by an evil ghost.

"Blood-handed butcher, you have actually cultivated into the legendary five-transformation 'Yin-Yang Transformation' realm! Young master, call the sect master quickly, this person is incomparable! Ah..."

After speaking, Old Ying fell to the ground, his whole body exuded a stench, and his soul was swallowed up!

Ren Shaoming became even paler with fright, and said loudly: "Blood-handed butcher, you are so bold, you know that I am the young master of the Blood Demon Sect, and you dare to come and kill me, do you really think that you are unstoppable? "

The Bloody Butcher grinned and said, "Your Blood Demon Sect is one of the six ancient sects in the Eastern Desolation. Your father, the Blood Demon Sect Master, has a semi-sacred cultivation base. "Thousand Thunder Movement", then I can only take risks."

Ren Shaoming rolled his eyes and said in a low voice: "So you want "Three Thousand Thunders", that's all, I Ren Shaoming admit it and give you that scroll of emperor-level movement skills, how about you and I reconcile?"

"Haha, Ren Shaoming, you can't think of me as a fool! Now that I trade with you, I will face the pursuit of the entire Blood Demon Sect. So far, I have no way out. I have heard the Blood Demon Sect for a long time. There is half a volume of the ancient blood god's "Blood Nerve". As the young master of the blood demon sect, you must have a rubbing scroll on your body. Back then, the ancestor of the blood demon was able to cultivate to the realm of the nine-turn great sage with half a volume of "Blood Nerve". , Lao Tzu will have the opportunity to become a semi-sage or even a supreme sage in the future, why not give it a shot!" Lingjiu Literature Network www.09wxw.com

The bloody butcher's face flashed with madness. As a loose cultivator, he was very jealous of those arrogances who had their backs on the big sects. He could get a strong inheritance without any effort, but he could only snatch a little bit every time he went into danger. Chance, he hates this kind of injustice.

"Haha, I actually wanted to take the "Blood Nerve" from my Blood Demon Sect, so the young master will let you see how powerful it is!"

Ren Shaoming suddenly burst out laughing, raised his right hand, the whole palm has completely turned bloody, but it does not have the evil aura of Ying Lao, but is full of emperor-like coercion.

"What, you actually cultivated to the second-level blood-robbing palm, no, blood spirit formation!" The blood-hand butcher seemed to remember something, and immediately showed fear, and rushed towards Ren Shaoming frantically.

"It's too late, the blood-robbing palms, cut off vitality, and cover the sky with blood!" Ren Shaoming let out a long roar, and the blood spirit formation suddenly rushed into the night again. Absorbed by the palm, a huge vortex that covers the sky and the sun is transformed into a huge vortex in the void, and the powerful fluctuation boils the surrounding void.

"No, no, break it for me!" The blood-handed butcher yelled wildly, raising his cultivation to the apex, slashing out a blood-colored knife beam hundreds of feet, lashing into the blood-colored vortex.

At this time, a huge blood-colored palm protruded from the blood-colored vortex, as if torn apart the entire sky, swallowed the blood-colored sword light in an instant, enveloped in the energy of endless destruction, shattered the layers of void, covered it, and smashed the blood. Hand butcher annihilation.

"Huh... Damn, you forced me to use the original blood essence for the second time in a short period of time, butcher of the blood hand, I must see you become a blood puppet and torture forever!"

There was extreme resentment in Ren Shaoming's eyes, his face became even paler, and his cultivation base fell directly from the second level of the legendary realm to the first level of the supernatural realm, and even looked like he would fall to the Lunhai realm at any time.

At this moment, Yuxin finally moved. She seemed to have transformed into a wood elf. She brought a green shock and rushed straight to Ren Shaoming. At some point in her hand, there was a silver short sword, and the electric light and flint pierced Ren Shaoming. Little name's heart!

The strong wind rolled back and blew down Yu Xin's head, revealing a beautiful face. On that smooth forehead, an emerald green seed emerged, quickly took root and sprout, and spread out the stem. The leaves turned into flowers in the end, divided into three petals, each of the same color, extremely gorgeous.

At the moment when the flower appeared, Ren Shaoming showed an extremely horrified expression, and said in a trembling voice: "Three-color other side flower, you are the soul..."

The voice has not fallen, and the breath has been cut off.

Zhang Tian, ​​who was hiding in another place, also showed a look of shock and anger the moment he saw the three-color other side flowers.

He was still surprised why Yuxin suddenly had a profound cultivation base in the transcendent realm. It turned out that this cultivation base was not hers, but the other side flower in her body.

"The flowers on the other side bloom in the seven-colored sky, and the flowers fall into immortals for a thousand years. The gate of the immortal mountain hides the cause and effect, and the road to cutting flowers does not ask the sky. Very good, very good, I dare to use the emperor's daughter as fertile soil to cultivate the flowers of the other side. After a thousand years, the flowers will grow Open seven colors, cut flowers into immortals..."

Zhang Tian murmured word by word, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the roar resounded through the nine mountains and seas. The entire Shengyuan Continent shook in an instant, and the moon in the sky suddenly erupted with amazing light. The continuous mountains on the continent, at this moment, seemed to be surrounded by An overwhelming force suppressed it, and it sank ten inches as a whole!

Chapter 68

"He...is still alive."

Nine days and ten places, countless terrifying beings have woken up from their slumbers, feeling the turbulent world, and their tyrannical will is constantly scanning the sky above the nine mountains and seas.

The immortal kings and god kings of the alien races were anxious, and even hundreds of powerful alien races canceled all expansion plans, ceded all the territories that had been eroded continuously for five million years, and chose to hide in the world again.

But there is also an unyielding will that rises into the sky.

"Emperor Buried, a hundred calamities are approaching, and when darkness and turmoil come, we will make a comeback..."

"When the yin and yang go against the chaotic day...the Heavenly Warriors will eventually reunite. If the Dao of Heaven is lacking, we should return the destiny to all sentient beings..."

Nine mountains and seas roared, and the Nine Dragons Fengtianzhu, which had been dusty in the ancient heaven for five million years, suddenly flourished, covering the nine mountains and seas, suppressing all those wills, and everything returned to peace.

Speaking of Yu Xin, after beheading Ren Shaoming, he immediately took off his storage ring with agile movements, transferred the contents into his own storage ring, and then turned his eyes to the blood spirit formation. There are also storage rings dropped by twenty-nine extraordinary realm warriors and two legendary realm kings.

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the whole earth sank, and even the surface cracked countless terrifying cracks.

Yu Xin's eyes froze immediately, without a trace of hesitation, she galloped into the distance without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tian's angry face showed a slight relief.In the blood spirit formation, there are twenty-nine extraordinary realm warriors and two legendary realm kings' storage rings, and all of them have just come out of the auction house, so they must have a large number of spiritual stones and treasures. You can turn this huge wealth into your own.

But she left without hesitation in the face of abnormality. This kind of decisiveness is exactly the quality a killer needs most.

If you can't make a single blow, you will travel thousands of miles away. If you kill people, you will live in the dark. The longer you stay in the light, the more dangerous it will be. Yuxin's handling of this point is obviously perfect.


Zhang Tian's figure flashed and appeared beside Ren Shaoming's body. He shook his head gently, and with a wave of his right hand, Ren Shaoming's body shattered, turned into ashes and disappeared, leaving no blood behind.

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