This Shao Ming's father is the sect master of the Blood Demon Sect, with a semi-sacred cultivation base. Although such existences are far from grasping the laws of time and space, if they rely on some medium such as blood, a short time and space retrospect can still be achieved. , at that time, he will find out who the real murderer is.

This mistake can't be blamed on Yuxin. After all, Yuxin has never been exposed to cultivation before, and all her cultivation strength comes from the other side of the flower.

Thinking of the other side flower, Zhang Tian's face sank again. This kind of flower is the world's best creation, one color and one realm, seven colors of the other side flower, and it is the same as a true immortal!Compared with the normal cultivation of human and demon, it takes hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years to enter the real fairyland. I don’t know how much faster it will be.Starting point Chinese

Therefore, in ancient times, many monks had a mind of trickery, planted the other side flower in their own bodies, and placed their own way on the other side flower. The good fortune, in one fell swoop, entered the real fairyland.

But this method is extremely dangerous. When the monks use the other side flowers, the other side flowers will also devour the monks' souls. Most of the monks will not wait for the flowers to bloom, and they will become the nourishment of the other side flowers.

In this way, the other side flower has been achieved instead.

Many true immortals of the other side of the seven-colored flower, in turn, use this method to cultivate the younger generation of the other side of the flower family.They tried their best to capture the arrogance of the two tribes, and planted the other side flowers in these arrogances as the soil for cultivating the other side flowers.Every time a genius is swallowed, the other side of the flower will obtain part of the qualifications of the genius, and it will continue to sublimate itself.

Because of this method, the other side flower family grew rapidly, and in just over a hundred thousand years, countless six-color, seven-color, and even eight-color other side flowers were born.The little clan, who had never been known, became the terrifying alien race of the nine great mountains and seas of Megatron in one fell swoop.

In the era of Zhantian, this clan reached its peak, and a nine-colored flower of the other side was born. It used the entire Eighth Mountain Realm as its soil and the Eighth Sea as its source, and sat firmly on the throne of the Eighth Mountain and Sea Lord.

But later, this family also joined the Zhantian Alliance, and the nine-colored other side flower became one of the strongest Zhantians, condensed the power of the eighth mountain and sea, resisted the ancient heaven, and was finally suppressed by the Emperor Buried himself, and the other side of the flower family was also attacked To the almost destructive destruction of the ancient heaven, the prosperity is no longer!

Unexpectedly, after five million years, the other side flower appeared on his daughter.

With Zhang Tian's strength, it is an easy thing to remove the hidden danger of the other side flower in Yuxin's body. What he cares about is the person who planted the other side flower for Yuxin. If it is related to the nine-color other side flower in the past, things are not so simple. .

"Who...killed my son! I'm going to slash him with a thousand swords and slash his soul!"

At this moment, the void not far away suddenly trembled, a huge blood-colored light gate appeared out of thin air, and there were bursts of resentful roars from inside, as if a powerful being was about to tear the void.

Zhang Tian was irritable at this time, and immediately snorted: "Go away!"

As soon as the words came out, the blood-colored light door burst open immediately, and a hand and a foot that had been stretched out directly exploded into a blood mist.

The blood demon sect hundreds of thousands of miles away, the main hall of the central blood demon peak, the blood demon sect master let out a shrill scream, resounding throughout the sect, his hands and feet completely disappeared, and his chest was blown up by the space storm. The skin is open to the flesh.

A large amount of flesh and blood at the wound rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye. He had already understood the "Profound Truth of Immortality", but he could only watch his vitality madly drain, and even his realm had fallen to the legendary eight changes, and it was still falling.

Horrible, so scary!

The blood demon sect master's face was full of horror, and his voice spread throughout the sect: "The blood demon sect has been sealed for ten years from today, and no one is allowed to go out!"

Zhang Tian naturally didn't know what happened in the Blood Demon Sect. At this time, he was heading for his small courtyard at a very fast speed. He made up his mind that no matter what, he would make it clear tonight. What exactly happened!

Chapter 69 Back in time and space, Yuxin enters Danfeng

Back in the small courtyard, Zhang Tian went straight back to his room, closing his eyes and resting.

An hour later, the morning light appeared slightly outside, Zhang Tian slowly opened his eyes, his figure flashed, and he appeared directly in Yu Xin's room.

I saw Yu Xin lying on the bed with a calm look on her face.She seemed to have taken a shower in order to hide the bloody smell on her body, and the water on her temples was faintly visible, which made her even more pure and beautiful, like a spotless snow lotus on an iceberg.

Zhang Tian watched silently for a while, then suddenly pointed forward with his fingertips, and said softly, "Just let Dad see what you have experienced during your time in Donghuang."

A little bit of fluorescent light spread, Yu Xin's body immediately became illusory, an invisible mirror appeared in the void, and a noisy small restaurant was projected in the mirror. It was Zhang Tian who brought Yu Xin and Zi Yan here for the first time. In the Eastern Desolation, the restaurant that I went to with Ruthless.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Tian stepped directly into the mirror, as if he had returned to more than a month ago.

After eating, buying a courtyard, entering the Deity Academy, clashing with Luo Aotian, healing Fairy Yuehua, all the familiar scenes flashed one by one, Zhang Tianru, a spirit body, silently followed behind Yu Xin.

After Fairy Yuehua recovered from her injury, she brought Ruth and Yuxin to visit her friend of the alchemy system. It was a very beautiful mountain. Fairy Yuehua's friend was the owner of this mountain. Fairy Yunxia is also a fourth-grade alchemy master. Although her cultivation is not at the second level of the legendary realm, her status in the academy is far higher than Fairy Yuehua.

Fairy Yunxia looked about thirty years old, her skin was like a pair of flawless white jade carved into a pair of eyebrows, her eyes were as black as lacquer, and she was very energetic. Gu Panjian could make any man fall in love.Although a little girl's innocence is missing, the graceful temperament of that mature and beautiful woman has a different aura.

After Fairy Yuehua expressed her intention to come, Fairy Yunxia also showed a very kind expression and said softly: "Our students in the alchemy department major in alchemy, although unlike the martial arts department, the outer court, the inner court, the elite, Core and other strata, but there is also a set of promotion methods. All students who enter the alchemy department must start as medicine boys, complete certain medicine collection tasks every day, and then have an assessment every month, if they pass the assessment, they can Being promoted to a junior alchemist, the treatment is equivalent to that of an elite student in the martial arts department."

Fairy Yuehua nodded slightly and said: "Alchemy is a very respected profession, not only in the academy, but even in the entire Shengyuan Continent, you will receive a lot of extra care, if you can become an alchemy master, even a strong alchemist in the Great Holy Land will receive a lot of extra care. You will also take the initiative to make friends. Yuxin, you must study hard in this small bamboo peak in the future, and strive to become an alchemist as soon as possible.”

Yu Xin nodded obediently and said, "Yu Xin remember the teachings of Elder Yuehua."

Fairy Yunxia also seemed to like Yuxin very much, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't worry, I think Yuxin is talented and intelligent, and on my little bamboo peak, she doesn't need her to do the task of collecting herbs herself, as long as she can study at ease, maybe It will take a few months to become an alchemist."

A few people chatted again, and Fairy Yuehua left Xiaozhufeng with the ruthless man.Girls classmates network

Fairy Yunxia looked at Yuxin and said slowly, "In the past few months, I will retreat and refine a pot of treasure pills, and I will arrange for someone to take you to test your innate attributes and find a suitable condensing fire to practice. This pill fire For an alchemist, it is equivalent to the cultivation of a martial artist, which is very important.

Our Little Bamboo Peak has collected a lot of Ninghuo Jue, which is no worse than the other peaks of the Pill Dao system.I will give you the highest authority. After you have tested your talent attributes, you can go to the Hall of Sutras to choose Ninghuo Jue at will, and try to choose a high-grade one. As for the rest of the knowledge of identifying herbs, you can follow the normal medicine boy's learning steps. That's it. "

Yu Xin bowed very politely: "Thank you Elder Yunxia for taking care of me."

"That's right, Xiaolian, you can take Yuxin to the test hall." Fairy Yunxia seemed to be in a hurry. After she finished explaining, she immediately entered a state of retreat, and was not allowed to be disturbed.

On the other side, Xiaolian took Yuxin to the test hall, but it caused quite a storm.I don't know who leaked the rumors, and attracted a large number of drug boys to watch. These people looked at Yu Xin with some bad eyes, or jealousy, or resentment.

There are seven peaks in the alchemy system. Xiaozhufeng is not the largest, but it is not small. There are [-] medicine boys alone, and there are only three places to be promoted to alchemists every month. The fierce competition can be imagined.

In the eyes of these people, Yuxin is a backdoor. She has elder Yunxia's special care and does not need to do the task of collecting herbs every day. Then the share she needs to complete will definitely be distributed to other people. This is unfair!

That's all, what makes these people jealous the most is that Yu Xin has the right to freely choose Ning Huo Jue!This is a huge benefit. Condensing Fire is related to the quality of Pill Fire, which is equivalent to the exercises that martial artists major in.A high-grade fire condensing art not only condenses pill fire extremely fast, but the condensed pill fire is also very stable, which has a great benefit to pill concocting.

Like these ordinary medicine boys, they can only learn the most common Huangjie and Xuanjie condensing fire. It can be said that Xiantian is a lot shorter than Yuxin. If you want to reach the same level as Yuxin, you need to pay more than ten times. hard work, how willing they are!

However, these people didn't dare to express their dissatisfaction. If Yu Xin really chose a Heavenly Rank or King Rank's Ninghuo Jue, becoming an alchemist was basically a sure thing, so why did they offend them?

When the elders of the test hall saw Fairy Yunxia's token, they didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly arranged a test for Yuxin.

Under everyone's attention, Yu Xin carefully placed her palm on the test crystal pillar. Suddenly, a chilling air spewed out of her palm, like ten thousand years of ice, directly freezing the entire test crystal pillar!

The elder test took a deep breath and showed an extremely horrified expression, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Even Zhang Tian, ​​who was standing behind Yu Xin, narrowed his eyes slightly.

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