"This is the smell of blood. This ocean is made of blood!" Jiuhe Academy www.johotxt.com

The demon clan Tianjiao with a sensitive nose shouted loudly, causing a commotion, and when they looked at the sea of ​​​​blood, everyone's eyes were full of awe.

These are all blood that has not dried up for more than [-] million years. How powerful, I am afraid that a single drop can be worth the blood of a demon king's whole body.

Several sealer war servants came out, took out a few ancient sheepskin scrolls for research, and took out the astrolabe and other gestures for a long time, and then slowly said: "It is almost as expected by the venerable, that Phoenix Clan True Immortal It should be buried in the depths of the sea of ​​​​blood, drain the blood, and pile up dead bones. This is the secret treasure of the Feng family, and there is a chance to be reborn in the sea of ​​​​blood."

"Nirvana rebirth? Could it be that the Phoenix True Immortal can be resurrected?"

You Shenshan Tianjiao exclaimed, this is a top-level true immortal from more than [-] million years ago, if it is really nirvana and reborn, the entire ninth mountain and sea world will be shaken.

An old sealed man shook his head and said, "It's unlikely. More than [-] million years have passed. If you want to be resurrected, you will be resurrected long ago, but you shouldn't be careless. There must be huge dangers in this sea of ​​blood."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, a blood wave of thousands of meters suddenly rolled up near the coast, and a black shadow swept out from it, like a whale, full of blood, full of ferocious barbs, and a large mouth of blood, directly smashing the nearby Some of the arrogance swept away.

"Beast looking for death!"

Several sealers were furious, and sent out a beam of treasure light and blasted it, causing thousands of feet of blood, but the blood-colored whale had already disappeared.

"Damn, one step too late."

The arrogance of the heavens came closer to check, and saw that five people were missing, and some stumps were left, which made them feel shocked. How broad is this sea of ​​blood, who knows what is hidden in it.

The God Ape King dipped a little blood and said in a low voice: "The blood in this sea of ​​blood is very rich, and it will breed many terrifying beasts. Everyone must be careful."

Chan Yurou stepped forward, and with a simple move, a blue light flew out and landed on the sea of ​​​​blood. , the surface is full of rhythmic array patterns, and there is a banner embroidered with Zishan, which is very magical.

She took a group of servants from the Purple Spirit Mountain and flew onto the treasure ship, and said to Zi Yan: "Little witch, you don't have a treasure ship, you can't cross the sea of ​​blood, get on my boat."

Hu Mei'er flickered, standing in front of her, and said judiciously: "Fairy Ziling is really prepared and thoughtful. I wonder if I can take my people from Tianming Shenshan for a ride, and everyone will take care of them together."

Chan Yurou frowned slightly, and finally nodded in response. The danger of this sea of ​​blood was beyond her imagination. There were more people and more strength.

The sea of ​​blood is turbulent, and there are hundreds of ships in the blink of an eye. Obviously, the major forces are already prepared, and they each cross the sea of ​​​​blood in the direction of the target. , , .

Chapter 496 Prelude to the outbreak of the plane war

In a place very far away from the building ship of the Purple Spirit Mountain, on a treasure ship carved with the soaring phoenix, an evil man in a colorful robe looked out from afar, and said in a gloomy voice, "The one who got on the treasure ship of the Purple Spirit Mountain. Is the little girl you said the little witch who devoured the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit?"

Obliquely behind the man, there stood Huang Mengyao, the peerless genius of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan, and she said indifferently, "That's right, it's her."

The evil man has a phoenix mark between his eyebrows, which looks very majestic. Hearing Huang Mengyao's words, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and he said gloomily: "With only two years, it is impossible for that little witch to completely transform the medicinal properties of the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit. There must be a lot of remnants left in the refining process, grab her and turn her into a human medicine, then I, Huang Tianli, will definitely be able to cast the Divine Phoenix Body and dominate the ninth mountains and seas!"

"Then Mengyao wishes the young master a success." Huang Mengyao's tone was still as cold as ice, looking at the treasure ship where Zi Yan was, wondering what she was thinking.

Huang Tianli turned around, looked at Huang Mengyao and said, "I didn't expect that this dilapidated little world would have a branch of my colorful Divine Phoenix clan, and a Divine Phoenix body like you, which has not been seen for a million years, was born. When I return to the sacred mountain, I will be vigorously cultivated. When I eat the human medicine made by the little witch, I will also be cast into the divine phoenix body. If you and I become Taoist companions, the offspring will be boundless and powerful, and can compete for the first place. The throne of the Nine Mountains and Sea Lords."

Huang Mengyao held up her beautiful face, revealing a small section of her jade neck that was as white as snow, and said softly, "Mengyao's thin willow appearance, I'm afraid I'm not worthy of your son."

"Haha, don't belittle yourself, once the Divine Phoenix body appears in a million years, you can at least cultivate to the realm of the invincible emperor, which can be called the top physique of the nine mountains and seas. Your future is immeasurable, even if you come from a small world, no one dares to Embarrassing you, you can be my Taoist companion of Huang Tianli!"

Huang Tianli's attitude was very arrogant. After he finished speaking, he stared at the treasure ship of the Purple Spirit Mountain. He was not the only descendant of the Ninth Mountains and Seas Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan. There is an urgent need to cast the Divine Phoenix Body to stabilize its position.


Behind Huang Tianli, Huang Mengyao spit out these two words softly, her eyes were deep and distant.

The self-righteous Huang Tianli claims to be the arrogance of the gods and gives pointers to Huang Mengyao and other mainland clansmen, but he does not know that in the eyes of Huang Mengyao, he is just an ignorant waste. Shenshan already knows her existence, Huang Tianli It's meaningless to her.

Because even without Huang Tianli's extradition, the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan would never allow a clan member with a peerless Divine Phoenix body to wander outside. She was destined to enter the Primordial Divine Mountain and embark on the road to the pinnacle.

"Little witch, let's have another battle between the dragon and the phoenix in this ancient land of phoenix."

Huang Mengyao murmured softly, her eyes were covered by a vast sea of ​​blood. Hundreds of buildings and ships were scattered in this sea of ​​blood, but a drop in the ocean quickly disappeared from each other's sight, leaving only a single person, walking alone.

Endless sea of ​​blood, drifting through the ages.

At the same time, the turmoil in the Holy City resurfaced.

Cao Zhengming came back, from the 'Heavenly Corpse Mountains' known as the Jedi, but the result was shocking.

Because he did not successfully repair the defensive array, but the big world on the opposite side began to launch a strong offensive. The Holy Ancestor Dynasty and many experts stationed in the Holy Land fought desperately to resist, and finally killed two half-step god emperors and seven holy masters. The powerhouse of the level had no choice but to retreat, and the area fell directly.

Although Cao Zhengming survived the hardship, he was severely injured.

This is the prelude to the outbreak of the plane war, a major event that is enough to shake the continent.

The news made many people feel frightened. The entire holy city was covered with gloomy clouds. On the other side of the Heavenly Corpse Mountains, there was a vast world. It will be a terrifying catastrophe, and any family is doomed.Ishuse www.ishuse.com

In the Dali Temple, Cao Zhengming sat in the hall with a gloomy face, and there was still fear in his eyes. The Heavenly Corpse Mountains, worthy of the name of the Jedi of Death, were too terrifying.

The barriers between the two armies are heavy, and they are on the verge of breaking out. Even if he is a half-step emperor, there is no guarantee. Every day there, he is walking on thin ice. He has never felt so close to death in his life. It was a fluke to be able to come back alive.

And the reason why he was so tortured was all due to two people.

Prince Nannuma!

Ruthless Zhang!

If it wasn't for Prince Nanmaru who led his subordinates to rebelliously kill Shengdu at night, how could he have committed such a crime, and if it wasn't for the ruthless people who sued the Emperor, he would not be punished either.

Therefore, Cao Zhengming hated these two people in his heart.

"God of Swords, you go and take out all the tantras about Nanmaru."

Cao Zhengming said gloomily, he has been in charge of Dali Temple for many years, and he has mastered too many unknown secrets. Because he has always been forbearing, many secrets have been kept in the dark and unknown to outsiders.

But this time, his killing intent has already started.

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