"As ordered."

Sword God Li Changfeng stood under the steps, bowed slightly, and disappeared into the hall.

The night was thick, and the entire capital seemed to be shrouded in a black sky. The candles in the main hall of Dali Temple flickered, and suddenly a hoarse sneer sounded, resounding throughout the hall.

"Nanmaru, Zhang Ruren, if you offend the old man, the old man will let you both perish!"

"Come here, send the sealed letter to the concubine Xian concubine quickly, remember not to leak the news."

The gloomy wind poured in, causing the candles to flicker, which made Cao Zhengming's face look hideous and terrifying.

This time, he made a move, in his usual old-fashioned style, borrowing a knife to kill!

The secret message was transmitted through the hidden channel arranged by Dali Temple for hundreds of years, and soon reached the hands of Concubine Xian.

This noble concubine who lost both her father and her beloved son in just half a month, the former Holy Maiden of Fluctlight, is now covered in silver snow and old.

Taking advantage of the brilliance of Ye Mingzhu to read the secret letter, the haggard Concubine Xian suddenly glowed with radiance in her eyes, as if she had been reborn, stood up in awe, and said excitedly, "God has eyes, let this palace catch it. Such a big deal, Zhang Tian, ​​Zhang Ruren, you killed my father and imprisoned my son, this time the retribution is coming."

Chapter 497 Ruthless Crisis, Zhang Tian's Test

"Come here, set off, this palace is going to the concubine De's palace."

In the palace of Concubine Xian, there was a slightly excited voice.

Concubine Xian came to visit late at night, and Concubine De was very surprised. She had only one princess under her knees and no strong relatives to help her. She had never been powerful in the palace, seldom paid attention to, and had little interaction with Concubine Xian. This late night visit is really weird.

However, doubts turned into doubts, but Concubine De did not dare to neglect her. Although Concubine Xian seemed to have lost her way, she was, after all, the Holy Maiden of the Holy Land of Fluctuation, and her status was even higher than hers.

The two noble concubines greeted each other in the courtyard, and then entered the main hall. Under the signal of Concubine Xian, all the palace maids withdrew and closed the palace gate to death.

Concubine De's eyes flashed, and she said, "Concubine Xian came here late at night, there must be something to do, please speak bluntly."

Concubine Xian restrained her smile, swept her eyes sharply across Concubine De's face, and said in a low voice, "It's not a big deal, but this palace got a strange piece of information, saying that Concubine De and Mrs. Xianglian were born in Nanmaru, or what kind of Nanquan? Princess Marsh, do you think this information is ridiculous?"

Concubine De's complexion changed slightly, and Su's hand clenched her sleeve tightly.

This change did not escape the eyes of Concubine Xian, who was observing carefully, and made her more convinced of the content of the information. She moved her steps lightly and said slowly: "In addition to this information, there is an even more absurd information, Concubine De thinks. Don't want to hear it?"

Concubine De reluctantly held her breath and said, "Since it's absurd information, it's okay not to listen to it."

How could Concubine Xian do what she wished and said to herself: "I heard that Concubine De and Mrs. Xianglian are deeply in love. Not only were they born together, they were married together, but they were even conceived on the same day, which is really a kind of fate. I still remember that on the day the little princess was born, the front-line army was defeated, the holy capital poured heavily, and there was chaos inside and outside the palace. female?"

As soon as this remark came out, Concubine De was completely panicked, it was the secret hidden in the deepest part of her heart, and it was a taboo that she could never see the sun.Because once this incident is exposed, it will be a disaster for both her and the mansion in blood!

Concubine Xian was pressing step by step, approaching Concubine De, and said in a low voice, "Ben Gong already knows all about it, that day, you gave birth to a pair of twins. The dragon and the phoenix were sent to the Bloody Marquis Mansion, and the baby girl born by Mrs. Xianglian was carried into the palace. Do you think this matter is seamless? The dossier in the warehouse of the Ministry of Rites has not been processed yet, right?"

Concubine De seemed to have collapsed, and a layer of fine sweat beads appeared on her forehead, and her whole body was sluggish. This secret, which had been hidden for nearly [-] years, was finally revealed.

As Concubine Xian said, she did give birth to a pair of twins back then, which made her very terrified. The emperor can tolerate a princess who has subjugated a country in the harem, but it is absolutely impossible for a prince with Nanmaru blood to be safe. Growing up, that would be a huge threat to the royal family.

So out of her love for her son, she devised a play of moving flowers and connecting trees. After very careful deployment, the only flaw was the imperial heir file that was used as a backup record by the Ministry of Rites back then. Because many years have passed, this file has long since been sealed. , she didn't care.

Unexpectedly, this flaw was caught by someone after all.

"If Concubine De doesn't want this matter to be exposed, it's better to follow the words of this palace, otherwise..."

In the quiet deep palace, only Concubine Xian's voice echoed, causing Concubine De's complexion to change constantly.

But they didn't know that above the palace, Prince Nanzuma, Yan Ruge and others were all in line, and everyone's face was very gloomy.

Under the night, the bright moon hangs high in the sky, emitting a bright white moonlight, which illuminates the earth brightly.

In the mansion of the Marquis of Blood, Mrs. Xianglian was sleeping peacefully when she suddenly seemed to have noticed something. She woke up suddenly and looked up at the window, only to see a black figure standing there, her face hidden in the shadows, so she couldn't see it clearly.Writing novelswww.zuoxs.com

"Shh...it's me!"

The shadow moved quickly, the voice fell, jumped directly from the beam, and stood in front of the dressing table, the moonlight lightly sprinkled on her body through the window paper, outlining her slender and soft figure, which was a woman .

"Sister, why are you here?"

Madam Xianglian was startled, she sat up quickly, and asked in amazement.

It turned out that the woman in the black tights was Concubine Toku, one of the five dignified concubines, and the twin sister of Mrs. Xianglian.

"Sister, something big happened this time, and I had to go out of the palace to find you."

De Concubine took off her black veil, her face full of sadness, and she spoke slowly.

The sky was getting brighter and brighter, and the fish belly white was faintly visible on the horizon, but Mrs. Xianglian's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, like falling into an ice abyss, freezing to the bone.

"Concubine Xian and us have always had no grievances or hatreds, so why use this matter to coerce?"

Mrs. Karen said worriedly.

Concubine De said: "Although Concubine Xian has no enmity with us, she has an enmity with the Zhang family, so her condition is to kill Zhang Ruren within three days, otherwise she will take away our identities and everything else. Make it public."

"Kill...kill Miss Zhang? This is absolutely impossible!"

Mrs. Xianglian was startled at first, but then she refused outright, not to mention that the ruthless man had spared the life of Prince Nanzuma before, and she couldn't do anything to poison others.

Concubine De sighed: "In the end, this matter is also due to my selfish desires, and I feel guilty for you and Yu'er. I can't decide this time. Our sisters, as well as Lin'er, Yin'er, Yu'er five People's lives are all up to you to decide."

After speaking, De Concubine took up the veil again and flew out of the room.

In the other courtyard where Zhang's house was, Zhang Tian strolled out of the room, watched Concubine De vanish into the sky, and then moved his gaze to Madam Xianglian's room with a deep look in his eyes.

Concubine Xian's poisonous heart was not in his eyes. What he cared about was Madam Xianglian's attitude. Under such circumstances, it was often the most test of people's hearts.

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