In one thought, it will decide whether hell or heaven.

For the next three days, Mrs. Xianglian was almost swallowed up by pain. She couldn't kill ruthless people in order to save herself, but she didn't dare to tell others about it.

However, things turned out to be the worst in the end.

After the agreed time limit passed, Concubine Xian ignored Concubine De's pleas, leaked these two pieces of information directly, and personally complained to the Emperor, demanding severe punishment of the case.

For a time, the city was full of wind and rain. , , .

Chapter 498

Great incident!

The capital, which had been somewhat immersed because all the demon clan Tianjiao entered the ancient land of Tianfeng, became noisy again.

On the streets and alleys, there was a lot of discussion everywhere, because Concubine Xian personally sued the imperial court, and there was a lot of noise. No one could suppress it, nor dare to suppress it.

Because if what Concubine Xian said was true, then Fang Lin and Fang Yin, who were the little princes and princesses, were real princes and princesses, and they were still princes and princesses with the blood of Nanmaru traitors.

Many people who were poisoned by Prince Nanmaru took the opportunity to attack him, and the Hanlin Academy was punished.

As the mastermind behind the trouble, Cao Zhengming had expected everything today.Although he couldn't kill the ruthless man in one fell swoop, he was able to solve the Nanmaru survivors such as Concubine Toku and Madam Xianglian, and he could also give him a little pleasure of revenge.

In order to turn the case into an iron case as soon as possible, Cao Zhengming did not hesitate to dispatch himself, and took the initiative to ask the emperor for orders to hear the case. After being appointed, he sent Dali Temple masters to the Ministry of Rites to find the files of the year, and on the other hand, he secretly fanned the flames and created anti-German The unfavorable remarks of the concubine and Mrs. Karen.

After two days, the public opinion became more and more popular. When Cao Zhengming saw that the time was almost up, he issued an order in the name of the arraigner, and summoned the three parties, Concubine Xian, Concubine De, and Mrs. Xianglian to come to the court for inquiries.

The blood-clothed mansion was already in chaos at this time. Those servants and servants were in danger, and many took leave of absence for excuses, which was very chaotic.

In the main hall, Fang Lin and Fang Yin both had helpless expressions on their faces, Ruthless and Yu Xin were also on the list, and there was nothing they could do.

Seeing Mrs. Xianglian coming out from behind the screen, everyone rushed up to meet her, but she didn't know what to say, and Fang Yin jumped directly into her mother's arms.

"Silly girl."

Mrs. Xianglian pushed Fang Yin away, her eyes were red, and she said softly: "Don't worry, this matter is just chasing the wind, they can't produce any evidence, I wrote a letter on the Jade Emperor paper given by the Emperor. When the time comes, I will show Duke Cao, and let them know that not everyone in our blood-clothed mansion can bully."

The corners of the ruthless man's lips moved, wanting to say that this expression might be useful for others to see, but Cao Zhengming is an old man, and he hates Prince Nanmaru. Still didn't say it.

At this moment, Zhang Tian walked in from outside the house, and Mrs. Xianglian, Fang Lin and others hurriedly saluted respectfully.

Yu Xin stepped forward and said, "Dad, Mrs. Xianglian, Junior Brother Fang, and Junior Sister Fang are all good people. They didn't do anything evil. Can you help me think of a way?"

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Zhang Tian with hope. Given Zhang Tian's prestige in the Holy Capital, if he was willing to intercede with the Emperor, he might be able to resolve the matter.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, stroked Yuxin's cheek, walked to Mrs. Xianglian, and said, "Show me the expression."

Madam Xianglian hurriedly presented the jade box in her hand.

Zhang Tian took out the Chen expression and read it again, raised his hand and swiped on it, as if splashing ink, and then returned it to Mrs. Xianglian, saying, "Show this to Cao Zhengming, he will not dare to embarrass you."

This sentence is light, but it is powerful, and everyone in the hall is refreshed, because they believe Zhang Tian's words, there will be no falsehood!I love

On the day the hall was opened, the main hall of Dali Temple was crowded with dignitaries.

This case involves two noble concubines and a first-class princely family, which is no less important than the original Jinghai King case. The court is also very concerned about it. While appointing Cao Zhengchun as the arraigner, there are also royal relatives such as the Seventh Prince and Prince Rong. The jury of state relatives is solemn and solemn throughout the whole process.

Soon, Concubine Xian, Concubine De, Mrs. Xianglian and others filed in and gave their seats to each other. The hall was tense with swords drawn, and everyone could feel the oppressive aura.

Cao Zhengming sat high in the bright hall, his eyes were sharp, and he said solemnly: "The case cited by the concubine Xian concubine is very important. This official has received His Majesty's trust and was appointed as the arraigner. There is a satisfactory answer from everyone in the world."

Concubine De's qi-raising skills are excellent, and she said indifferently: "This palace walks upright, sits upright, and there is nothing that can't be seen. Concubine Xian said that this palace is the long princess of Nanmaru and transferred the prince in private. I wonder if there is any evidence? If not, don't blame this palace for accusing you of a false accusation."

Concubine Xian said with a sneer: "Concubine De, don't be complacent. Although there is no direct evidence in this palace, it is not difficult to convict you. As we all know, the psychic gods of the four gods of Dali Temple have supernatural abilities and can detect people. Divine soul, let her distinguish, right and wrong will naturally be revealed to the world."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience immediately nodded. Dali Temple's psychic arresting Li Linger is famous. It can be called the nightmare of all corrupt officials, because no matter how well a person hides, he can't lie to himself. In Li Linger Under the judgment, all will be exposed.

Concubine De frowned and said solemnly: "Bold, you still want to torture this palace?"

It was only then that everyone remembered the identity of Concubine De, one of the five dignified concubines. The punishment was not as good as a doctor, not to mention the honor of a concubine.

Prince Rong and other royal clansmen also shook their heads and asked a god to arrest the noble concubine for torture. It would be a proper way. If something happened, who would be responsible.

Concubine Xian said: "Concubine De is no good, Madam Xianglian is always fine, right?"

All the jurors were a little hesitant. It was undoubtedly the easiest and most effective way to let the psychic arrest to interrogate. Moreover, the blood-clothed prince was not in the capital, so even if it was a misunderstanding, there would be no disturbance.

Just when they made a decision, Mrs. Xianglian suddenly stood up, took the jade box and opened it, saying, "The woman has a petition, and I want to invite Duke Cao and the jurors to see it."

"Is this Jade Emperor Paper?"

Everyone in the audience showed a moving color. This paper is very rare, and it was specially given to the emperor. Only a very few were given to it.Mrs. Xianglian took out the Jade Emperor Paper at this time, no doubt telling everyone that the Bloody Marquis Mansion was not easy to mess with.

Cao Zhengming didn't care in his heart, but said on the surface: "Let's take a look." He ordered someone to bring up the jade box.

Prince Rong, the Seventh Prince and others stepped forward to watch, only to see that the Chen Qing expression was made of two layers of paper, and no writing could be seen.

Cao Zhengming squinted his eyes slightly, protected his palms with secret luck, and slowly grabbed towards Chen Qing's expression. The moment he opened the paper, a ray of golden light suddenly shot out.


The small Jade Emperor paper stretched in the air, and a sky-scar-like imprint glowed on the surface of the paper. The mighty emperor's might swept across the ten directions, causing Cao Zhengming to vomit blood and fly upside down. The fiery golden light penetrated the sky and shook the sky! , , .

Chapter 499 The Domineering Will of Myself!

Prince Rong, the Seventh Prince and others were very shocked. With their powerful martial arts, they responded one after another and used powerful defensive magical powers to protect them.

"Bang bang bang..."

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