A series of explosions sounded. After being swept by the golden light, everyone felt as if they were hit hard, and they vomited blood and flew backwards.


The golden light pierced through the void and shot directly into the sky, forming a golden pillar that went straight to the Tianhe River. It was spectacular. The light enveloped the entire holy city. The sound is rolling, with the domineering arrogance that crushes the sky.

As soon as the golden beam of light came out, all the tyrannical auras in the secret places in the holy capital were suppressed, as if the beast king was patrolling the mountain, and all the beasts had to converge and crawl.

"Whose breath is this? It's terrifying."

"The fluctuation from the direction of Dali Temple, could it be Cao Zhengming? Impossible!"

"This is the domineering will of me alone between heaven and earth. This person is arrogant, where did he put the emperor!"

Powerhouses from all walks of life were alarmed, and they broke through the barrier one after another, looking at the golden pillar running through the heavens and the earth in the direction of Dali Temple, and they were shocked.

In Marquis Marquis mansion, in the deepest part of Endless Diyuan, there was a terrifying throbbing. It seemed that a pair of celestial eyes pierced through the void, saw the golden beam of light, and said hoarsely: "Is this the Zhang Tian admired by Marquis Marquis? This will is enough to overwhelm the mainland, unless the human emperor returns, no one will be invincible."

The sound fell, and this place fell into silence again, leaving only the faint sound of surging undercurrents. The river was clear, and a majestic man in black dragon armor was faintly reflected.

He sat cross-legged by the river, a terrifying big hole was broken in his heart, and he was slowly healing. The lower left corner of the black dragon armor was engraved with a mysterious word 'Emperor', which seemed to be intertwined with countless powerful patterns, showing out his identity.

It is the Marquis Emperor Wu, who is known as the strongest general of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty!

In the General's Mansion, General He Jin, dressed in military armor, stood upright in the courtyard, looking at the golden pillar in the direction of Dali Temple, and said worriedly: "This aura is too terrifying, it makes people palpitate, such a person appears in the Holy Capital. , I don't know if the Human Sovereign clone can resist it."

In the Imperial City, Qianyuan Hall, the Human Sovereign clone suddenly opened his eyes, bursting out with a powerful momentum, and then slowly closed his eyes again.He is just a clone of the will, without too high autonomous intelligence, just tried to contact the main body, but failed to contact, so he can only continue to retreat.


In the main hall of Dali Temple, Cao Zhengming slowly got up and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. His face was extremely gloomy. He was injured the most by this golden light just now. seriously injured.

"This...this is?"

Prince Rong, the Seventh Prince and others also got up one after another, looking at the Jade Emperor Paper floating in the air, their eyes were full of surprise.

Mrs. Xianglian did not expect such an astonishing change. After a brief absence of attention, she quickly said, "Before leaving, Senior Zhang borrowed Chen Qing to look at it." Weishuba www.weishu8.com

"Senior Zhang?"

Zhou Qing and the others all gasped, with a wry smile in their eyes. The thing they were most worried about still happened, and that was Zhang Tian's intervention in the case.

The ruthless man was on the sidelines, seeing this scene, he didn't know Zhang Tian's intention, and immediately came out: "My family first arrived in the capital, and I was taken in by Mrs. Xianglian, so I was relieved from the trouble, and I have always felt deeply for this kindness. Yu Huai. Hearing that Mrs. Xianglian was involved in a serious case, my father expressed great concern and ordered me to tell everyone that he will not forgive Mrs. Xianglian if she is treated unfairly."

As soon as these words came out, Rao Yirong's noble status, Prince Zhou Qing, could not help but shudder.Zhang Tian's terrifying has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even the dignified emperor, the third ancestor of the Holy Land, the Thunder Emperor, dared to kill him. I really can't think of any other taboos for him.

Cao Zhengming's face was extremely gloomy. The words that the ruthless man conveyed, whether or not Zhang Tian said it himself, would be a powerful shock to everyone.

At this time, even if he proposed to let Li Linger come to trial Mrs. Xianglian, no juror would dare to agree.After all, the way of the soul is very mysterious. A little carelessness will lead to accidents. Who dares to take such a risk against the sky?

If Zhang Tian is annoyed, it will cost his head.

Since Concubine De and Mrs. Xianglian could not be punished, and there was no solid evidence, the case could not go on. Even if Cao Zhengming was unwilling, he could only watch Prince Rong and others respectfully send Concubine De and Mrs. Xianglian away. Walk.

After going out and entering the sedan chair, the two beautiful women were completely relieved. Concubine De patted her heart and said with emotion: "It's still my sister who is smart and has no killers. Senior Zhang's power is ten times stronger than I imagined. With this big tree on the list, you and I don't have to worry about the concubine Xian's secret plan."

Mrs. Xianglian nodded and said softly, "Next, we'll see if they can find the dossier that was sealed in the Ministry of Rites."

A small storm was resolved.

But everyone knows that the real decisive moment has just arrived, and all eyes are on the Ministry of Rites.

Who would have thought that an unimportant dossier twenty years ago would become the key to determining the fate of two noble concubines and a first-class princely family!

After another two days, the entire Ritual Department was turned upside down. No matter day or night, it was brightly lit, and the inside and outside were filled with guards from Dali Temple.

"It's a shift, it's a shift."

The night was shrouded in darkness, a middle-aged man with a dark appearance, wearing a flying fish suit, calmly stepped into the Ministry of Rites, shouting while walking, the original guards recognized his identity, relaxed, and left with a smile.

Just after everyone left, the middle-aged man suddenly showed an evil and charming smile that did not match his temperament. The purple flame on his body had turned into a strange and enchanting Yan Ruge. Approaching Dacheng, the body becomes spiritualized and can be transformed into any form at will.

Looking around, there was a hint of playfulness in Yan Ruge's long and narrow Danfeng eyes. She put her hands under her jaw, her Dan lips lightly opened, and a large purple flame boiled out, instantly burning every corner of the seventh-floor warehouse of the Ministry of Rites. .

"It's beautiful."

Yan Ruge's blue eyes flashed with deep intoxication, she turned around without a moment's nostalgia, and stepped out of the sea of ​​fire.

The night fire intertwined, reflecting her enchanting figure as charming as an elf. , , .

Chapter 500 The real power of the immortal emperor

"Nanmaru traitors, I knew you would fall into the trap."

In the shadows, the figure of Sword God Li Changfeng slowly stepped out, his eyes full of coldness.

The moment the voice fell, countless powerful men from Dali Temple were killed from various intersections, but those servants who were responsible for fighting the fire disappeared at some point, and thousands of soldiers Geqi pointed like a song.

This is a game set up by Cao Zhengming. From the very beginning, his target was not Concubine De and Madam Xianglian, but Prince Nanmaru and others hidden in the dark.Things were not what he expected, Prince Nanzuma and others would not sit by and watch the two Princess Nanzuma fall to their death.

"Giggle... Interesting, do you think you can trap me with these people?"

Yan Ruge still had an evil and charming face, twisted slightly, turned into a purple fire snake, and rushed towards Li Changfeng.


Li Changfeng's expression was extremely cold, and the long knife came out of its sheath and slammed into a huge knife, illuminating the night, and directly splitting the purple fire snake into two pieces.


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