Li Changfeng was slightly startled, only to see that the purple fire snake that had turned into two parts flashed, and it turned into two fire snakes, killing him from the left and the right.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of explosions rang out, and Li Changfeng's sword was protecting his body like a god of war.

"As expected of the God of Swords ranked No. [-] among the Four Great Gods, I'll argue with you another day."

Yan Ruge's face was slightly pale, but he took advantage of the momentum of flying backwards to distance himself from Li Changfeng, and he wanted to escape as soon as he turned around.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, a giant cyan column suddenly rose up around the Ministry of Rites. There were dozens of them, each of which was hundreds of feet in size. The surface was densely covered with blue lines. It was a powerful formation, imprisoning the void.

The huge cyan circle roared and bounced Yan Ruge back directly, like an indestructible steel cage.

This time Yan Ruge's face finally changed, and he said in a low voice, "Old fox."

"This time, you can't escape."

Li Changfeng's eyes shot with murderous intent, and he picked up his sword again. Just as he was about to chop, the void behind him suddenly shattered, and Prince Nanmaru sprang out like a ghost, with a palm print on his back.

Although Prince Nanzuma was deprived of two top-level magical powers by Zhang Tian, ​​he also benefited from misfortune. He completely eliminated the prohibition that the Emperor had left in his body, and restored his victory in one fell swoop. The combat power did not suffer too much.

"The python god is possessed! The man and the knife are one!"

At a critical moment, Li Changfeng directly rubbed the long knife into his body, and the phantom of the huge python appeared behind him, blocking the palm of Prince Nanmaru.


On the other side, before Yan Ruge could recover from the shock of Li Changfeng's heart, a series of crackling sounds suddenly sounded around, and an astonishing sword light rushed towards Yan Ruge with unparalleled momentum, but it was the sword god Xie Xiaonan. With several great sages of the Ministry of Punishment in ambush, Qi Qi besieged Yan Ruge at this time.


The battle situation was dazzling, and before those great saints approached, many cyan rattans suddenly sprang from the ground, spreading rapidly, like chains through the sky, tying those great saints to death.

But it was Mu Qiluo who made the move. Wearing a water blue robe and a veil on his face, he stood far away on a high pavilion. He raised his hands, and there were many sharp barbs on the vines. To those great saints.

"Your opponent is me."

A gust of breeze blew, and Sword God Xie Xiaonan's mighty sword disappeared directly, only to see a white feather slowly falling in front of his eyes.


Xie Xiaonan suddenly sensed a powerful killing intent, turned around quickly, and struck the sky with a sword.March Chinese


A huge explosion sounded, and Bai Yu's short blade in his hand collided with Xie Xiaonan's sword, making the sound of an iron horse, which was deafening.

The battle became extremely fierce in an instant.

Prince Nanzuma completely suppressed Li Changfeng like a violent storm, Bai Yu and Xie Xiaonan fought each other, and Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge teamed up to fight against the great sages of the Ministry of Punishment.

This is a super-scale battle. The sea of ​​​​fire reflects half of the sky, and countless people come to watch.

Just when the battle was stalemate, Bai Yu suddenly felt extremely creepy and was about to withdraw, but found that the surrounding void was stagnant like a quagmire, making his movements extremely slow.

"Blade Storm!"

Xie Xiaonan also seemed to sense something, the sword stance suddenly changed, the powerful sword intent of Jin and Feng broke out at the same time, countless sword qi lashed, rolled into a huge storm, and headed towards the white feather hood.

This is Xie Xiaonan's lore move, combining the two sword intents of gold and wind, which is invincible.

"Boom bang bang..."

Facing such a violent attack, Bai Yu couldn't care about anything else, so he could only parry with all his strength, turning into various feathers to resist, flying all over the sky.

"Be careful with Bai Yu."

At this moment, Yan Ruge suddenly reminded loudly, but it was already too late, the void behind Bai Yu suddenly exploded, and under the cover of a big and fierce hand, it imprisoned the void and smashed into the back of Bai Yu's heart. superior.


The power of this blow was boundless, and it directly shattered Bai Yu's body defense, and a large plume of blood came out of his mouth. In this flaw, Xie Xiaonan's sword edge had already pierced through his heart.

The wind king Bai Yu fell.

"Cao Zhengming, you are so despicable!"

Mu Qiluo was shocked, watching Bai Yu's body slammed to the ground, showing an extremely angry look.

"Despicable? You can't run alone today!"

Cao Zhengming's figure stepped out of the void, his face was full of sullenness, the half-step emperor's might shook the world, his figure swayed, and he directly killed Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge.

"Cao Zhengming dare?"

Prince Nanmaru was furious, and a thunderous attack hit Li Changfeng, so he could only support it.

"Nanmaru traitor, let's capture it."

In the imperial city, the golden light shines, and the human emperor's phantom traverses the endless void. He wears the emperor's golden crown and five-clawed golden dragon robe. His face is shrouded in divine light and cannot be looked directly.

This is precisely because Cao Zhengming communicated with the emperor in advance and set up this game, because only the emperor can make sure to win the prince of Nanzuma.

I saw the emperor raised his hand, and a large group of divine fire reflected in the sky. Prince Nanmaru suddenly felt like he was hit hard. A large column of blood burst out from his body, flying backwards like lightning, directly blasting a high-rise building, and the fire filled the sky.

"The Emperor has taken action."

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