Many people who heard the news felt extremely shocked when they saw this scene. The arrogant and arrogant Prince Nanmaru was nothing more than this in front of the emperor. This is the real power of the immortal emperor, invincible in the world!

"His Royal Highness..."

No one noticed that in the dark corner, Mrs. Karen was wearing a black tights, clinging to the wall, the blue veins on the back of her hands burst into tears, and her eyes were filled with tears.

A corner of bright yellow was faintly revealed in her arms, and it was the Chen Emoji written by Zhang Tian in her arms. , , .

Chapter 501 Zhang Tian Shakes the Emperor!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just when the life and death of Prince Nannuma was unknown, the war on the other side came to an end.

Cao Zhengming jokingly chased Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo, waved his strong hand, constantly shattered Yan Ruge's flame barrier, severely injured the two women, and persisted only with a will.

"Hmph, the ants with mantis arms as vehicles, die for me!"

Cao Zhengming thought of the humiliation he had suffered during this period of time. The breath on his body was as hot as the scorching sun.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, three sharp venomous thorns suddenly flew out from the corner, stabbing Cao Zhengming's back. At the same time, a black shadow stepped on the void and waved a black belt, entangling Yan Ruge and Mu Qi. Luo's body fled towards the distance.

"Tips for carving insects."

Cao Zhengming's face flashed a ferocious look, and the powerful Gang Qi penetrated his body, directly shattering the three poisonous thorns, and raised his hand again to attack Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo, crushing the void all the way, rolling towards him.

"Be careful."

The man in black dressed as Mrs. Xianglian trembled in her heart. Without thinking about it, she pushed the two girls away with strength, and stood up in front of her.

"Hmph, then I'll kill you first."

Cao Zhengming's offensive continued unabated. Instead, he added another strength and slammed towards Madam Xianglian.


At the critical moment, the tights on Mrs. Xiang Lian's body suddenly had no wind, and a vast, powerful, and majestic aura burst out from her body, as if possessed by a god.At that moment, the power even overshadowed the phantom of the Emperor, causing the world to tremble.

Mrs. Xianglian was also shocked by this strange change. She only felt that an inexplicable divine power was poured into her body, making her extremely powerful. She lifted her right hand uncontrollably and shoved it towards Cao Zhengming.


Pushing it out with one palm, like the birth of a dragon, the mighty force seems to be shattering the void, and with a rumbling sound, it directly shatters Cao Zhengming's Tiangang Wujue fingerprint, and the remaining power continues to crush Cao Zhengming. He was knocked upside down, his body cracked, and his flesh and blood flew.

"This this……"

All the onlookers fell into petrification. I don't know which strong man came to the Holy City, and it was so terrifying.

Xie Xiaonan and others wanted to encircle and chase, but when they saw this scene, they stopped their steps unconsciously, and a cold breath came from the bottom of their hearts.

Mrs. Xianglian was also dumbfounded. She couldn't believe that the palm was sent by her, and she actually knocked Cao Zhengming, who was half a step into the realm of the emperor, into the air.

Suddenly, Mrs. Xianglian noticed the source of this divine power, and the sources of divine power scattered to her limbs were astonishingly close to her heart.

She still remembered that when she was about to go out, just in case, she deliberately put the Chen Emoji that Zhang Tian had written in her arms.

"It turns out that Senior Zhang helped in secret." Qudux Novel

There was a touch of emotion in Mrs. Xianglian's eyes. With careful attention, even through a layer of small clothes, she could clearly feel the strong and masculine breath on the Jade Emperor's paper, soothing her state of mind, as if in this place. Under the protection of the power, even if the sky is shattered, it can be safe and sound.


Madam Xianglian, who had regained her senses, quickly adjusted her state. Before her divine power had dissipated, she mentioned Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo again, and quickly fled into the distance.

This time, no one dared to stop it.

But he said that the human emperor phantom had completely killed the Prince of Nanmaru, and razed the ten-mile radius to the ground. His mighty power was overwhelming. Looking at the back of Mrs. Xianglian's escape from a distance, he said solemnly: "Let's be presumptuous, I am here to suppress everything!"

The moment the last word fell, the infinite imperial might burst out from him, as if there were unicorns and Kunpeng roaring and resonating with him.

I saw the emperor raised his hand and turned into an abyss, as if connected to the extraterritorial star realm, big stars fell from the sky and turned into a huge meteor shower, covering Mrs. Xianglian.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The crackling sound resounded endlessly. This is a supreme star technique, which can mobilize the power of the stars. It was obtained by the emperor who traveled through ten thousand worlds and obtained it from a place of death. It was extremely powerful.

"The emperor is still as domineering as ever,"

"So strong, so strong, this is the power of the Emperor, much stronger than Duke Cao."

"The emperor's clones are so tyrannical, how powerful the main body should be, no wonder it can conquer the four barbarians and suppress the eight wastes."

Among the onlookers were many great saints from holy places. Seeing the meteor shower, they felt their scalps tingle. If such powerful magical powers were used on those ancient holy places, few would be able to resist.

As Mrs. Xianglian, who was at the center of the attack, she was shocked to the extreme. If it wasn't for Zhang Tian's divine power, this power would be enough to stun her.

Fortunately, Mrs. Xianglian was strong-willed, barely restraining the fear in her heart, and kept swinging her palms to open the way, smashing the meteorites one by one, killing them out of the attack range of the meteorite rain.

This scene shocked many people. They didn't expect Mrs. Xianglian to be able to kill her. She didn't seem to be struggling. This is by no means an ordinary powerhouse, at least a quasi-god emperor like Tianleihuang.

The human emperor's face sank, and he forced the mana in this spirit body to raise his hand and grab it towards the void. The falling stars seemed to be guided, and they gathered together, forming a terrifying half-moon, like a blade. Rushing to the back of Mrs. Xianglian.

This is a powerful form of the supreme star technique. Even if the human emperor's body is not fully grasped, it is very reluctant to use this spiritual body, and it almost takes away more than [-]% of the mana.

The condensed Haoyue exudes a faint gleaming white light, as if the moon is really falling from the sky, silently, but it crosses the void and directly appears behind Mrs.

At this moment, a golden light erupted from Mrs. Xianglian, and a sky-mark-like mark appeared in the void above her head. Coercion.


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