It seemed that there was a sound of the emperor emanating from the Zhang family's courtyard in the Bloody Marquis's Mansion, and it shook the entire holy capital, and the sky mark in the sky suddenly made a brilliant stroke, sending out a long rainbow, which directly shattered the bright moon formed by the astrology, and broke it. Open the void and destroy it together with the abyss that reflects the star field!


The Human Sovereign's phantom was severely injured, and he suddenly spewed out a mouthful of golden spiritual liquid. , , .

Chapter 502 The grand gesture of burying the emperor


This change shocked everyone.

The dignified body of the emperor was seriously injured in his own capital. This is such a terrible thing that everyone didn't even notice that Mrs. Xianglian disappeared with her.

"The voice just now seemed to be Zhang..."

A great sage said unconsciously, but suddenly fell silent, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

The people around also showed strange expressions, and they all retreated.

This matter is too big. Injuring the emperor is tantamount to declaring war on the ancestral dynasty. If it is the existence of the blood-clothed Houfu, a shocking chaos will break out. No one dares to bear the consequences of spreading rumors, even if they have Ninety-nine percent of them don't dare.

The fire in the warehouse of the Ministry of Rites was still burning, and half of the sky was red, but no one cared, because compared with the tragic battlefield in front of him, the fire was not even a drop in the bucket.

This night battle, which was deliberately planned, ended in a way that no one expected.

The human emperor's spiritual body was injured, Cao Zhengming was seriously injured and unconscious, the Prince of Nanmaru died, the wind king Bai Yu fell, and the sword god Li Changfeng was seriously injured. Although Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo were rescued, they were hit several times before. The palm of the hand, the life is worrying.

This is the most tragic war that has occurred in the mainland in the past ten thousand years.

What no one knows is that at the moment when the human emperor's spirit was injured, the human emperor's body was also sensed.

It is another world beyond the galaxy hundreds of millions of miles away. It is vast and boundless. In a forbidden area of ​​life, there is a majestic man in an emperor's robe sitting cross-legged on a magic lake for cultivation. It spewed out a long river of purple energy and rolled up waves of hundreds of feet, which looked very miraculous.

Suddenly, this majestic man opened his eyes, and the star realms of the heavens were reflected in his pupils, as if a star field was disillusioned in it.

"Someone has broken my spiritual body, very good. The great world is coming, and the world of Shengyuan will be turbulent again. It seems that I should go back and have a look."

When the voice fell, the Emperor stood up in awe, and the entire restricted area seemed to be disturbed, exuding a breath of horror.


At this moment, the emperor's body was shocked, as if a mighty golden dragon vacated from him, roaring for nine days, making the restricted area instantly quiet.

Those restless beasts seemed to sense some terrifying existence, and they all restrained their breath, and this very terrifying restricted area became ordinary again in a blink of an eye.

But she said that Mrs. Xianglian returned to the Bloody Marquis Mansion, and she finally calmed down, but seeing Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo who had been seriously injured and passed out, she didn't know what to do. After thinking for a while, she finally made up her mind and took the two daughters with her. I went to the other courtyard where the Zhang family was.Bookbag Network

"I beg Senior Zhang for mercy and save the lives of these two children."

In front of Zhang Tian's wing, Mrs. Xianglian knelt on the ground with a sincere tone.

Back then, as the long princess of Nanmaru, she had a gentle and kind-hearted personality. Yan Ruge, whose family was ruined, and Mu Qiluo, who had been wandering since childhood, were adopted by the Nanquan King. When you grow up, it is no different from your own children, or you will not take huge risks to rescue.


I don't know how long I waited, the wooden door in front of me suddenly scattered to both sides automatically, and Zhang Tian's faint voice said from inside: "Come in."

Mrs. Xianglian was overjoyed, she quickly took the two girls into Zhang Tian's room, looked at Zhang Tian who was sitting there, and said gratefully, "Thank you for the Dao Marks given by Senior Zhang on Chen Ying's expression, he saved him twice. Concubine's life, great kindness and great virtue, can't be repaid. These two children were born with a hard life and suffered a lot of hardships. I really can't bear to watch them die. I also asked Senior Zhang to take action again. The cows are the horses to repay."

Zhang Tian glanced at Mrs. Xianglian's arms, and saw that Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo were both as pale as paper, with anger like gossamer.Cao Zhengming's Heavenly Gang palm was extremely domineering. Even the Naruto spirit body, who approached Dacheng with Yan Ruge, couldn't bear it. His crimson robe had long been shattered, and his snowy skin, which was as clear as jade, was mixed with bright red blood. in the air.

Mu Qiluo's injuries were even more serious, her body was covered in blood, her hair was messy, and the power of Tian Gang's palm had already shattered her heart, and her dantian was shattered. Even the rebirth of the Eastern Desolate Pill Emperor [-] years ago, supplemented by a peerless medicine, would not save her life.

But these are not worth mentioning to Zhang Tian, ​​not to mention that they are not dead yet, even if there are only one strand of three souls and seven souls left, even if they have already stepped over the Naihe Bridge.If Zhang Tian wanted to save him, it was just a matter of thought.

"Take off their clothes and put them in this bucket."

Zhang Tian held the ancient scroll in one hand and read it, while the other hand casually vacated a little bit, and a red sandalwood barrel with a width of three or four feet appeared in the room.

Afterwards, the void above the wooden barrel suddenly cracked into a space crack, and a large amount of pure white spiritual liquid poured out from it, filling most of the wooden barrel, exuding dense white air, as if being in a fairyland.

If those true immortals and immortal kings saw this scene, they would have to stare out their eyes.Because these spiritual liquids are genuine nectar liquids, only one drop can be condensed out of [-] top-quality fairy jades, which can greatly enhance the power of the fairy body.

Such cherished things have always been discussed in terms of drops. Only when there is a banquet in the ancient heaven, or when there is an exchange of Taoist methods at the Immortal King level, will they have a luxurious drink to show their dignity.

Especially after Zhantian, the mountains and seas collapsed, and most of the jade ore veins disappeared. This nectar and jade liquid has become a legendary fairy. Even if there is a small amount of inventory in the major fairyland, it is like an ancestor.If such a large bucket of nectar and jade liquid is released to the outside world, I am afraid that those peerless Immortal Kings will also be jealous, and they will break through and compete for it.

But for Zhang Tian, ​​these are just floating clouds.

Back then, he built the ancient heaven in the name of the Emperor Burial. In order to show his dignity, he used the supreme supernatural power to remove nearly [-]% of the immortal jade ore veins in the nine mountains and seas, and constructed the peculiar plane of 'Xianjie'. The next fairy rain will come every few days, and mortals can become immortal emperors while lying down.

The immortal liquid condensed with pure and pure immortal energy is even more inexhaustible, just as an ordinary fine wine.

The most important thing is that this bucket of nectar and jade liquid was not paid for by him. He just opened a space door in the good fortune immortal pond in the pure land of the Buddha. All the nectar and jade liquid flowed out from there. , , .

Chapter 503 The looted Buddhist Pure Land

After filling the red sandalwood barrel with most of it, Zhang Tian raised his hand and waved it again. Three white jade vases appeared, madly sucking up the nectar juice from the cracks in the space like a long whale sucking water, and each absorbed about a hundred pieces of wood. The number of barrels just stopped.

Although he does not take these nectars and jade liquids in his eyes, they are undeniably excellent treasures. Especially in this era of depleted spiritual energy, they are very useful for shaping spiritual and immortal bodies. Since they are thieves today, it is better to be It's a little bigger, and the big head is naturally going to be given to the three precious daughters.

However, at this time, the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom was already in chaos. In the most solemn Mahayana Treasure Hall, more than a dozen ancient Buddhas and Bodhisattvas looked at each other and looked dumbfounded.

"Again, look at it again, maybe it's a mistake."

At the next position, a Bodhisattva whose whole body was enveloped in Shen Xi said softly.

She has a great reputation in the Western world, and every time she comes into the world, a lot of lotus flowers will flow out, and she is admired and worshipped by all people, but at this time she is cautious.First, it was because all the people present were big figures in Buddhism, and secondly, because what happened today was so strange, so strange that she, who was omnipotent in the eyes of the world, felt horrified.

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