"Then read it again."

The ancient Buddha, who was sitting on the golden lotus on the seventh floor in the center, said slowly, raised the rough ore finger that seemed to be cast in gold, and pointed towards the open space in the center of the treasure hall, forming a huge mirror out of thin air, reflecting the scene of the other world.

The world in the mirror is one of the most sacred forbidden places in the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom. There are places including the Immortal Pond of Good Fortune, Immortal Pond of Merit, Immortal Pond of Wanhua, Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment, Immortal Ancient Green Bodhi, Longevity Bitter Spirit Fruit, etc., which can be called the Nine Realms The Xeon Rare Treasures are extremely heavily guarded, and even the ancient Buddha is not allowed to enter.

These top-quality treasures of heaven and earth are treasures even if they are placed in the ancient times. Just taking one out can make some immortal gods stunned. Only the superpowers of the kingdom of God can only be superpowers such as the pure land of the Buddha country. Complete collection.

Among the treasures, the Immortal Pond of Good Fortune and Immortal Pond of Merit are the most precious. The former consists of dozens of rare immortal liquids, which possess infinite power of good fortune and can reverse a person's fate.The latter embodies the aspirations of most of the Buddha's cultivation in the Buddha's Pure Land, and is also the foundation of the air transport of the Buddha's Pure Land. If a mortal immerses in it, he can become a Buddha on the ground in less than a quarter of an hour, with infinite power.

At this time, the Immortal Pond of Fortune, which was regarded as a holy pond up and down the Buddhist Pure Land, collapsed by three feet!

A full three feet!

This is a number that is enough to make the ancient Buddha go crazy. You must know that the entire Immortal Pond of Fortune is only seven feet deep. It took [-] million years to collect it, and countless Buddhist practitioners went back and forth to collect it.

The only thing that made them feel gratified was that the missing Sanchi Immortal Liquid was the bottommost nectar juice and jade liquid. Although it was precious, it was at least easier to collect compared to the various magical immortal liquids above.

If the above few rare immortal liquids are missing, it is not only the ancient Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that will be disturbed, but the few Buddhas who have been sleeping for thousands of years may be born.

"It seems that the fairy liquid is really scarce."

The Bodhisattva who spoke before said with a somewhat ugly expression, the loss of a whole three feet of nectar and jade liquid made her feel very heartache, as if a piece of flesh had been cut off from her heart.Abdsc Bookstore www.abdsc.com

God is pitiful, every time she goes to earth to save all beings, she only dares to throw out a drop or two of the nectar juice, which is still diluted. Usually, she can save it. If she gives her the lost nectar, she can drink a cup a day. After drinking it for more than ten years, it will be easy to break through to the realm of ancient Buddha.

Several ancient Buddhas sitting in the front row looked at each other, and one of the old Buddhas with white eyebrows over his shoulders said slowly: "The great world has come, and all kinds of strange people have been born, and our Buddhist country's pure land is powerful, maybe it is Which Supreme Being is concerned about, this matter cannot be ignored and must be thoroughly investigated."

Several ancient Buddhas nodded in agreement, and the orders were issued one after another. The entire Buddhist Pure Land was instantly plunged into huge waves. Countless Venerables and Arhats passed by, and the major defensive immortal formations opened one after another, as if they were facing a great enemy. .

Such a demeanor made many of the forces of the Immortal Realm Sacred Mountain who were secretly observing were surprised, and they also became nervous, and started to protect the sect one after another.

Even Zhang Tian could not have imagined that because of his small action, all the nine great mountains and seas were in chaos.

As the source of all these changes, Zhang Tian still looked leisurely. Seeing that the collection of the nectar and jade liquid was almost done, he waved his hand and put away the three white jade bottles.

"Hmph, let you enter the Buddha in writing."

Zhang Tian muttered, put down the ancient scroll in his hand, and stood up slowly.

It turned out that the ancient scroll recorded the biographies of some powerful people in the mainland for millions of years. Among them, there was a deed of Buddhist cultivation. He said that he wanted to get a name when he was young, and he studied hard for [-] years, but because of treacherous officials, he failed five times. Escape directly into the empty door.

Originally, I only planned to end the remaining life quietly, but I didn't want to enter the Buddha with Wen. The entry was very fast. It took only [-] years to cultivate to the realm of Venerable Wencheng, and became the national teacher of the dynasty. Afterwards, due to his perfect merit, he was extradited to the Western World by Shenguang, which became a famous story in the mainland.

There is nothing wrong with this character biography itself, Zhang Tian just doesn't like it, and the good luck fairy pond who stole the Buddha's Pure Land is also because he is in a bad mood to vent.

If those ancient Buddhas in the Pure Land of the Buddhist Land knew that the three-foot nectar and jade liquid was lost because of this trivial matter, they would have to pull out that venerable man and whip his body ten thousand times.

When Zhang Tian came back to his senses, seeing Mrs. Xianglian still kneeling in the distance, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Didn't you hear what I said? Just take off their clothes and put them in this bucket, the injury will heal on its own. , it's great for them, too."

"This this……"

Mrs. Xianglian's face was slightly red, but she didn't dare to talk to Zhang Tian about the relationship between men and women, so she could only shyly untie the clothes that were already scattered on the two women's bodies.

Immediately, two white jade and snowy bodies like Fengshen jade carvings appeared in the air, and with those two moving and quiet, the beautiful faces made people even more heartbroken and couldn't help themselves.

Zhang Tianning looked at it, his pupils could not help shrinking, showing an expression of admiration, and then raised his hand and flicked, the bodies of the two women directly floated up and sank into the red sandalwood barrel soaked with the nectar. , , .

Chapter 504 Take off your clothes and come in too

As an immortal liquid composed of pure and pure immortal energy, the nectar and jade liquid contains extremely majestic energy, especially for people in the realm of cultivation such as Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo, it has a very magical power of creation.

I saw the two women immersed in the wooden barrel, only the snowy and white shoulders were exposed. Under the nourishment of this fairy spirit, the wounds on the body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, the blue bruises subsided, and the complexion also become rosy.

In particular, Yan Ruge has a fire infant spirit body with great potential, but it has not been fully developed because of the thinness of the spiritual energy in the Shengyuan world. Now it is nourished by a lot of nectar and jade liquid, and the potential of this supreme spirit body has also been explored. When he came out, he became stronger and stronger, and the snow body also became transparent and completely transformed into fire.

Although Mu Qiluo has no spiritual body, he has also received great benefits. His cultivation has improved at an extremely fast speed, and his holy body has become several times stronger. Several stigmata have been smoothed out, not only because of the leap in cultivation. When the foundation is unstable, the holy body sublimates and enters a higher level.

Zhang Tian looked at it for a while, then nodded slightly, glanced at Mrs. Xianglian beside him, and said, "The two of them are all right, but with their aptitudes, they can't fully digest these immortal liquids, you also take off your clothes and soak in it. ."

After all, Zhang Tianken's help was also for Mrs. Xianglian's sake.In the previous test, Mrs. Xianglian's performance did not disappoint him, and now it's just a feedback, so she naturally wants to benefit her.

Hearing Zhang Tian's words, Mrs. Xianglian showed a very surprised expression, and her face turned even redder.Seeing Zhang Tian sitting sideways back on the chair again, as if he was reading the ancient scroll in his hand, he felt a little relieved, his eyes moved to the red sandalwood barrel, and there was a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Her own martial arts realm is not low, and she can naturally feel the powerful energy fluctuations emanating from the nectar juice and jade liquid, which contains the rich life essence and the spiritual power of heaven and earth. The spiritual energy in her dantian rolled over and increased by a small amount.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime great fortune that can be met but not sought.

Mrs. Xianglian struggled violently in her heart. Seeing that Zhang Tian really didn't pay attention to this side, she finally made up her mind and quickly took off the black tights, the moon-white coat, the lining... It was clean.

Then he got into the wooden barrel like a mermaid, and stood with Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo in the shape of a character.

Zhang Tian really didn't pay attention to the beauty in the pool. At this time, he was tracing Zi Yan's position with the power of his soul, and he was paying attention to the baby daughter's movements on a daily basis.

In the ancient land of the phoenix, in the endless blood-colored ocean, a huge building ship hundreds of feet long was riding the wind and waves forward. A majestic Zishan flag fluttering in the wind is the treasure ship of Ziling Shenshan.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the surrounding sea, there was a continuous explosion, and many Shenshan servants used their magical powers to hang around the Zishan building to kill a beast that only emerged from the sea of ​​blood.

The pattern engraved on the treasure ship can withstand some waves, but it can't stand the continuous impact of the beasts in the sea, so they must be killed in advance.

"Where did the big white whale run!"

"Little Haijiao, quickly hand over the demon pill!"

"It turned out to be a rare ancient silver shark. I will make you a shark fin feast." Ranwenba www.ranwenba.com

Right in front of the Purple Mountain Treasure Ship is the key position where the beasts attacked, and it was the most jubilant, sometimes causing huge waves of thousands of feet.

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