Here, there is only one person guarding, and that is Zi Yan, who kills the gods and kills the devil all the way, all the way.

"It's terrifying. The little witch has killed more than [-] blood sea creatures in the past few days, more than the war servants of our two great mountains combined."

On the sampan of the building, Cicada Yurou and Hu Meier stood side by side, looking at Zi Yan who was happily fighting in the sea of ​​blood, she couldn't help but stunned.

Hu Mei'er's eyes flashed, watching Zi Yan swallowing two more demon pills, she couldn't help showing a speechless expression, and said: "What shocked me the most is that this little witch has eaten so many demon pills, and her cultivation is even a little bit. There is no sign of a breakthrough, it's like a bottomless pit."

They have seen everything about Zi Yan in the past few days. The more they observe, the more frightened they are.

For example, in the case of swallowing the demon pill, most of the creatures in the sea of ​​​​blood are essence and blood. Lean.But Zi Yan swallowed them one by one like eating jelly beans. Apart from her breath becoming stronger, her cultivation base did not change at all.

You know, she is only half-step into the realm of the demon king, but the demon pill she swallowed is enough for a nameless little demon to break through to the realm of the supreme demon saint.

"This is the background of the ten rounds of Haitianjiao. It's not unreasonable that the little witch is powerful. The resources she consumes are enough to make many ancient mountains feel pressure. It's hard to imagine how this world can support such strange things. tire."

Cicada Yurou couldn't help but complain, because Zi Yan is too good to eat. According to this way of eating, even the Primordial Divine Mountain where she is located is unbearable. After all, the same amount of resources is enough to cultivate a Divine Mountain Venerable, but the most Let the little witch break through to the demon king realm, which is too uneconomical in the short term.

Hu Mei'er smiled slightly, just as she was about to agree, when her beautiful eyes narrowed, she exclaimed, "Look, then, that's land!"

Cicada Yurou was surprised when she heard the words, and she followed Hu Mei'er's direction, and she saw an island suspended on the sea level in the far distance. A huge phoenix spread its wings and roared in the sky.

"What a celestial phoenix, there must be the burial place of the true immortal of the phoenix clan!"

"I seem to have seen a lot of bones, that is the real resting place of the Phoenix army!"

"Little witch, come up and take a look, the destination is coming soon."

Cicada Yurou and Hu Meier's excited eyes were filled with tears, and they waved to Zi Yan. They were ups and downs in the vast sea of ​​blood. This island was undoubtedly a light of dawn, dispelling the haze in their hearts.

"right away!"

Zi Yan echoed in the sea, carrying the corpse of an ancient silver shark with one hand, and was about to return to the building, but out of the corner of her eye suddenly caught a glimpse of an abnormal thing, showing a surprised expression.

She saw a paper kite, only the size of a slap, drifting on the boundless sea of ​​blood, peaceful and stable. Wherever she went, all the waves subsided. She was clearly in the turbulent sea of ​​blood, but she was very leisurely without any bumps, as if it was this piece of land. Lord of the sea of ​​blood. , , .

Chapter 505 The whisper of the ancient Fengxian

"I'm the only one left..."

A sigh faintly passed into Zi Yan's ears, as if it came from the paper kite, and it was like the breeze made her hallucinate, and then she listened intently, but there was no sound.

This is really a strange thing. In a huge sea of ​​blood, except for countless beasts with low intelligence, there is nothing. At this moment, a colorful paper kite suddenly appeared, floating quietly, and seemed to be able to speak, even with Zi Yan The daring also felt a little terrified.

"Little witch, come up quickly!"

Chan Yurou, who was on the building boat, called out again, the sea of ​​blood was vague, and the direction was difficult to tell. You had to speed up now, otherwise you would easily lose your way.

"Coming soon."

Zi Yan responded, and when she looked at it again, she saw that the little paper kite had disappeared, the waves of the blood sea were churning, and everything just now was like an illusion.

Zi Yan wrinkled her nose, and immediately put the doubts behind her. Carrying the body of the ancient silver shark, she jumped onto the board and said briskly, "I'll invite everyone to eat shark fins tonight!"

All the servants of the sacred mountain cheered. Because of Zi Yan, they had almost no casualties on the way. This is an incredible thing, and they are sincerely grateful to Zi Yan.

Chanyu judo: "Don't rush to eat first, the Tianfeng burial ground is in front, maybe other sacred mountains have arrived first, we must be vigilant to prevent accidents."

Zi Yan nodded, put the ancient silver shark in the storage ring, and said: "Sister Tianchan is right. Although the silver shark fin is good, it is not as good as the flesh and blood medicine of Shenshan Tianjiao. Now I am still empty stomach, wait. Let's eat Shenshan Tianjiao meat.

Chanyu rolled her eyes softly, and she was speechless for a while. When did she say such a thing, it was obviously to remind the little witch to be careful, but how could she be instigating her to eat the gods of the mountain.

Hu Mei'er smiled and said: "Fairy Ziling, don't worry, this space confines the power above the holy realm, the venerable cannot go to the realm, the little witch is invincible as long as she doesn't encounter the Hunyuan Xiaopeng king, the only thing to worry about is the power of the other gods. right."

"That's right, robbing all these divine mountains and arrogances, I think that the big stick of the god ape king is very good, but it can be big or small, and the beef hoof of the iron hoof king must also be delicious."

Zi Yan said with a small pink fist.

Cicada sighed softly, one of them was bold and the other was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

The Zishan Building Boat rode the wind and waves, and soon approached the island, only to see that the island was countless times larger than when viewed from a distance, as if an ancient magic mountain stood there, oppressing people endlessly.

In many directions, there are ships approaching, and the powers of the gods are excited and flock to the island. This is a world-class secret. If a top Phoenix true immortal falls here, it must contain earth-shattering immortal treasures or Phoenix magic. Enough to make all the forces of the mountain go crazy.


Everyone climbed up the island, only to hear the roaring sound coming from the ground. The golden sand was cracked with countless cracks, revealing the appearance of an ancient battlefield. Countless monster corpses with strange shapes were spread out on the ground. Each of them is at least a few hundred feet in size and exudes an extremely fierce aura.

When they were in it, everyone felt like they had returned to the ancient times, when the Phoenix army had a decisive battle with the ancient heaven, and all the great powers slammed Fang Qiu, causing the sky to collapse.


A shrill cry came out, but it was a Tianjiao of the Great Thousand World who wanted to pick up a broken ancient weapon on the ground, but woke up the sleeping undead, and stabbed him in the opposite direction with a spear.No.7 Novel Network www.[-]

This scene made many Tianjiao feel horrified. The corpses scattered on the ground still kept a remnant of the soul, silently guarding the burial ground.

"Everyone, be careful not to touch the treasures on the ground."

Chanyu softly reminded in a low voice that although these ancient weapons and armors were extremely valuable, they were nothing to the Taikoo Divine Mountain. Immortal treasures and immortal arts were their real goals.

However, Chan Yurou's words just fell, and Zi Yan was already tossing around in the piles of corpses, smashing the skulls of some corpses from time to time.

"Mine, mine, all mine!"

Zi Yan's eyes were shining, and she kept rummaging through the piles of corpses. What she wanted was not weapons, nor armor, but the demon pills on the corpses of these demon races. This space forbids everything, such as a sealed land, so that Many demon pills have been well preserved, which is a great supplement to her.

"Little witch, stop now!"

"Fuck, little witch, are you crazy?"

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