"If you want to die, you will die by yourself, don't implicate everyone else."

Before Chan Yurou could speak, all Tianjiao were furious. Because of Zi Yan's actions, many huge white-boned monsters stood up, holding the soldiers of their lifetime, and constantly attacking the people around them, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

"There is no phoenix... there is no phoenix..."

These white-boned monsters recited babble, the corpse fire burned in their eyes, the army of corpses grew more and more, and the corpse chattered, as if the whole island resonated with it, and even the powerful still retained the supernatural powers of their lives, and they opened up the mountains and the ground with one move. , many of the sacred mountain servants were hacked to death.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Zi Yan, like a young god, smashed seven or eight bone monsters that tried to approach with three fists and two feet, and shouted: "Why should I stop the demon pill I picked up by my ability?"

A group of Tianjiao hated their teeth, but they were surrounded by the army of bones. They couldn't break through at all. They could only watch Zi Yan continue to sprint forward. Standing on the ground, many Tianjiao have a feeling of despair.

They never imagined that the biggest crisis in this trip was actually this little witch.

Zi Yan plundered all the way here, only to feel that the rank of the demon pill she obtained was getting higher and higher, and she couldn't help but be more encouraged.

When he looked up again, there was a huge flame cave in front of him. The fire spirit was extremely rich, and a large amount of magma was formed on the ground. Many red fishes were swimming in the magma, and they spewed out a real fire. The void is distorted, as if it has been dissolved.

Zi Yan's heart palpitated with this power, and she didn't dare to approach for a while. When she was thinking about returning to the original road, she suddenly showed a look of surprise. I saw that Zhi Yuan, who had seen the sea of ​​​​blood before, was slowly driving in the direction she came from. Jin, as always, Gu Bo was not shocked, calm and steady.

"I'm the only one left..."

The faint voice sounded again, lingering in Zi Yan's ears.This time, when she got close, she could hear it very clearly, and even her soul trembled, as if she saw a terrifying picture of the sun, moon, star and river falling, and the vast world overturned.

In this scene like the end of the world, there is a heroic female general in silver armor, covered in blood, sitting on the top of a high mountain, lonely and lonely, with her head lowered, and sighed softly:

"I'm the only one left..." ,, . . .

Chapter 506 The Terrified Heavenly Phoenix True Spirit

This is an incomparably despairing and depressed will, the destruction of the heavens and the earth, the sinking of all beings, the disappearance of countless living beings from the eyes, and the loss of life, so that such deep resentment will arise, which will last for [-] million years.

Seemingly sensing the existence of Zi Yan, the woman sitting on the top of the high mountain suddenly raised her head, revealing a poignant and beautiful face, with a silver Feng clan mark on her forehead, reaching out towards her, the corners of her lips slightly Zhang, but silent.

At this moment, the dragon soul in Zi Yan's sea of ​​knowledge made a roaring sound, broke free from this mood, and returned Zi Yan's consciousness to reality.

"Okay, it's dangerous."

Seeing that her toes were only a step away from the magma abyss, Zi Yan patted her little chest in fear. If she really listened to the call of the general of the Phoenix clan just now, she would have stepped into the abyss and sank forever.

Seeing the colored paper kite that was still floating forward quietly, Zi Yan was a little itchy, and finally jumped up, crossed the magma abyss, and grabbed the paper kite in the center.


At the moment of Zi Yan's action, the originally calm magma torrent suddenly erupted with very violent fluctuations, and hundreds of red fish rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire and besieged Zi Yan.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Zi Yan was prepared for this long ago, and a powerful momentum erupted. The left hand Taiyang Pengquan and the right hand Taiyin Kun palm swept the invincible, knocking out many red fishes, and the whole cave was rumbling with rumbles, big chunks. A red rock fell from the top floor.

Just when she was about to catch Zhi Yuan, Zi Yan suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart, she quickly retracted her hand, and ten round seas were sacrificed at the same time, forming a divine ring, emitting divine light to protect her whole body.

This is also a magical power. She figured it out on her own. Ten round seas are connected to form a strange barrier. The defense is extremely strong, and it can even block the attack of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng.


Just when the divine light just enveloped the whole body, hundreds of real fires rushed in at the same time. Although each red fish only spewed out a faint wisp, they gathered together to cover the sky and the sun. , causing a jolt.

"I can't stand it anymore."

Zi Yan was taken aback and hurriedly retreated with Kunpeng in the sky. The power of these real fires was beyond her imagination. The divine light shield that could block the attack of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng was in front of these real fires. There is a feeling of being broken.

"Could this be the legendary flying fish?"

Zi Yan rolled her eyes, secretly guessing in her heart that she had heard the second sister Yuxin say that there is a fierce beast called Fei Tianyu, which is red all over, contains the blood of the gods, and has the fire of refining the gods in her body, which is one of the few in the world. Fire is also a powerful beast fire, which can be refined even in the sky, and was very famous in ancient times.

Thinking of this, Zi Yan couldn't help but light up, staring at the swimming fish in the magma, and little stars were about to emerge.Because this flying fish was a very famous and precious beast in ancient times, its whole body is full of treasures, its scales can be made into emperor-grade armor, and its flesh and blood contain divinity. Sharpening the flesh also works wonders.

In the ancient times, any top immortal realm would definitely raise a large number of such rare beasts, but I didn't expect to meet them today.

Just when Zi Yan was staring at the flying fish drooling, the paper kite had moved forward a lot along the torrent. When she saw this scene, she hurriedly followed and told her directly that this was more precious than the flying fish. s things.

After following the paper kite for a while, Zi Yan found out again. Those flying fish seemed to be attracted by the paper kite. They followed it around as if they were escorting them. In such a short time, nearly [-] exercises had gathered, which made her completely dispelled. to steal the paper kite's attention.

Just before such a journey, there was a sudden light in front of the cave. It was a deep pool with countless rays of light lingering on the surface, which looked very mysterious.Lingjiu Literature Network www.09wxw.com

The colored paper kite seemed to have come to the end of the journey, the speed suddenly accelerated, and it rushed directly into the deep pool, covered by the rays of light, making it even more mysterious.

The hundreds of thousands of flying fish that followed the paper kite also plunged into the deep pool, but at the moment of entering, they were strangled by an invisible force, their bodies burst, their flesh and blood splashed together with divine fire, and they merged into the deep pool. Not a single cry came out.

Zi Yan's scalp was numb, and hundreds of thousands of rare and powerful flying fish died so silently, as if they were sacrificed, adding an inch of height to the deep pool.

and many more!

Zi Yan seemed to wake up suddenly, staring at the crimson deep pool, breathing heavily.This deep pool is shrouded in rays of light and is not connected to the magma torrent. Where does the 'water' in it come from?

Combining the scene just seen, Zi Yan came to an astonishing conclusion, that is, the water in this deep pool is all made of the flesh and blood of flying fish mixed with divine fire!

If this is the case, then it is too precious, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a peerless treasure, because it is the descendant of the ancient super sect, and it is absolutely impossible to use the flesh and blood of a pond of flying fish to temper the flesh, this is too extravagant , it's incredible.

"Since you're here, you can stay."

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the deep pool, and at the same time, a violent suction burst out from inside, Shen Xia surged and rushed towards Zi Yan.

"not good!"

Zi Yan was shocked, and quickly sacrificed ten round seas, forming a ring of gods to resist.

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