"Ten rounds of Haitianjiao? Alright, alright, with such a background, it can be used as a medicinal guide for my pool of precious medicines!"

A very excited voice sounded in the deep pool, Shenxia's power increased several times, and Zi Yan was directly included in it with unstoppable power.

It was only then that Zi Yan could see the scene in the deep pool, only to see that the deep pool was hundreds of feet long and wide, all of which were gathered by blood essence, exuding rich life fluctuations.

In the center of the blood pool, a phoenix with a length of more than ten meters was suspended, but it was barely formed, constantly drawing energy from the blood pool, and around it, dozens of paper kites were slowly cruising.

In the moment before the coma, Zi Yan understood everything at once.

This is the real burial place of the Tianfeng Zhenxian, or the place where she is ready to be reborn.

The boundless sea of ​​blood, the heroic female generals whispering on the top of the mountain, the colorful paper kites drifting through the ages, the flying fish in the flame cave...

All of this is for the purpose of refining this supreme medicine of flesh and blood, to help this Phoenix clan true immortal reshape the true spirit and live out the second life!

"Great Void Ancient Dragon? Good! That's great! With the blessing of Fengzu, I was able to hold the dragon and the phoenix and step into the realm of the peerless Immortal King!"

Tianfeng Zhenling was very excited, stared at Zi Yan excitedly, and was about to use her magical powers to decompose her, when she suddenly moved, her eyes moved slightly, and her face showed an extremely horrified expression.

Behind Zi Yan, Zhang Tian's figure slowly solidified, stepping on the blood pool, looking at Tianfeng Zhenling lightly. , , .

Chapter 507 The ending of the three major demon alliances

"Bury... Burial the Emperor?"

There is a bit of hesitation in Tianfeng Zhenling's tone. It's not that she is not sure about the appearance of the Emperor Burial. On the contrary, [-] million years ago, the ancient heaven was in full swing, and the prestige of the Emperor Buried revered nine mountains and seas, and he was standing everywhere. The sculptures are lifelike and possess great power, and those who offend will be punished by heaven.

As a general of the Phoenix clan, she leads the tens of thousands of elite Phoenix clan troops to crusade against the heavens. How can she ignore the ultimate demon king, the emperor buried in the sky, that cold, arrogant, ruthless but absolutely domineering face, even if she reincarnates thousands of times, she will not will forget.

What made her hesitate was how could the Lord of the dignified ancient heaven, the Heavenly Burial Emperor of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, appear here.

And that face seems to be less ruthless and arrogant, and more elegant and leisurely, but the invincible spirit that suppresses the heavens and the world has not changed at all. At most, it has become more introverted and deeper. Unpredictable.

This discovery made the face of the real immortal of the Feng clan very ugly, without waiting for Zhang Tian to reply, he said to himself: "There is no phoenix, there is no phoenix, and the sky is still here, it seems that Fengzu has lost. ."

The words revealed endless sadness.

She fell in the middle of the three major demon alliances to conquer the sky. At that time, the army of the demon alliance was still very strong. Longzu, Fengzu, and Linzu all rose from the ancient times. The hero who can stand side by side with the gods and demons captured the nine mountains and seas. , is invincible, and has its own victory with the ancient heaven.

For the past [-] years, she has been unable to overcome her will, and she also fantasized about seeing the grand occasion of the Demon League ruling the nine mountains and seas on the day of her return, fantasizing about becoming a triumphant hero, and being commended and praised by Fengzu.

But when she saw Zhang Tian, ​​she was disillusioned, causing her true spirit to be in turmoil, as if it was about to collapse again.

Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, with no expression on his face, he only raised his hand towards the Heavenly Feng Zhenling. After a flash of aura, it transformed into a human form.

The woman after the transformation is the same as the female general who was sitting on the top of the mountain and whispering to Zi Yan. A miniature phoenix that seems to soar for nine days is engraved on her eyebrows. The only difference is that she lacks a battle armor. The snow-white and flawless skin was completely exposed to the air, making her a little less heroic and a little more charming.

The sudden change made this Fengxian startled, and subconsciously curled up in the snow body, looked at Zhang Tian in horror, and said, "Bu, Burial Emperor, what do you think?"

Zhang Tian didn't look away, just looked straight at Fengxian's immortal body like a peerless jade, and said in a low voice, "Do you know that this girl is the daughter of this emperor? Offending her is like offending the emperor. . Thinking that your immortal king has achieved fruition, and you have great wisdom to lay down this excellent ancient land of nirvana, it is not bad. If you are willing to surrender to this emperor's daughter, you may be spared your life."

It turned out that this general of the Feng clan was the arrogant figure of the Tianfeng clan back then. He cultivated to the top true immortals at a young age. Although he perished because of the battle to conquer the sky, he reunited the true spirits with mysterious supernatural powers. The ancient space that can be reborn in nirvana has broken through to the realm of immortal kings after [-] million years of precipitation. As long as the true spirit is reshaped and the immortal power is replenished, he can become a real immortal king.

A Heavenly Phoenix Clan Immortal King with great wisdom and great supernatural powers, even in the ancient times, is considered to be the overlord of the world, who can suppress a star field and enjoy the worship and worship of all ethnic groups.It is even more precious in this Dharma-ending period when immortals and gods are withering away, and Zhang Tian also has a heart of cherishing talents.

"Submit to your daughter?" Lianlianxs.com

When Tianfeng Zhenxian heard Zhang Tian's words, she was stunned for a moment, then she showed an extremely embarrassed look, and said loudly: "Emperor Burial, you want me to submit and be driven by your daughter, it's just wishful thinking! I am a member of the Phoenix family. Pulse, from the will of Fengzu, fighting against the sky, there is no sky in Feng! If you want to kill, you can do it, I already died once, so what is there to be afraid of?"

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "Well, it is from the will of Fengzu. If the Feng clan can be like you, this emperor will admire three points."

After speaking, Zhang Tian flicked towards the void and transformed into a huge treasure mirror, which crossed the river of time and restored a momentary projection [-] million years ago.

I saw the light of the empty mirror flashing, revealing an incomparably vast and vast celestial scene, with various immortal peaks surrounding the Lingxiao Palace, and the edge could not be seen at a glance.

The mighty army of demon alliances all stood under Nantianmen, their bodies covered with white immortal chains, and their expressions were desolate and desolate, while the leaders of the three major demon alliances all knelt under Lingxiao Palace.

"This, this is Lord Feng Zu?"

Looking at Feng Zu, who was bowing his head to the ground in the empty mirror, Tianfeng Zhenxian couldn't help trembling. At the same time, she also saw Long Zu and Lin Zu beside her, these three invincible creatures that dominated the nine great mountains and seas. At that time, there was still a trace of domineering, and the loss of life essence from the body was very serious.

As soon as the screen turned, the leaders of the three major demon alliances worshipped the heaven with solemn expressions and announced to the world.

"The way of heaven is above, the Dragon Alliance has cut down the sky, and the nine great mountains and seas have been devastated. The sins are very serious. Today, I will disband it. My Dragon Ancestor wishes to dissolve the true spirit and disperse it into the nine seas, and spread the rain and dew in the world in order to pay for the cause and effect of the heavenly way."

"The way of heaven is on top, the Lin League is cutting the sky, causing disasters to the nine mountains and seas, and the sins are serious. Today, I will be disbanded. My ancestor Lin is willing to transform into yin and yang, balance the two poles of the universe, and pay for the cause and effect of the heavenly way."

"The way of heaven is on top, the Phoenix Alliance has attacked the sky, and the nine great mountains and seas have been devastated. The sins are heavy. Today, it will be disbanded. Fengzu's lineage will forever suppress the undead volcano in Nanming, in order to pay for the cause and effect of the heavenly way."

The three announcements spread all over the nine mountains and seas, and Longzu fulfilled his promise, splitting the true spirit that was infinitely close to the Immortal Emperor Realm, divided it into nine parts, and scattered them into the nine sea realms.Ancestor Lin's eyes were also resolute, and he used the supreme supernatural power to divide the true spirit and the physical body into two yin and yang unicorns, and they went to the two poles of the universe.

Only Feng Ancestor, Gou Quan, led the Taigu Tianfeng lineage into the Nanming Undying Volcano, where the ancient Heavenly Court suppressed this powerful forbidden area of ​​life, and lived in the world with an extremely humiliating attitude.

"This, this is impossible!"

Tianfeng Zhenxian only felt that the belief in her heart collapsed. Fengzu, the most respected Fengzu in her life, behaved so unbearably at the moment of defeat. In order to survive, she did not hesitate to take on the dignity of the Tianfeng lineage, and she became a vassal of the ancient heaven for generations.

Especially compared to the Dragon Ancestor Linzu, who filled the nine oceans and balanced the two poles of the universe, he was even more humble and insignificant.

Zhang Tian scattered the empty mirror and said in a low voice, "That's the truth. Longzu and Linzu paid for the karma at the cost of the broken true spirit. But you, the Phoenix family, still have original sins in the world." , . . .

Chapter 508 The killing of the Emperor Buried is decisive!

This was an extremely heavy blow. In the memory of this Heavenly Phoenix True Immortal, the Phoenix Clan has always been an extremely proud race, the leader of the beasts in the world.

This made her feel resentment towards Fengzu. Since she was so cherished, why did she shout 'there is no phoenix without heaven' back then, which made the Feng clan lose their trust in the world, and made her insistence seem very ridiculous.

The entire Tianfeng lineage has already surrendered, crawling in front of the Desolate Ancient Heavenly Court, and crawling at the feet of the Buried Heaven Emperor. She is only a true immortal. Even if she steps into the Immortal King Realm, what can she turn around in the face of this general trend.

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