Feeling disheartened, the Fengxian's eyes also changed, and she said in a low voice, "It's okay if you want me to surrender, but I am a dignified Immortal King. Girl, unless she reaches the Immortal King Realm one day, or becomes the Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Court."

Because of Fengzu's huge blow, Fengxian had a desire to survive. She wanted to ask Fengzu in person, but still remember the oath she made when she led Tianfeng's lineage out of the Great Wilderness?

However, she is also dignified. In those magnificent ancient years, she led tens of millions of troops to fight across the nine mountains and seas, and her reputation spread all over the world.

Zhang Tian said softly: "It's too late, what this emperor said will not be repeated a second time, you have already missed your only chance."


Feng Xian, who had transformed into a woman, cried out in surprise. She felt a trace of invincible domineering from Zhang Tian, ​​and when she decided the fate of her Immortal King of the Heavenly Phoenix Clan, a huge chill surged into her heart.

"Didn't you want to use Ben Emperor's daughter as a medicine to lead, dragon and phoenix hold Yuan, today Ben Emperor will take your blood essence and increase the background of Ben Emperor's daughter."

The voice fell, Zhang Tianping pointed, and the power of the heavens roared and roared, imprisoning Fengxian, the true spirit that spent [-] million years and worked so hard to reunite was torn apart, and the flesh collapsed into the pool of blood.

"Finally, I'll leave you with a bit of the source of true spirit, and I'll collect it again when this emperor's daughter has completed the immortal way. At that time, whether to choose to integrate and absorb, or to help you transform into an immortal body, depends on her mood."

Zhang Tian said indifferently, the words follow the law, and the most original point of Fengxian's true spirit has been preserved. That is where the soul imprint is, which contains her lifelong insights and the inheritance imprint of the Tianfeng family's treasures.

"no no……"

Feng Xian struggled and roared desperately. That little soul imprint was her core thing. Once it leaked out, it would indicate that the supernatural powers of the Tianfeng lineage were acquired by outsiders, and she would become the sinner of the entire Tianfeng clan. Even better than Fengzu.

Normally, this kind of soul brand will never be preserved. Because it is implicated in the soul, it can be burnt with just one thought. Therefore, before the demon clan's death, the first thing is to self-destruct the soul brand to prevent the outflow of treasures in the clan. , which is something no one can stop.

But under Zhang Tian's absolute restraint, Feng Xian couldn't even do this little thing, and could only watch the soul brand stripped off, mixed with a little true spirit, and sleep in this ancient land.

This is Zhang Tian's hegemony, or the hegemony of the emperor who buried the sky. If you want to live, you will live, if you want to die, you will die. If you want to hand over the imprint of your soul, you must not resist. .

After doing all this, Zhang Tian's expression softened again, turned to look at Zi Yan, who had fallen asleep, raised his hand and flicked on her bright white forehead.Flying Fiction www.fytxt.com


Zi Yan covered her head and let out an exaggerated cry of pain. Her beautiful big eyes opened slightly, and when she saw Zhang Tian standing in front of her, she smiled and jumped into Zhang Tian's arms with joy.

"Dad, you are finally here, Zi Yan will be scared to death."

Zi Yan shrank in Zhang Tian's arms and acted like a spoiled child, and did not shy away from passing her body temperature to Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, stopped Zi Yan's slender waist with his backhand, and scratched her little Qiong's nose with the other hand, and said, "I came here this time and planned to give you a gift to help you build the body of a demon king in one fell swoop. I didn't expect you to be blessed with such a deep relationship, and you have discovered such a big treasure by yourself, and this gift can be given to you next time."

Zi Yan looked at the blood pool and said excitedly: "The energy in this blood pool is very abundant and pure. I originally felt that there was still a long, long distance from the Demon King Realm, but if refining this blood pool Tan, you will be sure to break through to the demon king realm, and then you will suppress that Hunyuan Xiaopeng king and bring two beautiful concubines to the father to warm the bed."

Zhang Tian shook his head and was about to speak when he suddenly seemed to sense something and said, "There are still some things outside, so I'll leave first. You can practice here with peace of mind, no one will disturb you."

After speaking, Zhang Tian raised his hand to lay down a defensive array, and then left.

Bloody Marquis Mansion, in Zhang Tian's room, Zhang Tian stepped directly out of the void, just facing Yan Ruge's face, I saw this enchanting beauty's eyes slowly opened, and the moment when he saw Zhang Tian, ​​that belt A gleam of light shot out from the eyes of the blue phoenix with a dash of evil.

"You'd better not be in a hurry."

Zhang Tian just pressed it casually, and it seemed that a thousand-point force was pressing on Yan Ruge's white jade-like shoulders, forcibly pressing her body that was about to rush out of the water back.

This action made the other two women also wake up. The color of the fairy liquid in the red sandalwood barrel has dimmed a lot and turned into a translucent state. The ketone bodies of the three peerless beauties are looming.

"Don't get me wrong, this time it was Senior Zhang who saved your life and gave you a great fortune."

Just when Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo were on guard, Madam Xianglian's voice suddenly came out softly.

Yan Ruge couldn't help but feel a little calmer when he heard the words, and when he touched his body again, his complexion suddenly changed greatly, he quickly raised his slender jade arm, and a mass of purple flames gushed out, circling into a spiritual body, but it was no longer a fire snake, but a In the shape of a dragon, its power is more than ten times stronger than before,

"My Fire Infant Spirit Body turned out to be a big one? No, it's even more terrifying than a big one!"

Yan Ruge couldn't help showing a look of shock, and she didn't even care that the snow body was exposed in front of Zhang Tian. With a thought, a feather coat made of pure purple fire was put on her body, perfectly sketching the sky like Zhong Tiandi. The beautiful figure born of aura, with several hollows inlaid with patterns, reflects the snowy skin, making her a little more enchanting and evil.

On the other side, Mu Qiluo also wore a long aqua blue dress, dignified and elegant, feeling the powerful power surging in her body, her expression was very complicated. , , .

Chapter 509 The Great Fortune Given by Zhang Tian

Both women are talented and intelligent masters, and they quickly learned about the changes in their bodies. Not only did there not exist any hidden injuries, but a great fortune occurred from the inside out, making them reborn, even The Dao marks on the holy body were also smoothed, and only one remained.

This is a terrifying change. It is difficult to change since the ancient holy body was cast, but they just soaked in the wooden barrel for a while, and then an amazing miraculous effect occurred. If it spreads out, it is enough to cause the world to shake.

But what they don't know is that the magic of the nectar and jade liquid is far more than that. The changes they feel are only a drop in the bucket. The real benefit is to improve their qualifications, so that they have the potential of no less than ancient Tianjiao. The training will be extremely smooth.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, the fire in the Ministry of Rites and the major incident of the night battle in the Holy City also quietly subsided.Because he could not find the file from that year, Cao Zhengming discussed with the jurors and finally unanimously determined that Concubine De and Mrs. Xianglian were innocent people. Neither the Princess Nanmaru nor the secretly changing the prince was established.

As the whistleblower, the concubine Xian was accused by thousands of people. The Hanlin Academy and the Dali Temple were both impeached. The Emperor personally decreed that she should be confined in the cold palace, and she would never come out without a summons.

So far, the Emperor of Thunder has fallen, the Eighth Prince is confined in Dali Temple, and Concubine Xian has been put into a cold palace.

Because anyone with some knowledge knows that the reason why this big case that caused a sensation in the Holy City was hastily concluded was not because there was no evidence as announced to the public, but because of the mysterious black-clothed man who suddenly appeared that night.

This mysterious black-clothed man calmly rescued the two Nanmaru Heavenly Kings in front of a group of powerhouses, smashing Cao Zhengming with one blow, and destroying the powerful supernatural powers of the emperor's spiritual body, causing the emperor's backlash to suffer heavy losses. , The terror of strength is enough to deter the entire Holy City.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to continue to investigate?Even if Cao Zhengming had the intention, the jurors such as Prince Rong and the Seventh Prince would never agree. In the face of absolute power, the truth is not important at all.

Not only was this case closed, but the Nanmaru robbery and prison robbery case, which had been agitated before, was also closed due to the death of Prince Nanmaru, and Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo were not even wanted.

Like what happened before, it never happened.

This is the shock of Zhang Tian's absolute power!

In the Bloody Marquis Mansion, Mrs. Xianglian, Yan Ruge, Mu Qiluo, Ruthless Man, Yu Xin and others were all in the lineup, sipping their tea leisurely.

After Mrs. Xianglian's explanation, Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo had already figured out all the causes and consequences, and they were infinitely grateful to Zhang Tian.

The matter has completely subsided, and Mrs. Xianglian no longer hides it, and tells all about the Concubine De who was threatened by Concubine Xian.

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