The ruthless man listened quietly and frowned: "This is strange. Concubine Xian has always had a grudge against my family. Why didn't you take out this handle earlier and threaten it?" I Love Chinese Website

Mu Qiluo said: "I have ordered someone to investigate this matter. The real murderer behind the scenes is Cao Zhengming, who secretly spread the news. Concubine Xian is just his sword. The funny thing is, Concubine Xian From the beginning to the end, I didn't know that I was being used by Cao Zhengming, and I was extremely stupid."

There was a ray of light in Ruthless Man's eyes, and he said coldly: "Cao Zhengming? This old fox really doesn't stop. This time the strategy can be called three birds with one stone. I'm afraid he has already succeeded in his conspiracy."

Yuxin sighed: "Cao Zhengming is in charge of Dali Temple, and he is extremely powerful in the holy capital, especially after he revealed his identity as a half-step emperor, his power is even stronger, and he has always acted cautiously. Even if we want to counterattack, there is no way to start. "

Mu Qiluo rolled her eyes and said, "I do know about Cao Zhengming's handle. If it were made public, it would be enough to kill him. It's okay to tell Nanling Hou this secret, but I hope Nanling Hou has something. can help."

Ruthless: "What's the matter?"

Yan Ruge stretched his slender waist and said softly: "Me and Qiluo have no interest in restoring Nanzuma's country. Now that the crown prince is dead, there is no need to consider this aspect. Senior Zhang has recreated the two of us. Well, if the Marquis of Nanling does not dislike it, the two of us are willing to follow you from now on and never betray, in order to repay the kindness of Senior Zhang. As for what we are asking for, it is quite simple. Take care of those Nanmarsh survivors."

Mrs. Xianglian also said from the side: "This time the prince and the others are planning a rebellion. Hundreds of thousands of Nanmaru survivors are gathering in the holy capital. They have nothing else to do. If there is no help, there will be a big incident. be able to lend a hand.”

The ruthless man nodded and said, "Madam, don't worry, this matter is covered by me. After I return to the Qishi Mansion, I will find a way to exonerate these people. It's just that the placement needs to be considered in the long run."

Mu Qiluo said: "These hundreds of thousands of Nanzhao survivors are all young slaves, and they have no advantages other than physical strength. I heard that the emperor gave Nanling Marquis a million miles of Nanling territory and a military establishment of [-] Nanling. Why don't the Marquis of Nanling directly incorporate these Nanmaru survivors into the army, killing two birds with one stone."

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up and said, "Miss Mu is really smart, and tomorrow I will give the Ministry of War a proposal to reorganize all the hundreds of thousands of Nanmaru survivors into the Nanling Army. In terms of supplies, I will let Lingbao Pavilion transfer one. After the approval, as for the specific reorganization work, I have to trouble the two of you."

For Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo, ruthless people still value them very much. The combat power and potential qualifications of these two are top-notch in the world of Shengyuan. After a series of events, they will not have a rebellious heart. They can truly for her use.With the help of these two people, I can save a lot of trouble in the future.

Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo looked at each other, saluted the ruthless man, and said solemnly, "As ordered."

After discussing this matter, Mu Qiluo brought up the old things again and said: "Cao Zhengming has been cautious all his life, but he has always been a martial artist, and he cannot escape the pursuit of the realm of cultivation, and the "Tiangang Wuji Gong" he practiced has a shortcut. , can lead directly to the Immortal Emperor, which is also his most fatal weakness!"

"Directly to the Immortal Emperor?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall showed a look of stunned expression. Half a step above the god emperor was the god emperor. He needed to fight for his life with the gods and survive the god emperor's calamity.

Even the king of Zhennan, who has the martial arts to the sky, was trapped by this level, but Cao Zhengming had a way to get over it directly? , , .

Chapter 510 The secret of nine yin, countering the sword god

Mu Qiluo said: "This matter is absolutely true, but it is not easy to achieve this condition. It is necessary to sacrifice nine men with nine yang spiritual bodies and nine women with nine yin and no veins, forming a yin and yang infinite. Cao Zhengming used the power of Dali Temple to search the world for countless years, and even killed Changle Hou's family to obtain a Nine-Yang boy, but he was still missing a Nine-Yang man and two Nine-Yin women."

"There is such a vicious secret technique."

Everyone was a little shocked when they heard it, but they believed it a bit, because the Nine Yang Spirit Body and the Nine Yin Extinction Vessel were both very rare physiques.Leaving aside the Nine Yang Spirit Body for the time being, most of the women who possessed the Nine Yin Extinction Vessel would not be able to live past the age of sixteen. It would be difficult to collect all nine of them, and it would be reasonable to have some miraculous effects.

The ruthless man said excitedly: "The Marquis of Changle is Prince Rong's favorite son, and he is also from the blood of the royal family. If this matter can be taken seriously, Cao Zhengming will be exiled to the Heavenly Corpse Mountains even if he does not die. the difference."

Mu Qiluo said: "Changle Hou's murder case has been investigated by the imperial court for countless years. Prince Rong has been investigating secretly, but he has never had any clues, which shows that what he did was flawless. Even with the information I control, I only know the real execution. The person is the Anbu directly under Cao Zhengming, but there is no conclusive evidence. Unless Li Changfeng, the god of swords, is willing to come forward to accuse, this person is Cao Zhengming's confidant and must know about this matter."

Mrs. Xianglian said: "Li Changfeng and Li Linger were adopted by Cao Zhengming since they were young. They respect him like their father and are most loyal to Cao Zhengming. It would be difficult for Li Changfeng to stand up and accuse Cao Zhengming."

Mu Qiluo sneered: "Li Changfeng brothers and sisters may regard Cao Zhengming as their adoptive father, but Cao Zhengming doesn't see it that way. With such a ruthless heart, I am afraid that Li Linger has already been counted among the nine nine-yin women. "

The ruthless man exclaimed: "Li Ling'er is a nine-yin dead pulse? No wonder the dantian is empty. I remember that Cao Zhengming's son Cao Yanzhang seems to be a nine-yang spiritual body, could it be..."

Mu Qiluo nodded and said, "If you include Cao Yanzhang and Li Ling'er, in fact, Cao Zhengming is only short of a woman with nine yin and no pulse to set up a yin and yang infinite array."

After speaking, Mu Qiluo looked at Yuxin again and said, "Excuse Qiluo's offense, the second miss is Jiuyin Jumai, I told Cao Zhengming about this a long time ago, I was afraid that he hated the Zhang family. , and a little bit because of that.”

Yu Xin said softly: "Miss Mu doesn't have to blame herself, even if there is no such thing, just because the elder sister abolished the young marquis Cao Yanzhang, Cao Zhengming will never give up."

The ruthless man finally made a final decision: "This is an opportunity that can be used. Li Changfeng is loyal to Cao Zhengming, but Li Linger is his younger sister. He will never sit back and watch Li Linger become a sacrifice to the Yin-Yang Array. Tomorrow, I will See Li Changfeng secretly, try to turn him back, and put Cao Zhengming in a place of doom!"

The next day, Ruthless went to the Ministry of War to apply for the reorganization of the [-] Nanmaru survivors into the Nanling Army of the Nanling fief.

With Ruthless Man's current prestige and Zhang Tian behind her, no one in the Ministry of War should be treated with respect, but the dignified Minister of Military Affairs received it in person, with a respectful attitude, and even gave a direct reply to Ruthless Man's application.

After all, the ruthless man received [-] Nanmaru survivors, which could be regarded as a disguised solution for the court, without the need for the court to allocate food, grass and weapons. If the princes and princes in the world could do this, the Minister of War would be able to wake up laughing from a dream.

Compared with the smooth sailing of this event, the other event encountered unprecedented resistance.

In a hidden street pavilion, Li Changfeng, dressed in black, sat opposite the ruthless man. After listening to the ruthless man, he flicked his sleeve and sneered: "If you want to turn me back, you will accuse Duke Cao in turn. ? What Nanling Hou said is too whimsical." 126中文网

The ruthless man took a sip of his incense and said calmly, "Li Shenchao has followed Cao Zhengming since he was a child. He is his right-hand man and the number one general of Dali Temple. I think there should be no one about Cao Zhengming's conduct. I know better than you. Shouldn't he be punished for his evil deeds over the years and his unscrupulous efforts to collect nine yang and nine yin men and women?"

Li Changfeng clenched his fists slightly, and said resolutely: "Duke Cao has brought up my brothers and sisters, and my life is given by Duke Cao, even if he is accused by thousands of people, I will not leave. Today's affairs, I will Tell the Duke of Cao truthfully, the Marquis of Nanling should do it for himself."

After speaking, Li Changfeng stood up in awe and walked directly outside the pavilion.

"Don't Li Shenzhao think about your sister?"

The ruthless man's slow words made Li Changfeng feel like he was struck by lightning. He immediately stopped, turned around and squinted: "What do you mean by that?"

Ruthless said: "Cao Zhengming needs to collect nine nine-yang men and nine nine-yin women in order to set up the Yin-Yang Promise Formation. So far, there is still one man and two women. According to Cao Zhengming's ruthless heart, he will let the ready-made sister Lingmei be spared. Can't the nine yin absolutely pulse? Maybe even his own precious son, Cao Yanzhang, is included in it."

Li Changfeng's heart was shaken. This was always the thing he was most afraid of. He was so scared that he didn't dare to ask Cao Zhengming for confirmation, and he didn't dare to tell Li Linger about the Yin-Yang Promise Array.

Because he knows Cao Zhengming too well, this man is a complete lunatic. In order to gain more power, he can do whatever he can, not to mention the heaven-defying good fortune that leads directly to the Immortal God Emperor.

The ruthless man also stood up and said solemnly: "I also ask Li Shenchao to think about it, and let Cao Zhengming and other wicked people continue to grow up. Whether it is for your brothers and sisters, or for the whole world, it is not a good thing."

Li Changfeng was silent and turned away, but his heart was indeed shaken by the words of the ruthless man.After returning to Dali Temple, I found my sister Li Linger directly.

"Brother, you look so bad, what's the matter?"

Li Linger sat in a wheelchair and was pushed by the servants to play by the flower pond. Seeing Li Changfeng approaching, she couldn't help asking curiously.

"No, it's nothing. You've been paying attention recently, it's not very peaceful in the capital."

Li Changfeng walked in front of Li Linger, and very covertly hit a mark on Li Linger. This was the backhand he left behind. Once the mark disappeared, it meant that Li Linger was under control.

At that time, it was time for him to make a decision.

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