Thinking of this, Li Changfeng's breath could not help but become very dangerous. For this biological sister, even if he was asked to kill Cao Zhengming himself, he would never hesitate. , , .

Chapter 511 I Have My Dad's Protection Anyway

In the sanctuary, the undercurrent is surging

Ruthless Man and Li Changfeng finished talking, and immediately went to Lingbao Pavilion, hoping that Nalan Ruoxue could help the [-] Nanmaru survivors to settle for the time being, including the place of residence, daily life supplies, and some ordnance equipment.

Nalan Ruoxue agreed to everything that Ruthless Man explained without thinking, and asked Ruthless Man if he needed a group of low-level military attachés to help reorganize the army.

Ruthless agreed happily. She had traveled in the North Sea and knew that there were frequent battles there. Almost every cultivator was slaughtered from the battlefield, and it was more than enough to just pick one person to be a low-level military attache of the new army.

Returning to the Bloody Marquis Mansion, after Ruthless Man told Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge about the outcome of the matter, the two women were also very happy. They accepted the title of left and right generals bestowed by Ruthless Man, and went to preside over the reorganization work in person.

In the evening, the three Zhang family gathered for a meal. Yuxin looked at the ruthless man with a frown, and said, "Eldest sister, didn't you succeed in turning against the God of Swords today?"

The ruthless man nodded slightly and said, "Li Changfeng is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Cao Zhengming is very kind to him. Unless Cao Zhengming touches the only rebellious scale of 'Li Linger', it will be difficult for him to betray Cao Zhengming."

Yuxin said: "Cao Zhengming is not a stupid person. Before gathering Jiuyang and Jiuyang, he will definitely not be in a hurry to attack Li Linger. Anyway, to him, Li Linger is already a turtle in a urn."

The ruthless man sighed, "That's true. Until the last nine-yin-desperate woman is found, Li Linger should be safe, and Li Changfeng can't really give up on Cao Zhengming."

Yu Xin's beautiful eyes flickered, and she said, "I have a solution. Since Cao Zhengming didn't start the plan because of the lack of a woman with a deadly pulse, why not fill it up for him?"

Ruthless Man was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then waved his hand and said, "This matter is absolutely impossible, no matter what, I will not let the second sister take risks."

Yu Xin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Big sister, don't worry about me. First, my combat power is not weak. Second, even if I encounter a dangerous situation, I have my father's protection, and there will be absolutely no problem."

After speaking, Yu Xin lit up the ice spirit jade ring on the ring finger of her right hand, and smiled sweetly at Zhang Tian next to her.

Ruthless people hesitated, this is indeed the most simple and effective method.

Yuxin added: "Cao Zhengming has a vicious heart, I heard General Mu say that Dali Temple is still detaining many innocent people. If he lives another day, it will threaten everyone. It's better to fight quickly, eldest sister will listen to me. Just once."

Ruthless Man looked at Zhang Tian and said, "How do you feel about Dad?"

Zhang Tian stroked the hair of his two daughters and said with a smile, "You can decide this matter for yourself. You just need to know that Dad will protect your safety whenever you want."

In fact, with Zhang Tian's current reputation, no one dared to say anything even if he directly killed Cao Zhengming, but the two daughters decided to use their own strength to do this, which made him very gratified, and encouraged him to carry it forward. this spirit.

Because on the road of seeking, only the footprints you take are the most solid and reliable. If you don’t walk step by step, it will be difficult to reach the top.

What outsiders can do is to guard the road from the sidelines, correct the wrong route at most, and avoid going astray.This is true even for a descendant of Tianjiao who was born in the pure land of a Buddhist country, such as King Hunyuan Xiaopeng.

The ruthless man took two deep breaths, finally made a decision, and said solemnly: "Since the second sister is sure of everything, then I will not stop it. It's just that Cao Zhengming is cunning and cunning, and he has his father in charge, so he definitely doesn't dare to take you as his own. The sacrifices of the Yin-Yang Promise Formation will need to change their identity at that time."

Yu Xin said softly: "Just leave this to me, it will be seamless." Online e-book

It turned out that Yuxin secretly launched an investigation after learning about the Yin-Yang Infinite Array. The result was not as she expected. Cao Zhengming also put up a reward on the Soul Palace to find the Nine Yin and Nine Yang, and the reward was very generous.

Yuxin's plan is to enter Cao Zhengming's vision through the channel of the Soul Palace, which is enough to make him not suspicious. As for the issue of appearance, she has already cultivated a first-order blood body. It is still very easy to change the shape of the arrangement, and no one can find the clue.

After several days of preparations like this, everything started to go according to plan. A girl wrapped in black cloth was secretly sent to a secret dungeon in Dali Temple.

"and many more."

At the door of the dungeon, two guards came forward, lifted the black cloth and glanced at it, frowned immediately, covered the black cloth again, and waved again and again: "Quick, come in quickly."

But it was Yuxin who turned herself into a very ugly appearance in order to avoid trouble, and her face was pale, as if she was going to be out of breath at any time, which naturally made these two little soldiers dare not provoke them.

In the secret room of the back hall of Dali Temple, Cao Zhengming was healing his wounds cross-legged, and wisps of cyan smoke emerged from the top of his head, making the entire secret room lit up with azure light, making it look very gloomy.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind the screen, and said in a low voice: "Sir, the person sent by the Soul Palace has arrived. After verification, it is indeed Jiuyin Juemai, but..."

Cao Zhengming slowly opened his eyes, a ray of cold light shot out, and said, "Just what?"

The man replied: "It's just that her breath is very weak, and the poison of death has penetrated into the heart, and the medicine stone is difficult to cure, I'm afraid it won't last for a few days."


Cao Zhengming frowned and said, "Is there still no news about the Nine Yang Spirit Body and the Nine Yin Extinction Vessel from other channels?"

The man said succinctly, "No."

Cao Zhengming was silent, and immediately said: "I don't want to wait any longer. With that Zhang Tian in the Holy Capital, if I don't break through to the Immortal Emperor Realm, I can't sleep or eat."

The person behind the screen seemed to tremble and said, "What do you mean by your lord?"

"Let's count Yanzhang and Linger as well." Cao Zhengming's voice did not contain any emotion.

"Yes, this subordinate will do it."

The man seemed to have expected this result, clasped his fists slightly, turned around and walked out.

"and many more."

Cao Zhengming spoke again, looked at the man's back through the screen, and said: "Xiaonan, this matter, the old man can only trust you, and I hope you will not let the old man down. After this is done, the position of the old man must belong to the old man. yours."

Sword God Xie Xiaonan narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "This subordinate will never fail Duke Cao's expectations." , . . .

Chapter 512 The Deterrent Power of Emperor Burial!

After a few days, Yu Xin finally changed her place and was taken to a huge palace that was hidden many feet underground.

Countless hanging locks are in the sky, and below is a huge circular pool, divided into black and white, like a Tai Chi picture, holding together as one. There are thousands of people busy.

"Come in, come in quickly."

The people behind pushed and pushed Yuxin into the white spiritual pond. When they got closer, they found that the spiritual pond was clearly divided into nine areas, arranged according to the heavenly stems and the earthly branches.

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