Yu Xin shrunk to a corner without a trace, and observed carefully, only to see that those busy people were all expressionless, like well-trained dead men, just doing mechanical movements.

Finally, all eighteen men and women arrived, and each stood in the spiritual pool.Yuxin also found the target she had been looking for - Li Linger and Cao Yanzhang.

The two of them seemed to be under some kind of seal, their eyes were dull, and they were controlled like marionettes.


Just when Yu Xin was thinking of delivering the news to the ruthless, a huge roar suddenly came from the bottom of the Lingchi, and countless formations were activated, emitting dazzling rays of light, imprisoning the space, imprisoning everything, and the entire underground palace resonated with it, as if again. There is a very terrifying existence.

"Next, just wait patiently."

At the end of the stairs of the underground palace, Xie Xiaonan said softly and walked out of the underground palace with a blank expression.

At the same time, a hurricane-like blood wave surged into the sky in the Nirvana Cave carefully arranged by the Tianfeng Zhenxian in Tianfeng Ancient Land.


A thunderous dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and in the endless haze, the Taixu ancient dragon transformed by Zi Yan exuded a terrifying power, and the dragon's body soared more than ten times.

This is a kind of evolution of the origin of life, and the spectacle of the God Emperor Tribulation is even more terrifying. The monstrous dragon's might directly shakes the galaxy, and it turns strange in the vast star field, causing many almighty in the world and the ninth mountains and seas to have induction. .

Long Wei rushed into the night, covering the sun and stars, and all the living beings looked at the terrifying vision of the stars in the daytime. Everyone knew that this was a sign of the birth of a peerless monster.

Many immemorial mountains and immortal realms have shaken. A peerless monster, he has the potential to attack the invincible demon emperor in the future. He is not an ordinary demon emperor, but an invincible demon emperor who has beaten the invincible hands all over the galaxy.

In this era when the immortals and gods are hidden, no matter which sacred mountain such a arrogance is from, it will definitely set off a shocking wave, and the pattern of the ninth mountain and sea will not allow them to ignore it.

The ninth mountain and sea, the colorful Baolong family, a middle-aged beautiful woman who looks like a quasi-dragon emperor stood on the top of a mountain in the gods, looked at the sky vision, and exclaimed: "This breath, how does it feel like the Dragon Alliance in the virtual world before? The little girl in her looks very similar." Variety Literature www.kanzongyi.cc

"Why, does Mansha Dragon Emperor know this Monster Race Emperor Star?"

A gray-haired old woman appeared beside Long Mansha, leaning on a keel stick, which looked like it could be blown over by a strong wind, but in fact possessed a terrifying might, shocking the ninth mountains and seas. The biggest dragon emperor.

"Mansha has seen the clan elder."

The middle-aged beautiful woman bowed first, and then said: "I'm not [-]% sure, but this breath does give me a familiar feeling, it's probably a little girl who was going to worship the Dragon League, and I The relationship is good."

The old woman said: "Dragon League? You mean the Dragon League of the virtual world? It is the place where Tianjiao gathers, and it is normal for Emperor Star to go there. Since you are familiar with her, why didn't you draw her in? Your eyes should not be wrong."

Long Mansha said with a wry smile: "That little girl is so weird, let me wait for the Shenlong Envoy to open the bidding, I had planned to spend everything, but I didn't expect to kill a desolate dragon emperor halfway, and directly offer two thousand catties of dragon source and one drop. At the expense of Qinglong's blood essence, he stole the little girl. Moreover, Huangchen Dragon Emperor also vaguely revealed that it was his grandfather who ordered him to do this."

"The Emperor Star has something to do with the guardian Azure Dragon of the virtual world?"

The old woman showed a moving expression for the first time, the wrinkles on her face were crowded together, and she looked more and more old. She tapped the stick on the ground and sighed: "That's a pity, if it were replaced by other backers, we, the Colorful Baolong Clan, would have to fight for anything. It's a fight, but since it's involved in protecting Qinglong, let's forget it."

Long Mansha wondered: "Although the guardian of Qinglong is strong, it is not enough to make Shenshan jealous, right?"

She knows that there is an ancestor in this clan, who has lived for tens of millions of years, and is extremely terrifying. It is by no means comparable to guarding Qinglong.

The old woman shook her head and said, "There are some things you don't understand. There was a big change in the virtual world a while ago. It is said that the Emperor Buried appeared once, severely injured the undead emperor, and bestowed Gu Taxian as the master of the virtual world. This is supreme. Glory, whoever has a relationship with the Emperor Burial, no matter if it is true or false, which force would dare to provoke it? That would be a big disaster. Even superpowers such as the Pure Land of the Buddha State or Buzhou Mountain would not dare to touch the ancients now. Stepping on the immortals or guarding the Qinglong with a finger, what are our colorful dragons?"

Long Mansha was shocked when she heard it. What kind of deterrent power is this? Just because of a rumor, it can deter all the forces of the nine mountains and seas. To restore order.

The old woman added: "Although I can't win over her, this little girl will definitely become an unparalleled figure in the future. If there is a chance, I should try my best to build a good relationship."

Long Mansha said in amazement, "Is this vision really that powerful?"

The old woman said slowly: "It's more than powerful, it can be called arrogant and Lingjin, don't forget that this is just a vision of breaking through to the demon king realm. It didn't cause such a sensation. Hehe, I think the emperor of Yaochi Immortal Territory is afraid that he will not be able to sit still. Even if he is the reincarnation of the Beginning Emperor, there are still people who can stand by his side in this world, or the genius of my demon clan! "

Speaking of the end, the old woman has a proud look on her face. Under the great world, with this demon clan emperor star, even if the nine major mountains and seas in the future are chaotic, there will definitely be a place for the demon clan!

In the Immortal Realm of Yaochi, a man who was sealed in the source of God slowly opened his eyes, as if it contained all the mysteries of heaven and earth. Dignified and solemnly said: "My way is not alone."

When the words fell, he closed his eyes again, and a terrifying golden light radiated from his body, and the infinite divine source swarmed towards him, setting him off like a god. , , .

Chapter 513 The birth of a god, not weak to the ancient gods!

In the Nirvana Cave, Zi Yan slowly opened her eyes, and a ray of light escaped from her eyes, exuding endless majesty.

At this moment, her whole body glowed with precious light, as if there was a goddess manifesting in the precious light, guarding her.

Her body, bone, blood, and liver have all undergone detached evolution, as if attached to a layer of light, sacred and detached, giving people a sense of perfection that is flawless and flawless.

The entire blood pool is almost dry, and all the energy is absorbed by Zi Yan. This is a very terrifying thing. You must know that the energy in this blood pool is used by the Heavenly Phoenix Clan True Immortal to reshape the True Spirit Immortal Body. .

Just breaking through to the Demon King Realm doesn't require so much energy, and the extra part has evolved her body several times, inside and out, until it is perfect without a trace of flaws.

"Finally, in the realm of cultivation base, I have tied those arrogant mountains and arrogances."

Zi Yan clenched her fist slightly, feeling the surging divine power in her body, and a look of excitement appeared on her face. She could feel that her current realm was probably equivalent to the middle-level demon king, which was stronger than when she first entered the demon king realm. Times, at least in the realm, will not lose to those gods and mountains.


There was a loud noise in front, but it was Zi Yan who spoke, and the true qi that he spit out turned into a dragon-shaped air column, blasting Nirvana Cave out of a big hole.

Such destructive power shocked Zi Yan, and then giggled, her eyes were very bright, like the crystal clear lake water, with an extraordinary charm.

This kind of performance has another name in ancient times, it is called the fetus of the gods, which means that it is no longer inferior to the gods in terms of background, and it can be used for all kinds of methods.

"Go out and see, I don't know what happened to those guys."

Zi Yan had this idea in her heart, and still remembered some old friends such as Chan Yurou, Hu Meier, Hu Dali and Xiong Hunfeng.

She didn't go back the same way, but walked out of the hole she just broke, entered the sea of ​​blood again, strode forward, and the momentum that erupted from her body would push the sea of ​​blood hundreds of feet away with each step, as if A peerless god of war that was killed from the ancient times.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Zi Yan moved forward step by step, only to feel that the qi and blood around her became more and more fierce, and sometimes rolled into a blood storm and swept towards her, and there were many more volcanoes underground, erupting energy and exuding fiery temperature .

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