But all this can't affect Zi Yan. Now she is no different from the real god. Although she is a young god, it is not something that these heaven and earth visions can interfere with.

"The environment here is very harsh, and it is an excellent place to sharpen the physical body, but I have already reached the realm of the middle-level demon king where the physical body becomes a spirit. Unless I break through to a half-step demon saint or a demon saint, it will be difficult for me to improve my physical body. The next step should be to guide Huiguang, nourish the soul, strengthen the soul, and enter the high-level demon king realm in one fell swoop."

Zi Yan stood in a volcanic crater, muttering to herself, letting the sky-splashing fiery lava swallow her up.

In fact, she exudes a faint Shen Xi, which isolates all the fire waves and does not suffer any damage. This is the supernatural power obtained by the physical body, which can automatically defend against external aggression, but her defensive divine light is obviously better than that of her. The ordinary middle-level demon king is hundreds of times more powerful.

Since the environment here is useless to her, Zi Yan didn't want to stay any longer, she saw her knees slightly arched, like a cheetah ready to go, stomping on the ground, the whole person rose into the sky, countless blood waves lined up. open, directly blasting out an undersea passage.

Kunpeng strides in the sky, one step up to the blue sky!


At the moment when Zi Yan took off, the huge volcano under her feet burst with a bang, and countless fire snakes raged, detonating the surrounding volcanoes one by one, causing the entire underwater world to explode!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Pinterest China www.djychina.com

With the endless cracking sound, Zi Yan burst out of the sea directly, rolling up the waves, looking far into the distance, only to see the land not far away, very vast, many monks are standing on it, looking in the direction of her. .

"Haha, another Tianjiao failed."

"Looking at him soaring so high, I'm afraid that his ass was not burned by the underground volcano."

"That is the place where the Tianfeng clan sharpens their bodies. This clan was born in the raging fire and looks up to the world. How can it be imitated by ordinary gods and mountains?"

On the land, many powerful monsters are watching jokes, and some people even show lingering fears. In the past few days, they have also tried to go to the bottom of the sea and use the underground volcano to sharpen their bodies, but the results are very desperate.

The magma erupted by those volcanoes is too powerful, even if they don't get close, they can't bear it. They all ran out within a few days. Now seeing Zi Yan's appearance, they can't help but recall the fear at that time. .

"No, this person is a little witch!"

The blood wave receded, revealing Zi Yan's figure, and was immediately recognized by someone, with an exclamation, the whole land was shocked.

"What? Little witch? She dares to come out!"

"Our Shenshan lost ten war servants because of this little witch, and we are going to settle accounts with her!"

Countless people rushed towards the shore with anger in their eyes. Before, Zi Yan did not listen to the dissuasion to wake up a large number of corpse monsters, causing heavy losses to the major powers of the gods behind them. They all made a mess, and they hated her to death. .

"Yo, you're all still alive, that's great."

Zi Yan jumped ashore, and the strong wind brought up directly overturned all the warriors in the nearest circle. When she opened her mouth, it made all the arrogant jumping feet. They had their backs on the mountain, how could they have been bullied by a small world indigenous , can't stand it at all.

"Little witch, you have been against me and other Shenshan many times. Just because we are easy to bully, we will suppress you today and bring you back to Shenshan to ask for your guilt!"

Dozens of strong men from the Golden Winged Bull Clan stepped out and surrounded Zi Yan, the leader of whom was the Iron Hoof King who had a grudge against Zi Yan.This family also has a great background. It has been inherited since ancient times. Many powerful people use the strong people of this family to pull the carriage to show their dignity.

"It turned out to be a little Taurus, you dare to provoke me?"

Zi Yan pouted and dismissed.

Little Taurus?

The Iron-hoofed King was stunned for a moment, then became furious and vomited blood. His family, Megatron Taikoo, was on the same level as the Emperor Lion. Some powerful ancestors could even fight gods and demons, but this little witch called him a little Taurus?

If this revenge is not repaid, Yuan Zu's coffin board will not be able to hold it down.

The powerful monsters around were also speechless for a while, and they were worthy of being a little witch, and they could kill their popularity half to death.

"Little witch, this is the ancient land of Tianfeng, but your father can't get in. I see who can save you this time!"

The iron-hoofed king roared loudly, and the surrounding golden-winged bulls were all surrounded by powerhouses, and a wave of power shook the sky, apparently intending to join forces to kill Zi Yan here.

For a time, the murderous aura was obscured! , , .

Chapter 514 Venerable Shenshan is in the lower realm, kill it!

"Plus us!"

Just when the swords were drawn, there were dozens of powerful breaths approaching from the rear, but it was a group of strong men from the Golden Armored Bear Clan, who lined up and stood in front of Zi Yan.

"It turned out to be the little golden bear, you want to mess with me too?"

Zi Yan still doesn't care, teasing at will,

The lungs of the strong group of violent bear clan were about to explode, the blue veins on their foreheads burst, and a few old bear demons said angrily: "Little witch, you killed the arrogant bear king of our clan. You are killing here, how can my family stand in the nine mountains and seas!"

The breath of these old bear demons is very strong. Although they were suppressed by the strange magic circle of Tianfeng Ancient Land below the demon holy realm, they can still feel that their cultivation base is at least half a step god emperor, who has lived for thousands of years. The magical powers under his control are not comparable to ordinary geniuses.

Zi Yan waved her hand, looking like she was too lazy to pay attention to them, and shouted at the crowd: "Is there anyone who wants to trouble me, come out together, save me from looking for them one by one."

This sound was like thunder, roaring in everyone's ears, making them tremble, and infinite amazement rose in their hearts, this little witch is too crazy, this is the rhythm of inviting all the sacred mountains.

"Hand over the White Fang, or you will be killed here!"

The powerhouses of the White Jade Dragon Elephant Clan have arrived, there are nearly fifty of them, all of them are full of blood, looking at Zi Yan with murderous aura.

Their family suffered the most losses. Not only did the White Elephant King die, but also a venerable spirit body. The most important thing is the loss of the fairy treasure. This is a big trouble. If it can be reduced, even the White Jade Sacred Mountain cannot bear this loss.

Therefore, this family temporarily sent a group of strong people to the lower realm, just to kill Zi Yan and recover Zhenxu Baiya, the fairy king-level treasure.

"Little girl, there are hundreds of sealers here. Even if you have the power of the Holy Master, you will fall. If you know each other, hand over the fairy treasures of my family."

An old man of the White Jade Dragon Elephant Clan said hoarsely, very slowly, but every word was full of power, making people dare not underestimate.

"This is Venerable Huang Feng of the White Jade Mountain!"

Someone revealed the identity of the old man, and it caused an uproar. Who would have thought that the White Jade Dragon Elephant Clan would not hesitate to let a real venerable descendant in order to recover the fairy treasure.

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