When the wind and smoke dissipated, Zi Yan was still standing, her whole body was shrouded in Shen Xi, as if the gods had descended into the world, and the fierce and mighty scarlet-blooded spear was caught in her hands, and she still couldn't break free despite trembling desperately.

"Is this the body becoming a spirit, Shen Xi protects the body?"

Looking at the vision on Zi Yan's body, Hu Mei'er couldn't help but exclaimed, causing a storm in the audience.

The body becomes the body protector of the spirit Shenxi, this is a supernatural ability only possessed by the middle-level demon king. When the little witch first entered the ancient land of the phoenix, she was only half a step into the demon king realm, but now she has broken through that shackle and even hit the ground To the realm of the middle-level demon king?


Many people have flashed this word in their hearts. The more profound the background, the more difficult it will be to break through. Even ordinary gods and mountains will have to pay a huge price to reach the realm of the demon king. , just drives them crazy.

"Do you want to hurt me with this little spear?" 020 Novel Network www.020xs.com

Zi Yan said angrily, it was really dangerous just now, if she didn't break through to the middle-level demon king, Shen Xi, who has automatic body protection, helped block most of the strength, maybe she would really suffer a little loss.

"you you……"

The powerhouses of the Golden Armored Bear Clan were all dumbfounded, and the meticulously arranged fatal blow was broken like this, making them want to cry without tears.

"If you dare to plot against me, you will have to pay the price!"

Zi Yan was like an angry scorpion, and in turn controlled the red blood spear to kill the strong men of the golden armored bear clan, and the blood rained for a while.

The goddess holds the spear, and wherever she goes, a terrifying blood column shoots into the sky and spreads all over the earth.

The onlookers were all shivering, this was a fight, it was clearly a one-sided massacre, the little witch was already extremely powerful, and with this scarlet blood spear, it was truly invincible in the world.

After a while, dozens of strong men from the Golden Armored Bear Clan all fell to the ground. Zi Yan stood on the bear mountain with a contemptuous expression, and suddenly hit two Tianjiao with a spear and said, "You two, help me to take these violent bears for me. Collect the bear's demon pills, if there is one less, use your own demon pills!"

The two selected Tianjiao were stunned for a while, and then they showed extremely shameful and angry expressions. This little witch is too abhorrent to let them do this kind of hard work. Does Shenshan Tianjiao lose face?

However, they dared not to speak out, so they could only help dig the demon pill silently, their necks were red with anger, and so many people were watching, it was foreseeable that after returning to the ninth mountain and sea, they would become a laughing stock.

Zi Yan carried the scarlet-blood spear several times larger than hers, swayed, and suddenly her face became condensed, and said: "Provoked me, still want to run?"

The voice fell, and the figure had disappeared in place, appearing out of thin air on the heads of several white jade dragon elephant clan powerhouses, and the red blood god spear slashed down, instantly bringing a bloody light.

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

It was another bloody slaughter. More than fifty sealers of the White Jade Dragon Elephant Clan could take out any of them and be the overlord in the small world, but now they were slaughtered at will by Zi Yan like a chicken, and they killed one after a while. clean.

There was a huge bone in the ground, and all the blood was absorbed by the scarlet blood spear, making this divine weapon even more terrifying, exuding the terrifying power of a demon king.

"Little, little witch, this is the demon pill you want."

The two Shenshan Tianjiao handed the demon pill to Zi Yan in horror. The pile of bones on the ground was so impactful that they had completely let go of their self-esteem. After all, this is still a world where the strong is king.

At this moment, there was a huge roar in the distance, and the whole earth was shaking. A black mountain range as high as [-] meters was actually cracked by a huge gap in the middle, cracking inch by inch, revealing an incomparably majestic palace. The shape is like a phoenix roaring up to the sky, with unparalleled power.

"This is the place of Tianfeng inheritance!"

"The Land of Inheritance is open!"

"True Immortal Treasure Technique is in it!"

All the demon clan powerhouses are boiling, the dawn is in front of them, and everyone is rushing towards the majestic palace.

"Wait for me."

Zi Yan was also in a hurry, put away those demon pills, carried the scarlet blood spear, and flew straight from the heads of the strong men, making many popular curses. , , .

Chapter 516 The six ancient emperors are resurrected!

The phoenix-shaped palace is incomparably majestic, like a real ancient phoenix standing there. Many people speculate that the body of this palace is refined by the skeleton of the ancient phoenix.

"Click, click..."

The mountain covered with golden light on the surface of the palace cracked one after another huge cracks, and the whole picture was revealed in a short time, but there was a golden shield outside, which isolated everyone, and it was not yet time to enter.

Zi Yan came galloping, and saw a vast and boundless square in front of the palace. There were already many demons and arrogances standing there. When they saw Zi Yan coming, they all looked over, just because the breath was too terrifying, like a The beastmaster of one domain makes people feel surrendered.

"Sure enough, she is a little witch. In the world, only she and King Hunyuan Xiaopeng can have such fierce blood."

"Look, the little witch is holding the red blood spear of the Golden Armored Bear Clan?"

"It's really a scarlet blood spear, and the blood is very heavy. She should have just experienced a big slaughter. This little witch is also unscrupulous in Tianfeng Ancient Land."

Many people recognized Zi Yan and the Scarlet Blood Spear, and they all sighed with emotion. Before coming to Shengyuan World, they never thought that there would be such a powerful small world indigenous in this world.

"What are you looking at? Be careful I ate you!"

Zi Yan made a ferocious appearance, showing a small mouth of fine white teeth, showing off her power among the powerful people of the mountain. She was originally very cute, and it was difficult to be feared, but the scarlet blood god spear that she carried with her. But swearing her domineering, many powerhouses who have seen Zi Yan's power have retreated to the side, not wanting to provoke this little evil star.

Just like this, under the power of Zi Yan, the sea of ​​people separated a passage like a tidal wave, allowing her to squeeze to the front smoothly. I saw ten huge altars standing outside the golden shield, and the whole body was made of five colors. It is made of divine jade, with immortal patterns engraved on the surface, which is very mysterious.

At this time, there are ten powerful Tianjiao standing on it, each with a sturdy head and blood, and they are the best among the divine mountain Tianjiao, including the Hunyuan Xiaopeng King and the God Ape King.

"Who are you, go away!"

Just when Zi Yan was going to trouble King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, there was a sudden screeching in her ear.

But she unknowingly walked to an altar, and the servants who guarded the way for Tianjiao came up to drive her away.

Zi Yan narrowed her eyes and said in amazement: "Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan?" She saw Huang Mengyao among the group of people. This woman stands out from the crowd even in the arrogance of the gods. She paid some attention.

Standing on the altar, Huang Tianli glanced at Zi Yan with contempt, and said solemnly: "Little witch, I have no time to entangle with you now, go away, wait until you enter the palace, and then fight with you!"

Only then did Zi Yan notice Huang Tianli on the altar, looked up and down, and reprimanded: "What are you, get down, let me stand up and stand for a while."

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