She saw the extraordinaryness of this altar. Once the palace was opened, people standing on the altar should have a higher chance of getting the treasures inside.

Huang Tianli's eyes were red, and it was the first time in his life that someone dared to talk to him like this, when he was about to take out a sword, pointed at Zi Yan's eyebrows, and said sternly: "Xiu is good at speaking, and has the courage to fight on stage. !"

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

Zi Yan was thinking about how to get Huang Tianli down justifiably. When she heard this, she immediately stomped her foot and rushed directly to the altar. The red blood spear turned into an amazing blood-colored rainbow and stabbed Huang fiercely. day away.

"Good come!"

Huang Tianli saw Zi Yan's attack, although he was not panicked, he was not an ordinary divine mountain arrogance, born with arrogance and invincibility, he directly transformed the ghost of the divine phoenix with a sword, and rushed towards the red blood spear, fighting against the strong.


Huang Mengyao took a look in the audience and immediately made a judgment, not to mention that the scarlet-blood spear in Zi Yan's hand is much higher than Huang Tianli's sword, and Zi Yan alone can resist King Hunyuan Xiaopeng. The strength of her, her strength will never be so weak, it is obvious that she is hiding her strength.Biquge vp

As if to confirm Huang Mengyao's conjecture, just as the two attacks were about to approach, Zi Yan's eyes suddenly flashed a slyness, and she shouted loudly: "Slaying God!"

Suddenly, the rolling divine power poured into the scarlet-blooded spear, and the terrifying divine pressure spread out, as if a god appeared in the world, the treasure was solemn, and with a snort, the phantom of the divine phoenix burst directly.


The Scarlet Blood Spear looked down, shattered the phantom of the Divine Phoenix, descended on Huang Tianli, and shredded it directly, but it was an illusion.


In a corner of the altar, Huang Tianli flashed out of the void, his face was as white as paper, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. Until then, he didn't know Zi Yan's horror, and he was seriously injured by just wiping one side. , the two are not at the same level.

All the onlookers held their breaths to watch the battle, including the geniuses on the other nine altars.

Huang Tianli was born in the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan, with a noble and powerful bloodline. He is one of the most famous demon clan geniuses in the Ninth Mountains and Seas. Seeing him being suppressed by the little witch every day, except for King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, the rest of the eight altars are on the altar. The arrogance of Tianjiao is secretly glad that Zi Yan, the little evil star, did not find herself.


Just as the battle was raging, the golden light shield protecting the phoenix-shaped palace suddenly shattered, turning into a little golden light, paving out a golden passage leading to the depths of the palace.

"It's turned on, Tianfeng Shenzang is turned on!"

Seeing that the golden passage became more and more solid, all the arrogance of the demon clan went crazy and poured into it collectively.

At the same time, the ten altars also lit up with white light, and the formation was activated, generating a mysterious power.

"go to hell."

Zi Yan was in a hurry and stopped playing. The spiritual power in her dantian surged, and [-]% of the combat power broke out. The terrifying divine power blocked the void, imprisoned Huang Tianli, and killed it with one strike, adding another dimension to the fierceness of the red blood spear. point.

At this moment, the teleportation formation on the altar was activated, which actually teleported Zi Yan directly into the palace, appearing above the heads of countless demons out of thin air.




Killing words pierced through the ears, and an unprecedentedly tragic war broke out. Everyone fell into a frenzy, killing all the competitors around them and taking the Tianfeng True Inheritance.

Zi Yan also joined the battle group, wielding the Scarlet Blood Spear, harvesting these divine mountain powerhouses piece by piece, and dividing them into the north and south hegemons with King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, killing everyone all over the place.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the hall was already full of bones, and the sea of ​​blood was paved. Many bones and blood flowed into the inner hall along the gap, and there were terrifying fluctuations.


The six gates of the inner hall broke open at the same time, and six terrifying birds and beasts rushed out, with divine fire burning in their eyes.

"This is the Great Emperor, six ancient Great Emperors have been resurrected!" ,, ..

Chapter 517 Kill the Emperor, Shenshan takes action

"This is the Great Emperor, six ancient Great Emperors have been resurrected!"

The horror spread in the hall, and the six great emperors who followed the Phoenix True Immortal to fight in the Heavenly Court actually came back to life, possessing terrifying might, which they couldn't resist at all.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ancient corpse of the emperor was too strong, rushed into the crowd and killed Wuji, even more ferocious than Zi Yan and Hunyuan Xiaopeng King, but in a few breaths, he killed hundreds of Shenshan Tianjiao and sealers, and cut off everyone's progress. Road, knowing that the true immortal treasures of the Tianfeng clan are in the inner hall, but no one dared to go forward.

At this moment, the entire hall suddenly shook violently, countless huge stones fell from the sky, and the white light emitted by the surrounding forbidden circles also became dark and dark.


As if a thunderstorm rang out, the entire hall trembled, and all the magic array lights disappeared.

"No, the ban is gone! The ban on Tianfeng Ancient Land is invalid."

A seal exclaimed, unsealing the cultivation base to the half-step emperor level, but found that there was no pressure at all, and the previous tyrannical prohibition no longer existed.


One after another powerful breaths rose, and all the sealers were pleasantly surprised to find that the imprisonment in this ancient land had been eliminated, and everyone could show [-]% of their strength.

"It must have been the ancestor of Shenshan who took action and destroyed the imprisoning formation of Tianfeng Ancient Land in the outside world."

"It won't be long before there will be Venerable Shenshan, and even the Great Emperor will be in the lower realm!"

Some sealers guessed, and they immediately got a lot of approval. Tianfeng Clan's True Immortal Treasure Technique, which sacred mountain is not moved?Destroying the formation and fighting for it with absolute strength is naturally the best way.

"Where's the little witch? Don't let her run away!"

Suddenly, an elder of the mountain roared, looked around, and immediately caused a sensation in the crowd, everyone began to look for them, but they suffered a lot of humiliation here in Zi Yan.

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