Especially some Shenshan elders are immortal emperors who have lived for a long time, but were stepped on their heads by a little girl. Don't mention being aggrieved. Now that their strength is restored, they will immediately seek revenge for Zi Yan.

"Look, the little witch is there, she is rushing towards the inner hall."

There was a sharp-eyed Tianjiao slanting finger, and everyone followed and looked, and sure enough, Zi Yan turned into a golden rainbow, and rushed towards the door in the center, and the guardian emperor had already given birth to induction, and was lifting up. Mountain-like claws covered her.

"Looking for death! This little witch is dying."

"Haha, I'm in a dilemma, I didn't expect the little witch to have today."

Seeing Zi Yan rushing to the inner hall in a hurry, everyone has a feeling of great joy, staring at her back excitedly, wanting to watch her being torn apart by the ancient corpse of the emperor.

"Killing God!"

The body is in the air, Zi Yan is like a young god, her whole body is shrouded in Shen Xi, the scarlet blood god spear that she is holding upside down emits a dazzling divine light, all the blood she had absorbed before poured out, and condensed into a killing god with divine eyes. Looking down, he pointed towards the hand of the emperor.

Just when the two extremely powerful attacks were about to approach, Zi Yan's body technique suddenly soared again, holding a white fluorescent ivory in her head, and threw it fiercely at the ancient corpse of the emperor.

This is the treasure of the white tooth fairy of Zhenxu. It has the power to imprison time and space. She has not yet refined it, so the coverage is only a pitiful few feet away. Stopped immediately.

"It's now!" Nuancai Literature Network

Zi Yan screamed in the sky, the blood-qi-condensed killing god was so powerful, and a lore finger was slapped on the body of the ancient corpse of the emperor.


A violent roar exploded, and countless aftermaths spread, causing the powerful monsters standing in the distance to vomit blood and fly upside down.

When the remaining power dissipated, everyone only saw that the red blood spear was inserted into the heart of the ancient corpse of the emperor, and Zi Yan had already crossed the ancient corpse of the emperor very flexibly and regained the white teeth of Zhenxu, like an elf in the forest. entered the inner hall.

"Follow up, you must not let the little witch live!"

Many people were indignant and threatened to continue the pursuit, but more people set their sights on the red-blooded spear that the ancient emperor had inserted into his heart, which was a peerless treasure.


Whether it was to chase down Zi Yan, snatch the Scarlet Blood Spear, or seize the True Immortal Treasure Technique, everyone started rushing towards the inner hall. The corpse is not very afraid of everyone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was another fierce killing, and the ancient corpse of the Great Emperor was finally overwhelmed, exhausted his spiritual power, and fell down with a bang, and a group of powerful monsters rushed into the inner hall from the endless smoke.

I saw that the space of the inner hall is very huge, the four fields are empty, and there is a huge water pool in front of it, and countless weapons are displayed in it, and Zi Yan is standing behind the water pool.

"You are finally here, so enjoy it."

Zi Yan squinted her eyes with a smile, revealing a mouth of fine white teeth, and her momentum changed suddenly, turning into the body of the Taixu ancient dragon, the huge dragon tail swept away, and all the weapons in the pool were stimulated, and moved towards the monsters like a rain curtain in the sky. The strong people of the clan poured out.

And Zi Yan herself rushed towards the bloody door that was slowly opened in the apse.

"No, this is the training pool of the ancient Phoenix clan!"

Many people showed expressions of extreme fear and desperately fled backwards. In ancient times, every time there was a war, the two armies would soak their swords in a forging pool composed of ferocious cold water to enhance the fierceness of the swords and make them more powerful. These are all peerless murderous soldiers that have been soaked in for [-] million years, who would dare to be sharp.

For a time, the sky was fierce, the blood was raining, and countless powerful monsters were slaughtered. In order to protect the arrogance of their respective sacred mountains, the elders of the mountain of the immortal gods could only watch Zi Yan go away, daring to pursue.

At this moment, a violent power erupted, but it was Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang who showed his power and turned into the body of the Primordial Mopeng. All the weapons that attacked him flew into the air, and rushed towards Zi Yan with invincibility.

"King Xiaopeng shot!"

"Without the Azure Dragon Halberd this time, the little witch will surely die!"

Seeing the unparalleled fierceness of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, everyone showed excitement. No matter what the result was, this would be a great battle.

"I don't have time to talk to you now, get out!"

Zi Yan was already close to the blood-colored gate, sensing the momentum fluctuations behind her, she turned around suddenly, the dragon's head was sturdy, and a mouthful of red dragon breath spurted out like a nine-day waterfall.


The crackling sound rose from the ground, and the entire inner hall swayed for a while. King Hunyuan Xiaopeng was directly shaken and flew out.

The whole place was dead silent. , , .

Chapter 518 The Nine Great Mountains and Seas Will Change

This blow was so terrifying that many people lost their ability to think. The dignified King Xiaopeng of Hunyuan actually lost in the head-to-head confrontation with the little witch. Even if there were various reasons, he was blown away by the little witch. is an indisputable fact.

"The nine mountains and seas are going to change now."

Many people felt terrified. The significance of the first act was too great. It meant that the world's No. [-] demon clan, Tianjiao, had changed, and the entire nine mountains and seas would be shaken.


The Taixu ancient dragon transformed by Zi Yan raised the dragon head high, and she was also blasted far away by the force of the impact, but her defense was amazing, much easier than that of the Hunyuan Xiaopeng King, and a loud dragon roar was emitted at this time, To show his power, he ran towards the blood-colored gate again.

Just when Zi Yan passed through the door of light, a heart-pounding fluctuation suddenly came from all around, and dozens of blood blades hit her huge dragon body like a hurricane.

This is an extremely terrifying force, which makes the void tremble, and many Shenshan elders are shocked and retreat.

call out!

No one expected that when the blood blade was less than three feet away from Zi Yan's dragon body, it stopped abruptly, turned into blood and disappeared, allowing Zi Yan to pass through the door of light smoothly.

"Let's go together!"

Seeing that Zi Yan was safe and sound, the demon powerhouses in the inner hall rushed towards the door of light one after another.

Swish swish!

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