The blood blade rose again, but this time it did not stop, ruthlessly strangled, and the blood rained in an instant, even the elders of the mountain could not avoid it, and they all turned into flesh and blood.

"Run, run! This is the blood test gate, only the descendants of the Tianfeng clan can enter."

Many people burst out, flying backwards like headless flies. How terrifying is the restriction set by a true immortal powerhouse. She said that only the descendants of the bloodline can enter, then only the descendants of the bloodline can enter, not even the immortal emperor. defy.

"Click! Click!"

At this moment, many abyss suddenly cracked open in the void, and the terrifying aura emanating from the opposite could be felt through the layers of void.

"This is... the Venerable of the Golden Winged Bull Clan?"

Seeing the huge figure that first appeared from the crack in the void, many Shenshan strongmen felt trembling. This is the real Shenshan venerable, with the strength of a peerless emperor, even ordinary immortal emperors are vulnerable in front of him.

"Who killed the iron-hoofed king of my clan?"

As soon as the Venerable Golden-Winged Bull Clan appeared, he immediately enveloped the audience with a violent coercion, and the divine fire in the eyes of the bull was burning like a deep pool, as if it could burn away some living beings.

Apparently, this Venerable Shenshan knew that the Iron Hoof King had fallen through means such as the soul lamp life card, so he went to the lower bounds in the most violent posture, and asked the teacher to ask the guilt.

"Venerable Giant Axe, the one who killed the Iron Hoof King was an aborigines from a small world named Little Witch, who just entered the blood-colored light gate."

There was an elder of the mountain who was familiar with the venerable God of the Mountain and explained that although the two were in the Immortal God-Emperor Realm, his tone was very respectful.

There is no way, his strength is not as good as others. This giant axe not only has the emperor-level cultivation base, but also has a rune bone treasure that was cultivated by the ancient mang bull demon emperor. As a result, even among the Venerable God Mountains, it ranks very high. v3 Academy

"Small world natives?"

The huge Venerable squinted his eyes, and the powerful divine fire spurted directly from his pupils, as if rolling lava poured down, behind him there were thousands of feet of huge golden wings spread out, rushing towards the blood-colored blood with endless killing energy. door of light.


As he approached, Venerable Giant Axe roared wildly, and a golden-patterned battle axe shot in his majestic hand like a hill, slashed towards the blood-colored light gate, blasting a huge ray, traversing the world.

The blood-colored light door seemed to sense a crisis, and hundreds of blood blades condensed at once, gathered together, like a blood-colored wing, guarding the center of the light door.


The huge explosion sounded in everyone's ears, the residual power spread, and the great axe was directly overturned, the palm of the hand holding the battle axe was bloody, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Haha, giant axe, don't worry about it, this is the bloodline test gate set up by the ancient real immortal, even the great emperor has to stop."

A roar shook in the void, as if mocking. At the same time, more than a dozen Venerable God Mountain stepped out from the abyss of the void at the same time, and each of them was burning with a powerful divine fire, which was so powerful that the hall was illuminated as bright as day. .

The powerful monsters in the inner hall all shrank to the corners in front of some divine might, and their eyes were full of awe. This is the power of Venerable Shenshan, which is comparable to the peerless emperor, and everyone can go out and build a powerful dynasty.

"Don't be in a hurry, Venerable Giant Axe, that little witch can't escape, and not everyone can touch the fairy treasure of my Baiyu Shenshan."

A Venerable of the White Jade Dragon Elephant Clan said in a subtle way that their clan suffered the most losses and hated Zi Yan to the bone.

"That's right, she killed the violent bear king of my clan. Even if she obtains the True Immortal Treasure Technique, she will surely die this time." Venerable Shenshan of the Golden Armored Storm Bear clan announced coldly, as if Zi Yan was already a dead person.

"Most of the powerhouses in the lower realm of our clan died at her hands, and this hatred is never shared."

Finally, all the Venerable Shenshan spoke up, wanting to kill Zi Yan, some of them were killed by Zi Yan, the younger generation Tianjiao of the clan, and some were greedy for the Tianfeng Clan True Immortal Treasure that Zi Yan was about to obtain, but more were I want to take the opportunity to kill Zi Yan, the peerless monster, in the bud.

Because her potential is so amazing, she may grow into an invincible demon emperor in the future, which is a deadly threat to any immemorial mountain.

But it was said that after Zi Yan passed through the gate of light, she appeared in a huge cave, and the surrounding stone walls were carved with various Tianfeng gestures, or chanting, or Tracer fighting, revealing a very mysterious meaning.

Obviously, the Heavenly Phoenix True Immortal has also made preparations with both hands, and is expected to pass on the True Treasure Technique to the descendants of the Heavenly Phoenix Clan after his own failure to nirvana.

But I didn't expect such a freak as Zi Yan, who first devoured the flesh and blood of Tianfeng Zhenxian, possessed a powerful Tianfeng bloodline, and then entered this inheritance cave with this, which can be said to be a big harvest.

The treasures on both sides of the stone wall, Zi Yan, didn't look down on them. They walked all the way to the depths, and finally stopped in front of the last secret room.

I saw that in the center of the secret room was a seven-color altar with a phantom of the phoenix suspended on it, and at the core was a talisman, a golden talisman.

The so-called phantom shadow of the phoenix evolved from this treasure, so powerful that it made the world tremble with boundless terror.

"This is the Supreme Treasure of the Heavenly Phoenix Clan!"

Zi Yan breathed for a while, and immediately understood that this was the most powerful magic power that the top Tianfeng clan real immortal had learned, enough to make any ancient mountain go crazy. , , .

Chapter 519 Dad, come and help!

After calming down a little, Zi Yan began to look carefully, and saw that this phantom of the phoenix, which was completely transformed from a golden treasure, looked like a life, disdainful of the gods, and had a supreme power to suppress the ancients.

"The inheritance of Tianfeng Zhenxian is actually like this?"

Zi Yan was a little shocked. This talisman is very powerful, exuding vigorous vitality, giving her a feeling of a rune bone treasure, and refining it with the blood of her heart to make a rune bone treasure.

In an instant, Zi Yan was a little enlightened. When Feng Zhenxian was about to fall, she chose to keep the inheritance as the first priority, and mixed the most quintessential essence and blood with the supreme treasure art sacrifice to refine it into one. Zhang Jintao Noble Phantasm, and he is performing Nirvana in another place.

If she succeeds in nirvana, she will be able to retrieve the golden talisman from here, but if she does not succeed, as long as this golden talisman is passed down from generation to generation, her supreme treasures will not be buried, and one day the sun will reappear and shine brightly. The strength of the Phoenix clan.

Zi Yan walked forward unknowingly, raised her hand and grabbed the golden talisman in Feng Xuying's body that day, just as she was about to meet, the entire altar trembled, the sky and the earth rumbled, and the sound was endless, like Like opening up the world, strands of chaotic aura burst out from Feng Xuying's body that day, reappearing a majestic landscape.

Zi Yan only felt that she had returned to the ancient times in an instant. In that magnificent world, a peerless fierce bird stood in the galaxy of the universe, surrounded by stars, and a big star fell, and all beings were born because of it. die because of it.

In the pair of fierce eyes, it seems to contain the vicissitudes of the ages, the ups and downs of reincarnation, and then looking back, the stars in the pupils of the huge phoenix are disillusioned, the sun and the moon are destroyed, the big stars have fallen, the galaxy has turned into a fire domain, and the world is silent. Dark, unparalleled grandeur.

In a flash, Zi Yan has been pulled back to reality, but her heart has been unable to calm down for a long time.

This is the terror of the Tianfeng family, born in the beginning of chaos, sealed with the sky, and witnessed the vicissitudes of history such as the rise of the ancient times, the expansion of the stars, and the reshaping of the nine mountains and seas. It is one of the most powerful beasts in ancient times.


The golden treasure talisman was caught in Zi Yan's hand, and a burning feeling spread along the palm of the hand, which was vaguely visible. Countless symbols appeared on the treasure talisman, and they rushed towards her body, flashing bright rays of light, reflecting She looked like she was wearing a sacred battle suit.

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