As the runes on the treasure talisman became less and less, the momentum on Zi Yan became more and more prosperous.

I don't know how long it took, all the golden light disappeared, Zi Yan slowly opened her eyes, as if the eternity of time had been lost, the treasure talisman in her hand had disappeared, and instead appeared in her sea of ​​consciousness, a golden talisman flowing light Yi Cai, revealing endless mystery, was deeply imprinted in her soul.

"Tianfeng Treasure Art, Nirvana Warfare!"

This is the treasured magic power recorded on the treasure talisman. To Zi Yan's surprise, it turned out to be a supreme warfare magic power.After learning, you can passively absorb damage. When the trauma you receive reaches a certain limit, you can choose Nirvana. After Nirvana is successful, all injuries will disappear, and the combat power will be improved. The stronger the power, the more terrifying it is.

Like that Heavenly Phoenix True Immortal, even if the True Spirit was smashed to pieces, he could still be reborn from Nirvana, and once he succeeded, he would be able to become a peerless Immortal King directly.

This is a very powerful and well-known gifted art.

The Heavenly Phoenix Clan was born in the fire. When they were young, they used the Heavenly Divine Fire to temper their physique. When it comes to the strength of their vitality, they are the most ferocious beasts. The most famous name of this clan is the word 'Nirvana'.

The way of heaven is constant, and there are no gods who live and die. Under the new method of burying the emperor, even the gods will fall, not to mention the human and demon races. Therefore, many powerful people can be buried in the burial ground, cross the relics, and swept across the restricted area. But he couldn't get rid of the sword of the years, either cut himself to live, or he could only find a way to live out the second life.Kanshu

Among all the methods to live out the second life, the 'Nirvana Method' of the Tianfeng family is undoubtedly the most powerful one. With this secret method, when the strong people of the Tianfeng family come to the end of their life, they can always be reborn in nirvana. Washing away the lead, living out the second, second, even ninth, tenth, and immortal lives, such magical powers are the envy of all races.

It can be seen from this that if this secret technique spreads out, what kind of turbulence will be caused. The emperors of the entire nine mountains and seas will riot. In order to snatch this peerless treasure technique that can last forever and forever, there will be bloodshed. No hesitation.

"This treasure technique should not belong to the true immortal level, at least it is also the level of the immortal king."

Zi Yan is very knowledgeable, and compared this Tianfeng Treasure Art with the five-color Divine Light Treasure Art of the Peacock Ming Wang obtained before, and found that their grades are similar.

Both are top-level killing and cutting treasure techniques, which can sweep across the eight wastes of the universe. With her current cultivation level, it is difficult to be proficient in urging them, but if she becomes a demon emperor in the future, she will have these two peerless treasure techniques of the Immortal King level. , it is not difficult to challenge the Great Emperor.

At the end of the perception, Zi Yan showed a look of satisfaction, and communicated with the golden treasure talisman in her body with her soul. Suddenly, strands of golden light flowed out of the treasure talisman and merged into her flesh and blood bones. This is also part of the magical power of "Nirvana Warfare". Can automatically absorb the damage she takes.

In addition to Shen Xi's body protection, the emperor-grade gold-patterned gauze given by Zhang Tian, ​​and the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan's own keel defense layer, even Zi Yan didn't know how strong her defense was.

But one thing is certain, the attack power of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng at the Ten Thousand Demons Conference will no longer be able to cause damage to her.

"Click, click..."

At this moment, this inheritance cave began to crack, and a mysterious force wrapped Zi Yan's whole body, sending her directly back to the inner hall.


Zi Yan shouted, and she still remembered the appearance of the strong people in the mountain before coming in to yell at her.

"The little witch is out!"

"Everyone take her down."

"Little witch, hand over the True Immortal Treasure Technique!"

Shenshan Venerable, Shenshan Elder, Shenshan War Servant, Shenshan Tianjiao, who had been waiting in the inner hall for an unknown number of days, all rioted. She was the number one person in the Nine Mountains and Seas to be able to provoke so much anger by one person.

"Yeah, really think I'm easy to bully!!"

Zi Yan widened her beautiful big eyes, soared up suddenly, spread her hands empty, held the Bingling bracelet, and said in a dreadful voice: "The fighting spirit sleeping in the ancient land, I am the young master of the Tianfeng clan. In the name of the Lord, the true spirit returns and punishes these villains..."

At the same time, her soul was anxiously communicating with the Bingling bracelet: "Dad, come and help, Zi Yan is in big trouble." , . . .

Chapter 520 The ancient heroic spirit, shocking the whole universe!

What the hell?

Chan Yurou, Hu Mei'er and others stood aside, they were a little confused when they saw this scene, how could this little witch be like a magic stick.

Many Shenshan powerhouses were also suspicious for a while, and their eyes were strange. No matter how this little girl looked like she was dancing, she felt unreliable at all.

"Hmph, pretending to be a ghost, this Venerable does not believe that you really have the ability to restrain spirits and send generals!"

The Great Axe of the Golden Armored Bear Clan sneered. He has lived for a long time. He knows that there is an ancient taboo secret technique called 'Sending Spirits', which can force the summoning of ancient heroic spirits to fight. How could the natives of the world have mastered.

"That's right, the little witch is definitely delaying time, you don't have to trust her."

Many Shenshan powerhouses who have been 'bullied' by Zi Yan shouted hard, but they didn't want the voice to fall. The ground under their feet suddenly trembled, and a voice that seemed to come from the ancients came out from the ground:

"Who dares to hurt the young master of my Tianfeng clan!"

Accompanied by this majestic voice, a huge blood shadow rose into the sky, Zi Yan's feet formed a god platform out of thin air, holding her up high, exuding colorful divine light, infinite divine power roaring like ocean tides. Moving, expansive.

Everyone was frightened. This scene was too spectacular. It was like the great visions recorded in ancient books when the ancient masters were born, and they couldn't help but give birth to a heart of surrender.

"How did this little girl do it? Could it be that she has really become the young master of the Tianfeng clan?"

The cicada's language is soft and fox-meier is also a little confused. I see that Zi Yan's body is getting more and more radiant, like an ancient god who has ignited a divine fire.


Another huge phoenix roar resounded, the blood shadows all over the sky, and it gathered into the appearance of a phoenix. The body was so huge that it filled most of the inner hall. The whole body was burning with flames. A group of mountain powerhouses.

This is the ancient Tianfeng!

All the powerhouses of the sacred mountain felt their souls tremble, this little witch actually really woke up the sleeping Tianfeng Zhenxian, resurrected from the dead, and the surging immortal power filled the inner hall, making Venerable Giant Axe like this The top real immortals felt the soles of their feet tremble, and some stood unsteadily.

Zi Yan stood on the platform, and she was a little stunned. She didn't expect her father to cooperate with her so much. She suddenly became playful and said majestic: "These are all sinners who want to get rid of me, and they all deserve to die. Well, First teach the old man with the big axe a lesson."

Zi Yan's finger easily landed on Venerable Giant Axe, and the people in the circle immediately fled away.

"Hmph, me, I don't believe how much energy a Tianfeng who has been dead for [-] million years can have."

Venerable Giant Axe forced himself to remain calm, but his voice had already begun to tremble, and he was obviously extremely fearful. Seeing the terrifying blood phoenix in the sky pressing his paw at him, he finally couldn't bear it any longer. Incredible black light.

This is a demon emperor-level rune bone treasure, comparable to the quasi-extreme Dao emperor's soldiers. At this time, the full force erupted, and the power was terrifying. It seemed that there were thousands of divine cows trampling the earth and attacking Tianfeng.

"Boom..." 89 Literature Network

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