A huge explosion sounded, and under the claws of Tianfeng, all the phantoms of the divine cow were disillusioned, and Yu Wei was mighty, blasting the earth into a huge pothole. Was shaken into flesh, no bones left.

"This is the real true immortal-level combat power!"

Everyone felt a tingling in their scalps, and a Venerable Shenshan who was comparable to a peerless emperor died just like that.The disappearance of the gods for five million years has made them forget how terrifying the real fairyland powerhouses are. Today, they have seen with their own eyes, and they know that under this mighty force, all living beings are like ants.

Even the Venerable Shenshan who holds the Quasi-Pole Dao Emperor Armament is nothing but a large ant, which can be destroyed with a single blow.

"Giggle, that's it, teach those two old men a lesson, their eyes are very fierce, they are definitely not good people."

Zi Yan clapped her hands and applauded, and her voice changed, and she locked the other two Venerable Shenshan.

"Injustice, injustice, we didn't say anything."

The two venerables of the mountain were busy begging for mercy, which made many people sigh. The status of the venerables of the mountain is very noble. Walking in the ninth mountain and sea, the kings of those dynasties must welcome them in person, but now they are in a seven or eight-year-old. The girl bowed her knees with a humble face in front of her, and it really lost her face when it was spread.

Zhang Tian stood between the brows of the huge blood phoenix, his whole body was shrouded in blood, and no one could really see it. At this time, when he heard Zi Yan's call, he didn't care about the sound of begging for mercy. Lift again and press down hard.


After a sound, most of the inner hall collapsed. The two venerable gods of the mountain and some of the surrounding monster powerhouses were all crushed into flesh. This is absolute power. It does not require any god channel method, and a simple claw can block the void and let it go. The enemy has nowhere to hide.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosion sounded again and again, the huge blood phoenix began to move, the entire palace began to vibrate and collapse on a large scale, the void was blocked, and no one could break through the void to leave, even the Venerable Shenshan could only pull his legs out in fear. flee.

"Let you all kill me, and kill them all."

Zi Yan was very proud, and urged the huge blood phoenix to chase these strong men of the mountain, but her eyes turned straight, looking for Zhang Tian's figure.

"Crazy, crazy, this little witch broke into a catastrophe and offended all the gods of the ninth mountain and sea!"

All the powerhouses of the ancient sacred mountain fled in embarrassment at this time like bereaved dogs. They were shocked and angry. When did such a thing happen to the nine great mountains and seas? If this little witch does not die, she will become a proud legend in the future. figure.

In the end, the glorious battle came to an end, and the dozens of ancient divine mountain forces in the ninth mountains and seas suffered heavy losses. Those geniuses of the great thousand worlds were not even the ants as foils, and I don’t know how many died.

This is a battle that makes the entire nine mountains and seas tremble and terrifying. The bones of countless powerful people in the mountains have cast an invincible name, that is, the little witch Zhang Ziyan, the first arrogant of the demon clan that no one knows about the nine mountains and seas.

For a time, all the forces of the nine mountains and seas were circulating, and an invincible monster emperor star appeared. Even the King Hunyuan Xiaopeng of the Pure Land of the Buddha was also a defeated general. , Ziwei Star Field, Shengyuan Small World.

This is a big event, which means that the rise of an invincible emperor in thousands of years will have a significant impact on the pattern of the nine mountains and seas, not only limited to the monster race, but also the human race, alien races and other major forces.

I don't know that Zi Yan, who has caused a heated discussion in the entire universe, is being held by Zhang Tian's small hand and walks towards her small courtyard step by step. , , .

Chapter 521 The Return of the King

The battle of the demon clan Tianjiao in Zhongzhou came to an end, but no one thought that the mainland demon clan Tianjiao, who thought they could only serve as a foil, turned out to be the ultimate demon king who killed the Quartet. , One by one, they fled in dismay, and this small world was destined to become their lifelong nightmare.

Many people have changed their faces at this result, especially some public figures who are trying their best to promote the Ninth Mountains and Seas and Daqianjie. Laughing with his nose.

More people were proud of it, raised their eyebrows, and took Zi Yan to the altar. Even many demon tribes who had suffered a big loss from Zi Yan before took those things out as jokes, and even complimented them because of this. , the world is full of praise.

The reason is very simple, killing one is a crime, Tu Wan is a hero, and if you kill nine million, you are a hero among heroes!

Zi Yan's combat power is on display at this Ten Thousand Monsters Conference, overwhelming the heroes, and she is invincible. In the future, she is destined to transcend the small pond of Shengyuan World and become a monster emperor star of nine mountains and seas. This kind of gap between heaven and earth , has made them no longer have hatred, and can only look up, such as respecting the gods.

But within two days, a new major event occurred in the Holy City, which caused many people's attention to shift, and even caused widespread panic.

Just above the Holy City, a huge Tai Chi pattern appeared out of thin air. It was thousands of feet away from the Holy City, but the terrifying energy it emitted enveloped the entire Holy City.

Many people raised their heads every day and saw the black and white Taiji diagram spinning above their heads, as if they were pregnant with something. If the Siling Prison Suppression Array had not been opened and the whole city blocked, it is estimated that [-]% of the people would have fled to other places.

Even so, the people in the holy city are still panicking. Some people say that the ancient divine mountain took revenge on what happened in the ancient land of the phoenix, and that the forbidden supernatural powers will destroy the entire holy capital. Some people say that the holy capital will have a peerless treasure born. This is a heavenly general. Vision, will cause a big stir.

In short, there are all kinds of sayings. As the pressure in the sky is getting stronger and stronger, a breath of mountains and rain is coming and the wind is filling the whole city.

In an inconspicuous courtyard in the east of the Holy City, Li Changfeng, the God of Swords, quietly wiped the treasured sword that he had always carried with him.

This is an evil sword, which seals nine powerful vicious pythons.

Later, Cao Zhengming followed the emperor to conquer the major evil sects and seized this sword, but he could not find a suitable swordsman. Because this sword is very suffocating, he will choose his own master, and no one can surrender it until Li Changfeng Appear.

It was precisely because of the recognition of this supreme evil sword that Cao Zhengming valued Li Changfeng very much, taught him the sword skills personally, cultivated them with various spiritual medicines, so that he could break through to the holy realm at a young age, and even possess the power of a holy master. , to become the god of killing that all the ancient sect holy places feared.

For Cao Zhengming's cultivation, Li Changfeng is also very grateful. He has always served the Dali Temple without any regrets, and did not hesitate to perform various dark tasks, so that his hands were stained with sinful blood, and he did not shake in the slightest.This is not only to repay Cao Zhengming's kindness, but also to protect his sister Li Linger from being invaded by evil.

But now, there is a crack in his firm heart, because he respects Cao Zhengming like his father, and finally stretches his claws on his sister, which is the last thing he will allow.

It has been ten days since Li Linger disappeared. Li Changfeng questioned Cao Zhengming several times, and got vague answers. In the end, he avoided seeing it. The black and white Taiji diagram exuding terrifying energy in the sky made him even more excited. A very ominous foreboding.

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At this moment, the breeze in the courtyard suddenly rose, and two men in black appeared in front of Li Changfeng and said in a low voice, "Young Master Cao Yanzhang is not in the mansion, it seems that he has disappeared for a few days."

Li Changfeng's hand wiping the long knife suddenly tightened, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and quickly disappeared, he took out a letter sealed with a talisman from his arms, and said hoarsely: "Help me with the last thing, put this Seal it to the Marquis of Nanling in Qishi Mansion. Then, just leave and never go back to Dali Temple."

The two men in black seemed to tremble for a while, and without saying a word, they took the secret letter and disappeared.

I don't know how long it took, the last leaves of the osmanthus tree in the courtyard fell, Li Changfeng stood up, hung the evil sword on his back, and walked out, leaving only a whisper that lingered for a long time.

"Father, you forced me to make a decision."

Dali Temple, located in a very open space in the north of the city, covers an area of ​​thousands of miles. The inner tower and attic go straight into the sky.

Li Changfeng was wearing casual clothes with an evil saber hanging from his back. He walked into the Dali Temple step by step like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard. The guards guarding on both sides changed their eyes slightly, but they did not dare to stop them, but one of them quickly rushed into the inner hall to report.

After a while, Sword God Xie Xiaonan rushed out with a large group of guards, blocking Li Changfeng in the center of the square in a fan shape.

"Elder Cao is very busy, and I don't see anyone now, so you should go back."

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