Xie Xiaonan said in a cold tone, pressing the hilt of the sword on his waist with one hand, his eyes full of solemnity, he and Li Changfeng are also old enemies, and they have been vying for the title of the first arrest of Dali Temple.Only, he never won.

Li Changfeng raised his head, his black hair danced wildly in the wind, and only glanced at Xie Xiaonan lightly, and said, "Get out of the way, I don't want to kill you, nor do I want to kill anyone in Dali Temple."

This fluttering sentence instantly shocked everyone in the audience. Those guards who followed Xie Xiaonan were all nervous and involuntarily retreated. No one knew better than them how terrifying Li Changfeng was when he was serious.

Xie Xiaonan's forehead also oozes a layer of fine sweat, which is different from ordinary competitions. If he loses, he will die. At this time, he doesn't even have a [-]% chance of winning. The breath that Li Changfeng exudes is really terrible.

"Let him in."

At this moment, a majestic and majestic voice came from the inner hall, like a rolling river, spreading throughout the square.

Xie Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief, pressed the half-drawn sword back again, turned his body sideways, and revealed a gloomy look in his eyes.

Li Changfeng still had no expression, he passed Xie Xiaonan step by step, stepped up the steps, and finally entered the main hall of Dali Temple. , , .

Chapter 522 The God of Swords dies, Zhang Tian takes action

The decoration in the main hall of Dali Temple is just like the exterior style, which sets off a solemn, solemn and heavy atmosphere. For Li Changfeng, this is a very familiar journey, but today it is extremely difficult to walk.

"Tread, step, step..."

Li Changfeng walked forward step by step. When approaching the stone steps of the high platform, the ground suddenly trembled violently. The entire stone steps and the platform above were divided to both sides, revealing a deep and incomparable passage, as if the other end was connected to the ghost. .

Li Changfeng moved the corner of his mouth, took off the long knife behind him and held it in his hand, and continued to walk inside, walking down the stone steps that seemed to be made of black stone jade.

I don’t know how long I have walked, but suddenly, it is a huge underground square, with countless hanging locks in the sky, and below it is a circular pool, divided into black and white, like a Tai Chi map, holding together as one, many people are bound by the aura chain , seems to be practicing something.

Cao Zhengming sat in the center of the Taiji map, black and white reflected, and divided his body into two halves, one black and one white, like a demon sitting there, suppressing the boundless purgatory.

"You're still here after all."

Cao Zhengming said gloomily and slowly opened his eyes. Those eyes were also black and white, which looked extremely evil. At this time, his aura was extremely strong, reaching the limit of a half-step emperor, and he unabashedly pressed towards Li Changfeng. go.


The violent spiritual pressure directly smashed the stone walls around Li Changfeng, and the huge rolling stone crashed to the ground with a terrifying appearance of the end of the world.

But Li Changfeng didn't move, just stared at Li Linger in the deep pool, and when he looked up at Cao Zhengming, his eyes were already determined.

Cao Zhengming sighed softly and said, "Changfeng, you were brought up by the old man, and the old man has devoted ten times more effort to you than Yanzhang. Now that Yanzhang is gone, the old man will be promoted to the Immortal Emperor. , as long as you let go of this resentment, the old man can treat you as a parent and child, not only this Dali Temple is dominated by you, but the whole world will have three points of you in the future!"

Li Changfeng glanced at Cao Yanzhang, who didn't know his life or death in the deep pool, and said indifferently: "Changfeng no longer dares to accept the kindness of his adoptive father. I came here today to give back the martial arts taught by my adoptive father. I hope my adoptive father will be generous. Teach me."

Li Linger was immersed in the deep pool, and two spiritual chains passed through her pipa bones, and it seemed that she had also felt a sense of induction, and two lines of clear tears flowed from her tightly closed eyes.

The kindness on Cao Zhengming's face vanished, and he turned into a very sullen man. He said in a negative way: "Okay, since you insist on being an enemy of this old man, this old man will let you be a sacrifice to this Yangchi, and let this old man ascend to the sky in one step! Let you know how foolish your choice is!"

When the voice fell, Cao Zhengming's dry hands like eagle claws slammed into the magic formation on the ground. The white half of the deep pool was filled with aura.

"Ah, no, no, father, don't kill me..."

At the last moment, Cao Yanzhang actually woke up and shouted loudly, but he looked extremely pale. In the end, he could only watch his bones and blood being crushed by spiritual power, and his boundless grievances shot into the sky.

The waves were surging, swirling around Cao Zhengming, making him more and more imposing, and it was a sign that he was about to break through the half-step emperor.

At this moment, Li Changfeng moved, his body flew like a goshawk, the evil saber in his hand trembled wildly, and nine vicious pythons roared out, turning into nine terrifying phantoms, circling around the long saber.

This is already beyond his limit. The nine vicious pythons sealed in the evil sword, each of which was a half-step demon emperor, were released at this time, and the entire underground secret room was occupied by evil spirits.

"Hmph, it's just wishful thinking to use the evil knife that the old man gave you to kill the old man!"

Cao Zhengming's face was full of evil energy. He was more like a demon than Li Changfeng who urged the evil sword. He took a big mouthful, like a whale swallowing a cow. The bottom crossed the boundary of a half-step emperor and reached the realm of a quasi-god emperor.

"Go to hell." ok novel www.okxs8.com

Cao Zhengming laughed wildly, excited by the immortal power surging in his body, and slammed his palm towards Li Changfeng.

In an instant, a large black and white handprint appeared out of thin air, exuding a heavy pressure, causing the surrounding void to burst, and with invincible power, the cover pressed down.


The two powerful attacks collided, and the nine ferocious pythons let out shrill roars. Four of them were directly crushed by the big black and white hands mercilessly. Li Changfeng, who was connected to their souls, was also severely injured. On, the skin is open and the flesh is open.

"Haha, see no, this is the gap between you and me, those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish!"

Cao Zhengming roared excitedly, and once again moved his black and white big hand and pressed it towards Li Changfeng.


With a loud bang, the evil sword in Li Changfeng's hand was directly blown away, and the big black and white hand held Li Changfeng in his hand like a chicken.

"don't want!!"

At the critical moment, Li Linger broke free from the shackles of the Yin-Yang Infinite Array, and the surging power of the soul was like a raging wave, causing the entire underground secret room to roar.

"Father, please, please..."

Li Linger begged bitterly, but how could Cao Zhengming, who was already in a state of madness, be shaken, and when he squeezed it with a big hand, Li Changfeng's body burst with a bang, blood splashing.

"No, no..." Li Linger hissed.

"Don't worry, you will soon be able to reunite with your brother underground. No, no, you will be destroyed in body and soul, and you will never be reincarnated, haha..."

Cao Zhengming said in a chaotic tone, the Dao Heart had been destroyed by the surge of power, he pressed his big hand down, and the water in the Yin Pond also boiled, strangling the nine women in the Pond.

At this moment, the weak girl that Yu Xin had transformed into finally broke free from the shackles, with a look of indifference in her eyes, raised her right hand, and the spiritual power in her body was madly injected into the Ice Spirit Jade Ring.


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