A mighty voice resounded in the void, indifferent and cold, as if he was an aloof emperor, who dominated Cang Ming, with divine might like a prison.

Suddenly, a dazzling blue light burst out from the jade ring, illuminating the entire underground secret room, and the riotous pool was flattened under this blue light.


The blue light swept through, and Cao Zhengming was directly blasted out, his body cracked, and one of his arms exploded, as if facing the Godless King, he could not resist at all.

"Ah, ah, Zhang Tian, ​​you're bad for me, I'll never share the sky with you!"

Cao Zhengming howled in pain, looking at the jade ring in Yu Xin's hand, his eyes filled with fear. , , .

Chapter 523 Yin and Yang Coexist, Martial Arts

In Qishi Mansion, the ruthless man unfolded the letterhead sent by Li Changfeng, and looking at the accusations described above, he couldn't help but rattling his fingers. It recorded the major crimes that Cao Zhengming had been in charge of Dali Temple for hundreds of years. One is shocking and outrageous.

The arrogance of Chen Beixuan, Xiao Guyan and other Tianjiao also felt frightened, with anger in their eyes. There were too many evils committed by Cao Zhengming. Although this is a world where strength is paramount, the people Cao Zhengming killed But most of them are weak and powerless civilians, which makes them indignant and intolerable.

I saw Nangong Feng slammed the table and said loudly: "What a good Cao Zhengming, he is so mad, what is the difference between cultivating this kind of evil art and demons, we should immediately report to the emperor, abolish this wicked person, get rid of the evil spirits. Devil's Way!"

Soul Xiuya sneered: "What is evil and what is right, it's up to you to say, do you think the emperor's dynasty is really a just place? It's naive and ridiculous, do you know what an immortal emperor means?"

Nangong Fengliu raised her eyebrows, stood up, and said stubbornly: "Hun Xiuya, what do you mean by this, this old man killed Prince Rong's beloved son Changle Hou full of people, if the emperor knows, how can he let him live? ?"

Tantai Mingyue raised her head slightly, and seemed to see the terrifying celestial phenomenon outside through the void, and pondered: "If Cao Zhengming can directly break through to the Immortal Emperor Realm as he said in the letter, then these so-called crimes are irrelevant. , Not to mention a Marquis of Changle, even if it is Prince Rong, it is unknown whether it is worth the weight of an immortal emperor in the eyes of the emperor."

"How could this be?"

Nangong Feng sat back in the chair lonely, feeling that his beliefs were impacted.

Shi Wuhua and Ji Feixue's Tianjiao were silent. Their thoughts were the same as Tantai Mingyue. They didn't think that in the current situation of this chaotic world, the emperor would blame an immortal emperor of his own side. This is standing on the peak of the mainland The existence of , unless the mutiny, or even the emperor will be courteous three points.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the sky, and the violent Yin Qi swept the heaven and the earth. The entire holy city seemed to be in a cave of ice, and countless snowflakes fell from the sky one after another.

Nalan Ruoxue said in shock: "The power of Yan and Yang was filled just now, and now the power of pure yin has been lowered. Could it be that Cao Zhengming's Yin-Yang Promise Formation has been practiced?"

"Not good, order all the staff and go to Dali Temple immediately!"

The ruthless man waved his long sleeves and issued an order directly. She doesn't care what the emperor's attitude is. At this juncture, the first priority is to rescue Yu Xin who is still in the battle. Although she knows that Zhang Tian is protecting her, she still has to see it with her own eyes. Be sure to be at ease.

Soon, the Qishifu brigade was dispatched in a mighty manner. These people are the arrogance of the Holy Land, and they have little reverence for the legal system of the imperial court. After receiving the order of the ruthless man, they immediately acted and followed the mighty man of the ruthless man towards Dali. Temple set out.

After a while, everyone rushed to the front of Dali Temple. The power of pure yin in the sky turned into a tidal wave of the spiritual sea, pouring out like a galaxy, directly leading to the interior of Dali Temple, making people daunting.

The ruthless man kept his footsteps and turned into a huge sword light with his sword, slashing towards the door ruthlessly.


With an explosion, the main entrance made of golden toad wood in Dali Temple shattered, and even the dozens of guards who rushed out all vomited blood and flew back upside down.

"Big, bold, this is the important place of Dali Temple, you can't rebel if you want." Love Literature Website www.23wenxue.com

Many guards at Dali Temple felt fearful when they saw the ruthless people and the others were menacing, and they retreated step by step.

"Qishi House handles the case, and those who dare to disobey will be killed without mercy!"

The ruthless man announced in a domineering manner that the human and the sword were united, and they directly turned into a sword rainbow and rushed towards the inner hall.

Chen Beixuan, Chu Xiangtian, and the others looked at each other, but they didn't bother to worry, and they all took action to suppress the guards of Dali Temple. Anyway, there were ruthless people blocking the front, and they couldn't be questioned.

Although the guards of Dali Temple are elite, they are the opponents of the holy places, and they are quickly entangled, or die in battle, or surrender.

But he said that the ruthless man moved forward along the road that Li Changfeng walked, and soon entered the hidden underground secret room, watching the mighty pure yin spiritual power pouring into the underground magic circle, couldn't help but feel anxious.

This force is very powerful and surging, the first layer is higher than the first layer, so she does not dare to get involved easily.

After hesitating for a moment, the ruthless man bit his teeth, and the void behind him roared and vibrated, breaking a huge crack, and the hell oven roared out, rushing directly into the yin spirit tide, actually wanting to use the hell oven to refine this mighty endless The power of pure yin.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The hell oven evolved into a size of several thousand feet, absorbing all the power of the Yin spirits falling from the sky, sending out violent tremors, which seemed to be unable to support this mighty power.

The refined essence gathered into a yin dragon, rushing towards the ruthless man frantically, making the ruthless man's aura extremely chaotic.

As everyone knows, this is a big opportunity for the ruthless person. Her background is too strong, and every breakthrough in the legendary realm is comparable to reaching the sky. Before, relying on the fire source of refining the entire Xuantian fire domain, she successfully gathered enough. The power of pure Yang, but the power of Yin of the other half has never been achieved.

The yin and yang were wrong, Cao Zhengming spent endless efforts to make the Yin and Yang Promise Formation, but instead made the ruthless man a wedding dress.

As more and more yin dragons entered, the yin power in the ruthless man continued to be perfected, resonating with the yang power on the other side, clinging to unity.


A thunderous sound emanated from the ruthless man's body, as if a hundred thousand volcanoes erupted at the same time, and the whole world resonated. Wear the black and white Tai Chi pattern in the sky, pierce the world barrier, reflect in the star field, shake the universe!

"Yin and yang are associated with each other, and the qi rushes to Xiao Han. This is a vision of the birth of Yin and Yang martial arts. Could it be that the cultivation of the Marquis of Nanling has broken through again?"

Tianjiao on the Dali Temple Square looked at the terrifying vision in the sky, and all of them showed amazing expressions. This was the first time they had met such a vision that broke through the legendary five changes of Yin and Yang.

But I don't know that it's not just them, the entire Ziwei star field, dozens of thousands of worlds, all of them are fried at this time, looking at Xingyu from a distance, I don't know how much emotion and amazement. , , .

Chapter 524 The Will of the First Emperor

"Look, the pure yin spiritual power pouring out of the sky has disappeared."

Shangguanqin pointed to the sky from afar, and sure enough, the pure yin tides that had fallen like the Milky Way had all disappeared.

Tantai Mingyue murmured softly: "Last time it was Xuantian Fire Territory, this time it was the Yin Spiritual Force in the Yin-Yang Promise Formation. This step taken by the Marquis of Nanling seems to be a rapid breakthrough, but it is actually shocking."

As soon as these words came out, all the Holy Land Tianjiao felt a chill surge from their hearts.

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