They understood the meaning of Tantai Mingyue. This forbidden magic circle carefully arranged by Cao Zhengming attracted the vast power of yin and yang that was enough for him to break through to the Immortal God-Emperor Realm. The energy required for the small order position is only.

Comparing the two, the background of the ruthless man is so powerful that it makes people suffocate.

In the underground secret room of Dali Temple, the ruthless man slowly opened his eyes, with both joy and surprise in his eyes. Unexpectedly, by accident, he broke through to the realm of the sixth transformation of the legendary realm ahead of schedule.

This breakthrough is very crucial. She has already understood the sword domain, and the domain change is very simple for her. She only needs to convert the sword domain into a domain. Aspiring to the strength of a high-ranking king, the rest is only a matter of time.

After calming down the surge in spiritual power, the ruthless man immediately turned his attention to the magic circle below, and said anxiously, "Second sister, are you alright?"


In the endless black and white fog, a black shadow flew out. It was Yu Xin, who had changed back to her original appearance, and Li Linger, who had passed out in a coma, was still in her arms.

"Second sister, it's great that you're fine, what about Cao Zhengming?" The ruthless man let out a long sigh of relief.

Yu Xin glanced at Li Linger and said, "Before the eldest sister came, Cao Zhengming fought Li Changfeng, killed Li Changfeng, and exhausted the power of Yan Yang to break through to the peak of the quasi-emperor. Later, he tried to absorb the power of pure yin. , woke me up, seriously injured him with the will of the father in the ice spirit jade ring, and then he ran away."

"don't want……"

There were still tears on Li Ling'er's face, and she muttered something like a dream.

At this moment, Chen Beixuan and others also rushed in and said: "Marquis Nanling, the guards of Dali Temple in the square have been suppressed. After interrogation, it was found that before this, Sword God Xie Xiaonan had led the most elite of the Dali Temple. Tiangang Guard has left."

The ruthless man looked solemn, turned his eyes to Tantai Mingyue and said, "Tantai Immortal Law is infinitely useful, I wonder if Tantai Fairy may trace the direction of Cao Zhengming's escape?"

Tantai Mingyue looked around for a week and pondered: "The connection between Cao Zhengming and this blood pool has not been eliminated, and it is not difficult to find it, but the taboo formation was destroyed in the middle, and he is likely to be attacked by spiritual power. It's not a wise move for us to follow up now."

The ruthless man said: "If that Cao Zhengming really goes crazy, letting him roam outside now will only cause more harm. You don't need to worry. When the time comes, I will use my father's power."

She is not a pedantic person. Although she decides to solve things as independently as possible, she will not fool herself. Especially in this situation, Cao Zhengming is a ticking time bomb. Even if Zhang Tian's power is used, she will definitely Kill it immediately.

As soon as this statement came out, all the arrogances showed a relaxed look. They were full of confidence in Zhang Tian. If someone in this holy city could crush Cao Zhengming, it must belong to Zhang Tian, ​​even the human emperor's spirit body. Not necessarily this intolerable.

Tantai Mingyue nodded and said, "In that case, I will find a route for the Marquis of Nanling."

After that, Tantai Mingyue made a gesture with her hands, and a white lotus flower appeared on top of her head, emitting a white air and sinking into the underground pool. After a while, the lotus aura made a great effort, dyeing this space white. , there is only one channel with a different color, which winds directly to the outside world.

Yuxin said: "Yes, Cao Zhengming escaped from this road." Good novel

The ruthless man made a decisive decision: "Second sister, you stay here to protect Li Ling'er, and the rest of the people will follow me to get rid of harm for the people."

The Qishi Mansion and his party embarked on the journey again, turning around and around, from the north of the city to the south of the city, and finally stopped in front of a very imposing monastery.

"Shenzhen Temple!"

Three gilded characters are engraved on the plaque, and the brush strokes are mysterious, projecting many profound Buddhist principles. It can be seen that the person who wrote it must be a martial arts master with profound Buddhist teachings.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but they didn't expect that Cao Zhengming's last hiding place was actually here. Sheshen Temple is not small, it is the top three Buddhist and Taoist holy places in the mainland, and the famous Venerable Wencheng was born in this temple.But to this day, Buddhism in the entire continent has declined, the strong have withered, and the Sashen Temple has become an ordinary temple, which is not taken seriously.

The ruthless man just paused, then broke into the door directly, and saw that the entire monastery had been emptied, and facing him was the Sword God Xie Xiaonan with a large team of guards.

Seeing the ruthless man and his party, Xie Xiaonan's face was very ugly, and he said coldly, "You are chasing after them all the way, but you want to kill them all?"

The voice fell, and a sharp sword intent rose into the sky, causing many people to change their expressions. After all, no matter how downhearted he was, he was also a saintly king-level powerhouse, which should not be underestimated.

The ruthless man said in a low voice: "Li Changfeng has already made Cao Zhengming's guilt public, and even if he is slashed with a thousand knives, he will not be able to justify the crime. If my guess is correct, Cao Zhengming should be using Buddha power to suppress the demons in the temple behind you now. , be wise to get out of the way, don't play tricks for the tiger."

"Haha, make a fool of a tiger? The strong man in this world is the king. When Duke Cao breaks through to the immortal emperor realm, the whole world will worship him. Who can blame him?"

A flash of madness flashed on Xie Xiaonan's face, and the powerful Jin-type sword intent and wind-type sword intent surrounded him, making him extremely dangerous and dangerous.

The ruthless man said: "You said it well, but unfortunately, Cao Zhengming can't wait for that day. If you don't let go, I will walk over your body."

"Arrogant! Zhang Ruren, you are nothing but a genius. Without Zhang Tian to protect you, I would kill you like killing an ant. You and I have a map of stars and swords. Let's see who devours who first!"

Xie Xiaonan drew his sword, and the power of the stars erupted from his body. This was his trump card, the supreme treasure, the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram, which contained the divine power of the ancient sword king.

"It's a word."

The ruthless man's face also became extremely solemn, the sword domain opened, fire element, water element, ice element, destruction, each of the four elements of the sword soul.

In this tense atmosphere, a mournful female voice suddenly resounded throughout the world: "Cao Zhengming, return my brother's life!!"

As soon as the sound came to an end, a heart-pounding power of divine soul traversed the heavens and the earth, the entire holy city was shaking violently, countless remnant souls were awakened, and the void was in turmoil.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The vibration became more and more intense, Li Linger flew into the sky, shuttled in the void, like a queen who was proud of the sky and the ground, constantly communicating with the powerful true spirits sleeping in the underground of the holy city with her soul.

Finally, her eyes turned golden, and a dignified majesty erupted from her body, accompanied by a majestic voice resounding through the void: "This emperor, where are you?"

In the imperial city, Neiwan, Wuhou Mansion, Great General Mansion... Many important places were disturbed, and a big man broke through and looked up at Li Linger in the shadow, and the shock in his eyes could not be concealed.

This girl actually awakened the will of the first-generation emperor. , , .

Chapter 525 The final battle in the imperial capital broke out

The first-generation emperor, who was comparable to a taboo-like existence, single-handedly created the ancestral dynasty, encompassing the universe, including the four seas, coercing Liuhe, annexing the eight wastes, and creating the prosperous age of the ancestral dynasty for millions of years, wherever he went. All the guests are served, the real [-] clans come to the dynasty, and there is a grand imperial dynasty.

That's right, it's not a dynasty, it's not a dynasty, it's an imperial dynasty, which means that there is a great emperor in charge.

At that time, the Shengyuan World was full of strong people, and it belonged to the Daqian world, and it was a very powerful Daqian world. There were emperors in the East, South, West, Beihai, Zhongzhou, and other exotic regions, and it was Ziwei Xing. The core of the domain, countless thousands of worlds are in awe.

The first generation of human emperors can open up a strong imperial dynasty in such a big world, which shows his strength and courage, even in the ninth mountains and seas, he is famous.

Such a strong man, even if he dies, he will still not lose his will. He sleeps in the tomb of the Emperor Taihuang Mountain, and suppresses dozens of ancient paths of the starry sky by himself.

The other shores of these ancient starry sky roads are connected to the great worlds. The first generation of human emperors had a premonition that the origin of the Shengyuan world was missing, and it would decline for a long time. Before dying, he sealed all these dozens of starry sky ancient roads with godless power. Successfully prevented those great thousand worlds from breaking through.

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