Because of this, although the first-generation emperor has been silent for millions of years, his reputation in the mainland has always been extremely high, and he enjoys worship at the ancestral temple.

Now that a little girl was rashly awakened and disturbed her sleep, how can this be forgiven?

The most important thing is that the will of the first generation of human emperors leaves Taihuang Mountain, and the sealed starry sky road is likely to loosen. The treasure land of Shengyuan World, I don’t know how many thousands of worlds are thinking about it. Once they are aware of the starry sky ancient road. abnormal, with unimaginable consequences.

Thinking of this, all the important people couldn't sit still, and they all made solemn voices: "Little girl, quickly send back the true spirit of the first generation of emperors!"

Accompanied by this voice, many more powerful magical powers manifested in the void, blasting at Li Linger, trying to force her to submit.


Li Ling'er's eyes were purple-gold, and the powerful imperial might shook the sky and the earth. She seemed to point out a finger with difficulty. All the attacks that approached her were shattered, and the remaining power rolled back, causing hundreds of aura storms in the holy capital. ravaged the city.

At the same time, the inner courtyard of the imperial city, the Wuhou Mansion, the Grand General's Mansion and other important places heard a muffled shout. Those big men who tried to stop Li Linger were all taught a lesson and were seriously injured. , even if there is only one remnant left, it is not something they can resist.

"Damn Cao Zhengming, he has caused such a big trouble. It's impossible to be a sinner in the mainland!"

The Wuhou Mansion and several Wuhou looked up at the sky with anger in their eyes. They did not expect things to develop to such a degree. If they had known this, they would not have been condoning Cao Zhengming's reckless actions.

However, Li Linger, who was standing in the sky, turned his purple-gold eyes, as if divine light was shining on the earth, and he quickly locked the direction of Sheshen Temple. Soon we reached the top of Sheshen Temple.

"Cao Zhengming, get out!"

Li Ling'er opened her mouth and pressed her right hand towards the void, and a huge golden palm appeared out of nowhere, engraved with the Law of the Great Dao, very mysterious, crushing the void all the way down from the sky.


With a loud noise, the towering Dawei Buddha Hall of Sheshen Temple was directly bombed, and the mud and sand fell down, causing a storm of thousands of feet.

"Ah, Li Ling'er, how dare you attack this old man!"

In the countless smoke and dust, Cao Zhengming roared out, the whole body rolled with demons, and it was extremely terrifying.Xiao Tao Chinese

"Cao Zhengming, return my brother's life."

Seeing Cao Zhengming, Li Linger's expression finally fluctuated, murderous intent was revealed in his pupils, and he slapped his palm with difficulty controlling his body.

"Since you are courting death, I will send you to meet Li Changfeng!"

Cao Zhengming's figure flickered, avoiding the attack, and said in a negative way, the black and white qi rolled over him, forming a huge Tai Chi pattern on his back, and confronted Li Linger.

He was very familiar with Li Linger and knew the disadvantages of being possessed by a true spirit. Even in the face of Li Linger possessed by the first-generation emperor, he was not afraid.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battle in the sky was too intense, and the entire capital was shaking. At this time, the Ruthless Man, Xie Xiaonan, and others in Sheshen Temple felt more real. They only felt that in front of this power, they were like a floating boat in the sea.

Taking a deep breath, the ruthless man calmed down and turned a blind eye to the violent coercion escaping from above. He only stared at Xie Xiaonan, a power of flying immortals rose from him, like an empress descended into the world, and said coldly: "Now surrender. , there is still a way to live."

"The road is made by oneself, not by begging others to give it."

Xie Xiaonan's voice was very calm. From the moment Li Linger took action, he knew that the real end of the road was coming, so he was fearless.

There was no more conversation, a chilling aura erupted in the whole square of Sheshen Temple, Xie Xiaonan and Ruthless people flashed at the same time, turned into two sword rainbows and collided together.

On the other side, the arrogance of the heavens in Qishi Mansion also fought against the most elite Tiangang Guards in Dali Temple.

The war is in full swing.

Xie Xiaonan didn't know the horror of the unparalleled arrogance of Ruren until he really got his hands on it. He has always been a self-proclaimed swordsman wizard and has understood two fourth-order sword souls, but Ruthen has a full four sword souls, although he is on the rank Not as good as him, but combined into a four-pole sword domain is enough to fight him.

As for the suppression of his most confident realm, in the face of the ruthless man's enchanting background, it doesn't work at all, and he is even slightly better than him.

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Compared with Xie Xiaonan's more frightened fighting in Vietnam, the ruthless man became more and more brave in battle. This was the first time she had fully used swordsmanship since she was promoted to the legendary king. She only felt that a series of kendo insights reflected in her heart in the collision, which made her have been for a long time. The sword intent that has not progressed has risen again, and the four-pole sword domain is like an arm and a finger, becoming more and more skilled, and sensing the way of heaven.

"Sword come!"

When the battle came to a head, the aura of the ruthless man suddenly changed, and a coercion that covered the sky and the earth spread out.

Within [-] miles of the Holy City, all the swordsmen's swords neighed and flew towards the Ruthless Man uncontrollably.

Ice Element, Fire Element, Water Element, Destruction Element, the invincible sword domain constructed by the four elements of the sword soul absorbs all the swords flying from the sky and covers the sky, refines the perception of the sword intent contained in it, and continues to strengthen, break through, and the sword energy soars into the sky!

At this moment, the sword souls of the four elements mastered by the ruthless men have all broken through to the fourth-order realm and transformed into the sword domain, all of which are contemptuous!

The legendary six-transformation field changes, breakthrough! , , .

Chapter 526

"This is... the breath of a high-ranking king?"

In the square of Sheshen Temple, all the arrogant people of Qi Shifu felt the surging power emanating from the Ruthless Man, and couldn't help but feel turbulent for a while.

How long has it been since then, Ruthless Man actually took this crucial step, breaking through from the legendary six-transformation realm to the legendary seven-transformation ghost and god realm.

If others break through, they will not be too surprised, but with the background of ruthless people, continuous breakthroughs are very terrifying and unbelievable.

"This is the accumulation of hard work. The Marquis of Nanling has taken every step very solidly before. When it comes to the sixth change of the legendary realm, it will be a matter of course, and the major swordsmen will erupt one after another. This accumulation is not something that I can compare with."

Chen Beixuan said with shock in his eyes, the four doors and the fourth-order sword soul, this is really a terrifying achievement, even a peerless holy master may not be able to achieve this achievement, and the ruthless man has only just broken through to the high-level king.

This is the road of the unparalleled arrogance. It cannot be replicated. It can only be looked up. Before coming to the holy city, many holy places arrogantly boasted that they were talented, and it was only then that they truly felt the gap between them and the ruthless.

Xie Xiaonan also felt great pressure at the moment when Ruthren broke through. Under Ruthren's emperor-like sword domain, even the sword in his hand was a little out of control, and he was about to bow his head and surrender.

"Blade Storm!"

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