In desperation, Xie Xiaonan's eyes flashed a touch of determination, fully mobilizing the spiritual power in his dantian, and bursting out a powerful blow.

In an instant, the Ruijin Sword Soul and the Gale Wind Sword Soul swept out at the same time, crossed together, and turned into a terrifying sword energy storm, thousands of feet high, slamming into the ruthless like a raging wave.

At this time, the ruthless man was still immersed in the realization of the breakthrough of the realm, feeling the strong fluctuations in the outside world, and suddenly opened his eyes, an unparalleled murderous aura flashed from his pupils.


The four-pole sword field that revolved around the ruthless man suddenly stopped, and turned into four divine swords each holding one side, and the divine sword standing in front of the ruthless man was pitch black as ink, the sword was seven feet long, and exuded a profound sense of destruction. Even the surrounding void was slightly distorted and could not bear its erosion.

The ruthless man glanced at the sword-blade storm that was coming in front of him, raised his hands and grabbed the sword of destruction in front of him.

"Boom! Boom!"

As the sword light arrived, the void was engulfed one after another, forming a black hole channel, crushing it all the way, and descending in front of the sword blade storm, immediately blasting the storm into a huge hole.

This is the domineering sword intent of the superior, the sword intent of destruction, born in the destruction, is comparable to the ordinary sword intent.

But in a few moments, the terrifying blade storm was completely swallowed up by the sword of destruction, and Yu Wei continued to slash towards Xie Xiaonan.

"no, do not want!"

Xie Xiaonan roared desperately, and sacrificed the map of stars and swords, and the stars all over the sky manifested, wanting to make a final fight.

"You are defeated."

The ruthless voice suddenly appeared behind Xie Xiaonan. She mastered the Void Dao Technique, and with the Sword Light Flying Technique, her movement technique was already approaching an unimaginable level.

At the moment when the voice fell, the ruthless man raised his hand, and the three sword souls of fire, ice, and water responded to the call at the same time, and gathered together to form a three-color sword that reflected the world.Wei Wei novel


A huge explosion sounded from the ground, and under the front and back of the two extremely powerful attacks, even with the protection of the stars and Wanjiantu, Xie Xiaonan was still smashed and the defense was smashed.

The surrounding Qishi Mansion Tianjiao and Dali Temple Tiangang Guard showed shocking expressions at the same time, unparalleled shock, the dignified sword god Xie Xiaonan, actually died in the hands of a Tianjiao, this matter came out, enough to shake the world.

In the eyes of the ruthless man, there is neither joy nor sadness. Xie Xiaonan is an excellent sharpening stone, which made her accumulation of hardworking swordsmanship over the past few years explode. If it weren't for Xie Xiaonan's pressure, she wanted to break through to the realm of high-level kings. It also takes at least a year and a half of water mill work.

The breeze was blowing, and the three-foot blue silk of the ruthless man was rolled up. She slightly raised her left hand and caught the picture of the stars and swords falling from the sky. There were countless stars on display, two of which were shining brightly, and you could vaguely feel it. The vigorous sword intent exuded from it.

As long as the ruthless man fuses this Star Ten Thousand Swords Map, he can improve the quality of his Ten Thousand Swords Map, and obtain Xie Xiaonan's Sharp Gold Sword Soul and Blast Sword Soul.

This is a trial set up by the ancient sword king, making all swordsmen with stars and swords as opponents, and the winner devours the soul of the loser's sword until the last person remains, possessing all-encompassing sword intent, creating a new line of swordsmanship era.

However, Ruthless Man doesn't have time to refine this Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram, but put it away and look up at the battle in the air.

Li Linger, who was possessed by the first generation of human emperors, and Cao Zhengming, who was at the pinnacle of the quasi-god emperor, the battle between the two also reached a white burn.

With the prestige of the first-generation emperor, even if it is only a remnant of the soul, it is by no means a match for Cao Zhengming. The key point is that Li Linger's body is too weak to carry this divine power, just like a baby wielding a sledgehammer. Without power, every time Cao Zhengming easily escaped, the Holy City was devastated by domineering forces, and the ruins were everywhere.

After watching a little bit, seeing Cao Zhengming gaining the upper hand, Ruthless Man couldn't help showing a cold look in his eyes. A radiant golden light burst out from her body, which was actually a golden bell without beginning, and threw it fiercely at the black and white Taiji picture in the sky.

Intuition told her that this mysterious Tai Chi map was one of Cao Zhengming's sources of strength.

"You are courting death!"

Seeing the Ruthless Man's actions, Cao Zhengming was really anxious, he directly put aside Li Ling'er, and pressed his palm towards the Ruthless Man.

This palm, almost immortal emperor's might, made the world pale.


The crackling sound exploded, and a shock flashed in the eyes of the ruthless man. At the critical moment, Li Linger actually flew in front of her and took the palm for her. .

The ruthless man hurried forward to catch Li Ling'er's body, but at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred.

"Hand over the true spirit of the first emperor!"

Taihuang Mountain, the mausoleum of the ancient emperors erupted with unparalleled imperial power. The human emperors of all dynasties who were sleeping in it took the opportunity to take the opportunity to manifest dozens of ancient emperors' seals and blasted at Li Linger. .

How could a ruthless man agree? Li Linger is now severely injured. She hangs her life with the strength of the first generation of human emperors.

Thinking of this, the ruthless man took Li Linger behind his back with one hand, and took off the ice spirit necklace with the other, brazenly facing the dozens of ancient emperor seals.

The sights of the whole city are all focused on this! , , .

Chapter 527 Zhang Tian's Suppression of Eternal Tombs

In the Bloody Marquis Mansion, Zhang Tian sat in the stone pavilion in the small courtyard for a drink, savoring the tea that Yu Xin had prepared by himself.

Suddenly, his face froze, he looked up in the direction of Sheshen Temple, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he raised his hand and flicked, and the void in front of him burst open.

The void shattered and penetrated the vast galaxy. In the next moment, the void behind the ruthless man condensed like a mirror, and then cracked into countless cracks and collapsed, revealing a door to the void that was several feet long and wide, reflecting the small courtyard of the blood-clothed Hou's mansion. in the scene.

"It's Senior Zhang!"

"Senior Zhang is going to take another shot!"

Seeing Zhang Tian drinking in the stone pavilion of the small courtyard, everyone in the audience boiled. , the rest are also immortal emperors, which can be said to be the real heritage of the emperor's dynasty.

For millions of years, the emperor's dynasty has experienced ups and downs, and several times it has relied on the power of Taihuang Mountain to drive back strong enemies. It can be said that as long as Taihuang Mountain is not destroyed, the emperor's dynasty will never be overthrown.

Since Zhang Tian's rise, he has been invincible in battles all over the world, and even several brilliant achievements in suppressing the Immortal Emperor have made it difficult for countless people to speculate on his true strength.

The collision of these two powerhouses immediately attracted the attention of countless people. Whether it was Taihuang Mountain still strongly shattering Zhang Tian's myth of invincibility, or Zhang Tian's scornful suppression of the true spirits of the emperors of all dynasties in Taihuang Mountain, the result will be a sensation on the mainland. And set off a series of chain reactions.

Time became extremely stagnant at this moment. Dozens of ancient emperor seals shone across the sky, illuminating the entire sky with golden yellow, exuding endless imperial power. Facing the sudden opening of the gate of the void, there was no wavering in the slightest, and continued. Rolled towards the ruthless man.

Across the gate of the void, Zhang Tian sat steadily, and it was obviously the moment of lightning and flint, but he still had time to drink a sip of tea, as if separated by the two ends of the void, with different time dimensions, so that one by one The eagerly awaited Almighty's heart beat faster, and even produced a suffocating tension.

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