Finally, Zhang Tian put down the teacup and looked towards the other end of the Void Gate with a slight frown. There was no emotional fluctuation on his calm face, giving everyone a very strange feeling.

It's as if they are pieces in a chess game, but Zhang Tian is a chess master who looks down on the world. Let the chess pieces turn upside down and blood flow, for the chess master, it is only a game. Chess, let him control.

This feeling became more real with Zhang Tian's next actions.

I saw Zhang Tian raised his hand, and a huge prisoner's hand was formed out of thin air above the Sheshen Temple. All were crushed, like crushing small ants.

"Ah ah ah..."

A miserable cry broke out in the tomb of the ancient emperor, and all the magic circles guarding Taihuang Mountain were activated, reflecting strange runes with amazing power, murderous at night, if anyone with great insight carefully observes, they will be able to recognize it. These runes are all compiled from the emperor's pattern, which is the language of the emperor's powerhouse.

In fact, this spiritual formation guarding Taihuang Mountain is the real first formation of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. It is ten times stronger than the Siling Suppressing Prison Array guarding the Holy Capital. It was arranged by the first-generation emperor himself. In addition to having powerful offensive and defensive capabilities, it can also gather spirits and prevent true spirits from dissipating.

It is precisely because of this formation that most of the emperors of the ancestral dynasty entered the Taihuang Mountain to sleep at the end of their longevity, relying on the spiritual formation to ensure that their true spirits would not disperse.Little

Now that the Wangu Cemetery has suffered heavy losses, this spiritual formation that has not been activated for tens of thousands of years has also activated itself, exuding terrifying power, and condensed an emperor's blade on the peak, as if to announce that those who trespassed in the restricted area, Will not be spared.

Just when everyone had finished this matter, Zhang Tian snorted softly, and the hand holding the teacup sank.

Suddenly, the Prisoner's Hand in the sky dropped by another three points. The surface texture was distinct, thin, dry, and engraved with Dao marks, like a real palm, exuding a long and vast aura.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Prisoner Tian's big hand descended inch by inch, and the void seemed to be squeezed out, and the part of the upper wrist was gradually revealed with an overwhelmed muffled thunder.

The forearm, upper arm, scapula, and the entire shoulder were all manifested, the ground shook, and the sky was nowhere to be seen. Everyone felt a tremor in their hearts. Looking up, they only felt like a desolate giant was about to break through the world. .

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The explosion continued to reverberate. Following a shoulder, the entire upper body of the ancient giant was exposed, the void was completely crushed, and a fragmented sound was emitted. Large terrifying black holes appeared around the ancient giant, but it was unable to cause him the slightest damage. .

Finally, after it seemed to crush the entire void, the desolate giant was finally fully revealed. It was tens of thousands of meters high, with his feet on the ground and his back against the sky. Taihuang Mountain, which had originally soared into the clouds, was in front of this desolate giant. Just like a boat in the ocean.


The ancient giant stepped out in one step, and Cao Zhengming, who was standing in front of him, was directly shaken and flew out.

The audience was deadly silent. The contrast was too great. Just a quarter of an hour ago, Cao Zhengming still showed his mighty power to fight against Li Linger, who was possessed by the first-generation emperor.

As a result, such a character, in front of Zhang Tian's evolved magical powers, was so vulnerable that he would be wiped out with a wave of his hand. Comparing the front and back, people couldn't help but feel more awe-inspiring.

This scene also made the human emperor's spiritual body and the hidden powerhouse of Emperor Wuhou, who originally planned to stop Zhang Tian's reckless actions, stay away.

dong dong dong, dong dong dong!

Everyone's heart couldn't help beating nervously following the ancient giant's footsteps, full of suffocating oppression.


The power of a single kick directly destroyed the spirit-raising formation set up by the first-generation emperor. The emperor's blade condensed on the top of the mountain collapsed before he could exert his power. The majestic Taihuang Mountain was trampled down for three years. ruler! , , .

Chapter 528 Doubt Zhang Tian's Identity Again


Under the horrified gazes of countless people, the ancient giant raised his big feet again and stomped down fiercely. The roar shook the sky, and all the eighty-one peaks of Taihuang Mountain were shattered and gravel flew.

"Forgive, spare your life, please be merciful..."

The Wangu Cemetery built in the center of Taihuang Mountain also cracked with hundreds of cracks, which seemed to collapse at any time, so that these high-ranking emperors finally couldn't help but put down their posture and begged for mercy.


At this moment in the Holy City, everyone's faces changed, as if a monument of faith had collapsed in their hearts. Taihuang Mountain had been worshipped for millions of years, and its majesty and holiness had long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it was even held to the altar, which was the spiritual support for the rule of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty.

Today, the ancient imperial mausoleum, which embodies the beliefs of hundreds of millions of people, has actually surrendered and bowed down in front of Zhang Tian.

This worship is the bending of the spines of dozens of emperors!

The invincible heart of a great country, which the contemporary emperor spent hundreds of years building up, was wiped out under Zhang Tian's strong scrutiny!

"No, this, how is this possible?"

Tantai Mingyue held her jade neck lightly, muttering in her mouth, her eyes full of incredulity.She previously deduced that Zhang Tian may have inherited the mantle of Emperor Lin Wu and learned the supreme immortal method of "The Great Wilderness Prisoner of Heaven".

But she has never heard that Emperor Lin Wu has a further evolution on top of the Prisoner's Hand. The ancient giant standing in front of the sky has clearly exceeded the limit of "The Great Desolate Prisoner"!

This is a very terrifying thing. Who can surpass Emperor Lin Wu, the so-called ancestor of Wu, and deduce Emperor Lin Wu's unique skills to a stronger level. How did Zhang Tian obtain such a tyrannical inheritance? This is a mystery, even Let her not dare to guess.

Not only Tantai Mingyue, but everyone began to be confused. A question appeared in their minds, that is, what identity is Zhang Tian, ​​and how strong is he?

Even the stupidest person should know that it is impossible to create such an invincible thing with just a tomb of the Demon Emperor.

If it was said before, it can be summed up in a word of a hidden master, but now, the strength of this hidden master has exceeded the limit they can accept, which makes them eager to know more and understand Zhang Tianzhen's real life. identity.

The anxiety and fear brought about by the unknown are too great.

A battle for the end of the holy city ended with Zhang Tian's invincible crushing of supernatural powers. All the powerful enemies were wiped out, Cao Zhengming's body and soul disappeared, Taihuang Mountain also suffered indelible heavy damage, and the emperor's dynasty was shaken for a while.

There was a look of reassurance on Ruthless Man's face, and he raised his finger to the sky, and the golden bell was sensed, and the golden light flowed on the surface, destroying all the visions of the black and white Taiji map, turning it into a golden rainbow and flying back to Ruthless Man.

Little did he know that the appearance of the Golden Beginning Bell this time had caused a big uproar in the Star Territory.Qiqi Chinese website

The teams sent by the Ziwei Star Territory, Yaochi Immortal Territory and other forces traveled through the world one by one, and they all complained.

This is really a chore. The entire Ziwei star field is very vast. There are dozens of thousands of worlds and millions of small worlds. If you want to find a small beginningless clock in so many worlds, It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Especially this time, the sect master of Yaochi Xianyu, in the name of trial, has placed many young talents in the team. They have been pampered since childhood and grew up in the blessed land of Xianshan, which is extremely rich in spiritual energy. The world, I don't know how uncomfortable it is.

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