At this time, the team of Yaochi Xianyu was stationed in a small world. This is a small world ruled by the demon clan. They were very polite to the team from the Ninth Mountains and Seas of Yaochi Xianyu. The leaders of several top tribes came forward to entertain them in person. , all the way to be respectful.

This is also a helpless move, not to mention the great reputation of Yaochi Xianyu, the terrifying strength of this team alone is enough to destroy their small world, how dare you not entertain them.

"There is a situation, and the fluctuation of the golden bell without beginning is sensed!"

At a grand banquet, the old man who led the Yaochi Xianyu team stood up in awe, holding a strange compass treasure in his hand, his face was full of excitement, the whole audience was condensed, and no one dared to make any noise sound.

"Haha, I knew that the person who stole the Beginning Bell would never be able to use it. As long as it was used, we would definitely catch the tail!"

A young man in the next position was also excited, and pushed away the beauties of the fox clan who were serving on both sides. In his capacity, these vulgar things were difficult to see.

"Elder, be sure to check it out, this thief has caused us so hard work, it's really hard to get rid of my hatred if we don't erase the world he lives in!"

Another boy with a horned head said angrily, his tone was very arrogant, and he would destroy a world as soon as he opened his mouth, which made the small world natives who served him tremble with fear.

The white-haired old man who led the team nodded slightly, and urged the compass treasure with a solemn expression. After a while, he suddenly looked up to the southeast, and said solemnly: "I found the general direction, there are not many worlds there, let's follow the past, as long as That person uses the golden bell without beginning again, and the old man can completely lock the world he is in. Without further ado, let's go now!"

The voice fell, and the white-haired old man slammed his sleeves and rose into the sky. The prestige of the emperor broke out like a torrent of rivers and seas, sweeping over half of the small world, causing countless demon tribe natives to crawl to the ground, trembling with fear, including that Several overlord-level demon leaders.

In the end, under the trembling gazes of all the natives, the Yaochi Xianyu team rode the immortal boat when they came and went away. This immortal-like magical Dao Fa.

Not long after the Yaochi Immortal Territory team left, the other major Immortal Territory teams also started from different worlds, followed them, and ran towards the small world of Shengyuan.

Shengyuan Continent, Shengdu, time is long, and five days have passed in a blink of an eye.

The terrifying battle of Sashen Temple that day seemed to have been forgotten. Regarding the destruction of Dali Temple, the death of Cao Zhengming, the ruins of Taihuang Mountain and other tragic events, all the great figures in the Holy City kept silent.

Even the people of Shengdu, who love gossip and gossip, seem to have sensed the taboo, and acted deaf and dumb in a tacit understanding.

However, these are irrelevant to the ruthless person. As soon as she returned to the small courtyard, she immediately entered a state of retreat, breaking through two layers of realms one after another, making her strength soar, and she must consolidate her foundation.

Unexpectedly, in the few days she was in retreat, a disaster that affected the entire continent broke out. , , .

Chapter 529 The catastrophe affecting the world

In the small courtyard of the Zhang family in the Bloody Marquis Mansion, the ruthless man came out of the quiet room with a fresh body, his breath was calm and restrained, no longer as sharp-edged as when the Sheshen Temple had just broken through, but more of a calm demeanor. People feel unfathomable.

After these few days of recuperation, she has completely consolidated the soaring cultivation realm of two consecutive realm breakthroughs, and successfully integrated Xie Xiaonan's Star Ten Thousand Swords Map, which improved the quality of the Ten Thousand Swords Map in her body by one level. It is almost on par with the Demon Suppression Tower at the emperor level, and placed in the sea of ​​​​knowledge of Dantian, it can greatly defend against the attacks of spirits.

But for Ruthless, the biggest gain is to assimilate the gold and wind sword souls mastered by Xie Xiaonan, so that she has six sword souls. This is a very amazing achievement, enough to make those peerless holy masters feel ashamed.

Looking at Nalan Ruoxue who was standing outside the courtyard, the ruthless man said calmly, "I was in a hurry to call me out, but what happened?"

Nalan Ruoxue looked solemn, nodded and said: "It is true that something big has happened. When the Marquis of Nanling arrives at the Qishi Mansion, you will naturally know that this time is a crisis that affects the entire continent."

Ruthless moved in his heart, and there were some vague guesses, but he didn't ask any further questions, but followed Nalan Ruoxue all the way to Qishi Mansion.

The table in the main hall of Qi Shi Mansion is full of books, all of which are the memorials submitted to the imperial court by the governors from all over However, the court was not fully prepared for this crisis.

The ruthless man looked calm, opened the book of memorials and browsed, but his eyes couldn't help but become more and more profound.

"Tianyu Hou Xingbing raided [-] across the border, and within three days, he conquered twenty cities, and Gunzhou fell!"

"The Marquis of Beiyan led the Tiege cavalry into the country, smashed the Yinshan pass, drove straight in, and approached the Hetao, leaving three million refugees with nowhere to settle."

"The six major families in the fief of Shangyang Hou launched a rebellion, and the entire family of Shangyang Hou was slaughtered. The Shangyang army was controlled by the six major families, invading Liangzhou and Jinzhou, and looting the people.

"The ancient beast Bi Fang is now in the world, ravaging Hezhou, killing countless people, and the army of all parties is retreating, causing disasters."

"The Holy Master of Tianya Holy Land in the East China Sea took action, destroyed the Governor of the East China Sea Division, controlled the East China Sea Division to invade the coastal states, and thousands of refugees flocked to Zhongzhou."

After just reading a few memorials, Ruthless Man has a feeling that the world is in chaos. After reading all the memorials in one breath, he is completely sluggish. All the memorials are similar to the above.

Either princes rebelled, or local tycoons seized power, or peerless beasts ravaged, and even the sacred places that had always been otherworldly, this time they seized local military and political power like mad dogs, and plundered the people.

Including Ruthless Man's own Nanling fief, it is now in chaos, with family riots, rebel invasions, beasts raging, and evil sects rampant, almost complete.

In short, this world is in chaos.

And behind all the chaos, there is an invisible big hand controlling it, gathering together to point to a clear goal. 100 Literature

"Corpse Demon Sect!"

The ruthless man said these three words heavily, and the back of the hand holding the memorial was full of blue veins.

Tantai Mingyue sat on the seat on the left of the next head, with a faint worry on her face, and sighed softly: "The purgatory devil has been laid out for [-] years, it is really hidden deeply, such a huge chaos, It has spread throughout the entire continent, and there has been no sound of wind before."

The faces of the rest of the holy land are also very ugly. The purgatory devil is one of the seven devils under the dark devil emperor. One hundred thousand years ago, he was a peerless emperor-level terrifying existence. After a hundred thousand years of dormancy, his current strength has been It is impossible to estimate that he alone is enough to cause headaches for the Holy Ancestor Dynasty and the major holy places, and now he has provoked the major forces, setting off the storm on the mainland, and making it impossible for everyone to concentrate their power.

Chenbei Xuandao: "Now the continent is full of beacon smoke, and the major forces are too busy to take care of themselves. It is conceivable that even if the corpse demon sect is born, it will be difficult to organize a decent defense force. In this step, the purgatory demon lord is superior. robbery, can be expected."

The ruthless man pondered slightly, and said, "I've been in retreat for the past few days. I don't know what the court's attitude is towards this matter?"

Nalan Ruoxue said: "Although the Demon Lord of Purgatory is deeply hidden, he is still immortal, and it is always difficult for the major forces in the continent to feel at ease, especially after the turmoil of the Corpse Demon Sect in the secret realm of the reincarnation of life and death, it even made the emperor and the holy places holy. The Lord has raised his vigilance, and the establishment of Qi Shi Mansion is precisely to deal with this catastrophe. According to the intention of the imperial court, the first thing to do now is to calm down the turmoil in various parts of the mainland and curb the further expansion of the situation."

All the arrogances nodded in agreement. Today, the mainland seems to be very chaotic. In fact, the rebels are all infiltrated by the corpse demon sect. As long as they can be suppressed in time, the consequences will not be too serious.

I'm afraid that the chaos will drag on for too long this time, and let many people with ghosts take the opportunity to make trouble. That's the real trouble. What's more serious is that the major alien races will seize the gap and attack them. By then, the continent will be completely scattered. , and this is also the ultimate purpose of the purgatory devil's premeditated plan.

A Tianjiao of the Fengyang Ancient Sect in Donghuang said: "The elders of our sect have sent me a message, asking me to return to the sect in the near future and cooperate with the imperial army to suppress the rebellion in Donghuang."

"We came too."

"The elders of our Holy Land have also issued an order."

Many Tianjiao spoke up. Obviously, this crisis has made the major holy places give up their former suspicions and plan to cooperate sincerely to overcome the disaster.

The ruthless man looked at the different opinions of the holy sons and Tianjiao, and finally understood the meaning of the Qishi Mansion, which is completely the hub of the connection between the holy ancestor dynasty and the major holy places, and the defense is today's disaster.

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