"As expected of the emperor, he really has foresight."

Ruthless complimented inwardly, and felt a little less worried about this crisis. After calming down in the hall, he said slowly: "Since the sects behind you have already made arrangements, the order to come to the imperial court is also very important. It will be down soon, everyone, please wait patiently."

Sure enough, within two days, the emperor personally decreed that the holy sons of the various holy places in the Qishi Mansion were designated as special envoys and returned to the sect to assist in suppressing the rebellion.

And the ruthless man also began to prepare the army and mobilized the [-] Nanling army. As the Nanling Marquis, he returned to his hometown and calmed down the chaotic Nanling area! , , .

Chapter 530: The Concubine's Head, Fairy Night Comes to the Door

In the holy capital, the beacon is revived. On the streets and alleys, everyone is talking about the wars that have taken place in various places. This conspiracy of the purgatory devil that has been planned for [-] years broke out at one time and has a very wide impact, from the people of Li to the princes and nobles. , all of them were swept away with blood, and even the high-ranking people of the Holy Land were also involved, and they were destroyed at every turn.

In the mansion of the Marquis of Blood, Mrs. Xianglian organized a family banquet to see off the ruthless people who were about to leave for Nanling. Many people were seated, and the words 'corpse demon sect' were inseparable from their words, which showed that the impact was huge.

While everyone was chatting happily, a servant entered and said, "Reporting to the Marquis of Nanling, the Seventh Prince sent a condolence gift, there are more than a dozen cars, what should I do?"

Ruthless said casually: "Since the seventh prince has the heart, let's bring in all the gifts."

During this period of time, there was a lot of hustle and bustle in the holy capital, and major changes happened one after another. I don’t know how many powers and dignitaries have changed, but the Seventh Prince was a fortune, and there was no damage at all. To the seventh prince, his momentum grew stronger and his behavior became a bit more domineering.

Although the ruthless man didn't like the Seventh Prince, he wouldn't reach out and hit the smiling man. Since he wanted to give gifts, he had to go.

The servant listened to the order and immediately turned around and walked out the door. He folded it back after a while, holding the brocade box in his hand, and said, "The attendant of the Seventh Prince's Palace said that this brocade box is a special gift prepared by the Seventh Prince for the Marquis of Nanling. , must be handed over to the Marquis of Nanling in person."

Hearing this, Mrs. Xianglian, Fang Yin, Yuxin, Nalan Ruoxue and others all showed curiosity and looked towards the brocade box. I don't know what material this box is made of, but it can actually isolate the soul from exploration. A piece of exotic treasure, which made them even more curious about the treasure inside.

The ruthless man smiled and waved his hand: "Then you can present the brocade box and see it in public."

The servant bowed again, walked to the center of the hall, held it with one hand, and opened the lid with the other.


It was only halfway through when the servant let out an uncontrollable cry, almost accidentally flipping the box over, and it took a lot of courage to open the box completely.

Everyone stared at it, and they couldn't help showing shock. They saw that there was a human head in the brocade box, and a hideous woman's head.

"This is the head of the concubine Hui, how, how can it appear here." Madam Xianglian blurted out.

Nalan Ruoxue frowned and said, "Concubine Hui is Cao Zhengming's younger sister, and the court will liquidate Cao Zhengming, and naturally this is indispensable. I heard that the chief judge of the Ministry of Punishment is a member of the seventh prince. I am afraid that he has received the seventh prince's secret instructions. I will give death directly, otherwise it will be confined to confinement like Concubine Xian at most."

Mu Qiluo said with a smile: "The seventh prince's means are indeed much higher than the eighth prince. Knowing the grievances between the Cao family and the Marquis of Nanling, I want to use this to show my love to the Marquis of Nanling, but... I'm afraid the horse slapped the horse's leg."

When everyone moved in their hearts, they all looked at Ruthen, only to see Ruthen's expression slightly gloomy, and said displeased: "Take the gift box." After the servant left, he sighed softly: "This is in the Holy Capital. The emperor is respected, and I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

Yan Ruge's eyes glittered, and he said disdainfully, "There are no tigers in the mountains, the monkeys are the kings. The Holy Ancestor Dynasty really has a few powerful princes, and the seventh prince is not even a name, but the emperor used it to stabilize the relationship between his subjects. It's just a decoration of the heart."

The ruthless man wanted to ask in detail, and immediately shook his head. The dynasties in the secular world are actually no different from the ancient sect holy places, but their power is bigger and broader. No matter which prince becomes the emperor, it will not have much to her. influences.Biquge vp www.vp268xs.com

The crowd continued to feast, and when it was almost over, Ruthless Man said: "Nanling is located in the frontier, according to the reports sent by the surrounding governors, the situation there is really not optimistic, I plan to officially leave the camp tomorrow, and everyone will go back. Get ready."

Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge, and Nalan Ruoxue, three capable generals, immediately surrendered.

As night fell, it rained heavily in the Holy City, and an unexpected visitor came to the small courtyard of the Zhang family.

"Elder Yunxia, ​​you...why are you here?"

Yu Xin looked at the tired-looking beauty standing in front of her, with a very surprised expression in her beautiful eyes, and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

I saw that this person was Fairy Yunxia, ​​the peak master of Xiaozhu Peak of the Pill Dao Department of the Deity Academy, but compared to her dignified and elegant impression, she was a little embarrassed at this time. The palace attire has also been drenched by the rainstorm, the neckline is more than half open, and the emerald green clothes inside are also soaked in the rain and transparent, revealing large areas of snow-white skin.

Zhang Tian was also alarmed and rushed over. When he saw the appearance of Fairy Yunxia, ​​he immediately flicked his hand, and a pure white spiritual liquid was poured into an empty teacup on the table, exuding a lingering fairy spirit, it was the nectar. Jade liquid.

"Elder Yunxia, ​​let's take a sip of tea first."

Zhang Tian sat down and held the teacup in front of Fairy Yunxia. With his cultivation, he could see at a glance that Fairy Yunxia was so embarrassed because she had overdrawn her spiritual power. of the Holy City.

Yunxia first straightened her dress shyly, then took a sip from the teacup, her face immediately flushed, she couldn't help showing surprise, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she exclaimed: "This, is this immortal brew? Senior Zhang It's very polite."

After she finished speaking, Yunxia pressed her Dan lips to the edge of the teacup again, but she couldn't bear to drink it. Immortal mist lingered, making her complexion even more rosy.

The ruthless man was slightly moved and said, "Could it be that something major happened in the academy?"

Yunxia heard the words and put down the teacup, shook her head, and said solemnly: "It's not the academy, it's your master, Fairy Yuehua. Last time she went with a group of elders to explore an extraterritorial ruin, she never thought that an accident would happen, only one Elder Ming Taishang escaped, but eight of the nine round seas in his dantian were abolished, and he was finally rescued."

"Then what about my master?"

The ruthless man asked in a hurry, she was Fairy Yuehua's only apprentice, and the master-apprentice relationship was very deep. Hearing this dangerous situation, he immediately panicked.

Yunxia said in a low voice: "The surviving elder Taishang was seriously injured. Although he barely survived, he was unconscious and only vaguely spit out a few place names, one of which was the Heavenly Corpse in the forbidden area of ​​life in the Ninth Mountains and Seas. Ancient land."

"Heavenly Corpse Ancient Earth?"

Everyone screamed in amazement. It was a peerless and fierce place. Even in the ninth mountain and sea, it was famous, and even the emperor dared not easily step into the forbidden area of ​​life. , , .

Chapter 531 Zhang Tianjun is in the ninth mountain and sea

"Elder Yunxia, ​​are you sure it's the ancient land of the corpse and not the mountain of corpse?"

The ruthless man asked in disbelief.

Heavenly Corpse Mountains, Heavenly Corpse Ancient Land, although both have the word 'Heavenly Corpse', but the real situation is very different.

The former is just the junction area between Shengyuan World and another unknown Great Thousand World. Because hundreds of thousands of years of war have accumulated countless corpses and stacked them into countless majestic mountains, it is called the Heavenly Corpse Mountains.

The latter is the famous forbidden area of ​​life in the entire nine mountains and seas. It was born in ancient times. I don’t know how many epochs have existed. It has witnessed the rise and fall of countless eras, and buried each and every one of the Supreme Beings. The interior of it is a vast space that is not inferior to the Great Thousand World, and it is not comparable to the Heavenly Corpse Mountains.

Fairy Yunxia smiled bitterly: "This kind of thing, the senior management of the academy will definitely investigate it clearly. I don't know if it has been verified several times, there is absolutely no possibility of error. Besides, there is a fixed entrance to the Heavenly Corpse Mountains, and Yuehua's elder team was in a Exploration in the ruins outside the territory, even if there is an accident, the possibility of entering the ancient land of the corpse is far greater than that of the corpse mountain."

The ruthless man sighed: "Even so, the ancient land of the corpse shouldn't be free to come and go."

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