Fairy Yunxia nodded and said: "So I think Yuehua and the others should have just been sent to the area near the ancient land of the dead by the turbulent flow of time and space. When they left, Yuehua had deposited a concentric jade pendant with me. Within the range, they can sense each other, I think if I get near the ancient land of the corpse, I may be able to sense the exact location of Yuehua."

Yu Xin was shocked when she heard the words: "Could it be that the Peak Master intends to go to find Elder Yuehua in person?"

The ruthless man also showed a startled look, not to mention that the ancient land of the corpse is one of the most mysterious forbidden areas of life in the ninth mountain and sea, and the ninth mountain and sea world alone is not known to have many billion miles of star road from the small world of Shengyuan, how can it be Fairy Yunxia reachable.

"My friendship with Yuehua is far better than usual, and it is almost the same as a life-and-death relationship. Now her soul is dim and she is in deep danger, how can I stand by and watch? This time I came to Shengdu, I just want to talk about this matter. Let me tell you, after all, you and Yuehua are also masters and apprentices, so you should know about this."

Yunxia said with sincerity, but the corner of her eye looked at Zhang Tian carefully.This time, he had to rush to the Holy Capital even if he overdrawn his spiritual power. Telling the truth to the ruthless was only one of the purposes. The other purpose was to win over the mighty person Zhang Tian.

She didn't get carried away, not to mention how difficult it was for her to go to the ninth mountain and sea alone, even if she really got to the ancient land of the corpse, with her cultivation, she was afraid that she would be caught and become a slave in minutes.

So her real intention is to get Zhang Tian's support. Zhang Tian's brilliant record in the holy capital has long been passed on to Donghuang, a powerful immortal emperor, even in the ninth mountain and sea, he is a dominant-level existence. If someone provokes him, if he can be pulled along with him, the safety along the way and the assurance of rescuing Fairy Yuehua will be several times greater.

Sure enough, after listening to Fairy Yunxia's words, Ruthless Man immediately cast a look of help towards Zhang Tian: "Dad, Master treats me like a mountain, and now she is in deep danger, please help me."

Zhang Tian sipped the tea, and imprinted the voice and smile of Fairy Yuehua in his mind. The fate of this woman with the blood of the ancient Moon God is really extraordinary. It all seemed unexpected, but it was destined long ago.

Putting down the teacup, Zhang Tian nodded slowly, "Don't worry, I will go to the ancient land of the corpse, and I will make sure that your master is intact."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tian looked at Yu Xin and said, "Yu Xin also bring Li Linger with me. Li Linger's illness can be cured in the ancient land of the dead."

In the battle of Sashen Temple, Li Linger forcibly summoned the first-generation emperor to possess himself. In fact, he overdrawn his own life essence. Later, he received Cao Zhengming's palm, and even exhausted her remaining life essence. She is still hanging. In one breath, it was all due to the remaining energy in the true spirit of the first-generation Human Sovereign, so that the will of the two began to merge.

If the life essence cannot be replenished in time, there are only two consequences. One is that the energy in the true spirit of the first-generation Human Sovereign runs out and the two die at the same time, and the other is that the will of the first-generation Human Sovereign swallows Li Linger's will.

The ancient corpse is a dead Jedi that contains powerful life essence. Generations of Gaitian overlords buried themselves there, in order to be able to get the life essence nourishment in it, prolong life essence, and even live a second life. world, third world...

Zi Yan's beautiful big eyes turned straight, and a tiger pounced on Zhang Tian, ​​coquettishly said: "Dad, I want to go with you too, I also want to go to the Ninth Mountains and Seas to see."

Before Zhang Tian could speak, Ruthless said in a hurry: "Dad is going to do business this time, so don't get involved, just follow me obediently."

But she knew Zi Yan's ability to cause trouble, and let her go to the ninth mountain and sea, that would not make a hole in the sky.

Yu Xin also followed suit and promised to bring her some fun babies back, which stopped Zi Yan's thoughts and stopped asking to go with her.

Zhang Tian drank the tea, looked at Yunxia and said, "It's not too late, if there is nothing wrong with Yunxia Peak, let's go now?"

"Now, should I go now? I have nothing to do."

Yunxia was startled at first, and then quickly responded. After all, she was really concerned about Fairy Yuehua's safety, and the nectar and jade liquid given by Zhang Tian had already made her replenish all the lost spiritual power.

Zhang Tian waited for a while, and after Yuxin brought Li Linger over, he raised his hand and swiped towards the void, a huge gate of the void appeared out of nowhere, the laws of countless Taoist patterns were manifested, and the void barriers collapsed layer by layer, revealing a In the vast star field, big stars fell one by one, endless starlight spread, connecting to the vast land.

"The opposite is the ninth mountain and sea, let's go."

Zhang Tian said something casually, stepped into the gate of the void, and under his feet, endless star patterns appeared, as if stepping on the entire void under his feet, an invincible momentum that suppressed the heavens and the world from him. The body escapes, sweeping the world!

Yunxia just glanced at it, and she felt dizzy. She opened the ancient starry sky road to the ninth mountain and sea with one hand. What kind of cultivation is this, it is simply unimaginable.

With incomparable awe, Fairy Yunxia, ​​Yuxin, and Li Linger followed Zhang Tian closely and set foot on this ancient starry road.

Looking at the end of the road, Zhang Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion, it can be said that this is the first time he has stepped on the ninth mountain and sea in the true sense of the five million years. , , .

Chapter 532 The emperor pulls the coffin, the heroes gather

On this day, the ninth mountains and seas, and the land of nine continents, are surging.

Dongsheng Shenzhou, the burial place of an ancient fairyland suddenly erupted, blood rushing into the night, and the sky was red. In that blood-red light, vaguely ups and downs this ancient bronze coffin, hundreds of feet in size, with countless emperors engraved on its surface. The pattern, with birds and beasts on one side and mountains, seas, sun and moon on the other side, is magnificent and exudes endless fierceness.

Seeing this scene, many Immortal Domain disciples showed horrified expressions and panicked, and they were stopped by the venerables and elders who arrived shortly after.

These powerful venerables and elders looked at the bronze ancient coffin, but their eyes were full of awe and excitement. They never expected that they would be fortunate enough to witness the arrival of this day.

In the deepest part of the Immortal Realm, a man with monstrous imperial power sat on a glorious throne, looking at Cang Ming, as if seeing ancient coffins rushing up from the ground and laying across the sky, whispering softly: "This time, I don't know if anyone can live again."

Yaochi Xianyu, an old man who had slept for thousands of years suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, his eyes were cloudy, but it seemed that the sun and the moon were floating in it, scaring the girl who held the magic lamp to the left and right. Jump, hurriedly back, shocked to the extreme.

This old man is a long dead ancestor of Yaochi Xianyu. When he was at his peak, the entire nine mountains and seas were famous. He once pushed a great world and led Yaochi Xianyu to glory.As he approached his old age, his qi and blood were depleted, but he still suppressed the three great emperors who came to offend him with one hand.

But he has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years. Although his physical body is immortal, his divine cage is bleak. He suddenly deceived his corpse at the moment, which really frightened the two serving girls.

Just when the two little girls didn't know how to make a decision, the gentle and elegant voice of Palace Master Yaochi suddenly sounded outside the door:

"Old Ancestor, don't be in a hurry, it's still early, Xianyu has prepared the ancient coffin and can set off at any time. This time, this Palace Master will send the spirit body to go, and he will definitely do his best to win a high-quality ghost ship for the ancestor."

The voice of the Yaochi Palace Master is very light, but there is a majesty that cannot be ignored. With her reputation and status, the entire ninth mountain and sea will tremble three times when she exits. Wherever the immortal orders come, all the sacred mountains in the immortal realms must be courteous. Three points, this time it was decided to use the spirit body, which shows the seriousness of the situation.

In the Great Zhou Xian Dynasty, in the burial grounds of the kings, a violent aura suddenly rose into the sky, and the divine light covered the entire ancient country. They are three powerful princes, who served as the army and horse of the Great Zhou Xian Dynasty all their lives, and overwhelmed one side with supernatural powers.

This time, the ancient coffins carrying their corpses were born, lying in the sky. Countless people bowed their heads and worshipped, and the ministers mourned. There seemed to be mourning music in the sky, and the whole country was mourning.

In the Qiankun Hall of the Immortal Dynasty, a king sat on the throne of the Shanhe Buddha, his whole body was enveloped by divine fire, and he said solemnly: "The three princes have made great achievements for my dynasty, and now the ghosts appear in the world, even if the power of the immortal country is used, it must be Convince the Quartet and seize three ghost ships, so that the three princes can be buried in the ancient land of the corpse safely. Those who dare to block are all my enemies of the Great Zhou Dynasty. King Wucheng, this time you will lead the team!"

There was even a murderous powerhouse crawling out of the peerless fierce ground, a pair of eyes piercing Cang Ming like a divine sword, and murmured excitedly: "After waiting for [-] years, I finally waited for this day, I don't know. Can I be reborn?"

"It's this day again, when the heroes gather and use their means, this time the competition will be fiercer than ever." An old monster looked up at the magnificent vision in the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't want a heavy life, as long as I can prolong my life for a thousand years, and then accompany her to reincarnate in three lives." A white-haired man whose life essence was exhausted whispered to himself, what revealed in his eyes was not the desire for 'life', but another A memory.

I don't know when, an ancient proverb resounded throughout the world.Tomb Raiders Novel Network www.daomuxswxs.com

"Going out of the ghost, rebirth. The road to the sky is now, and the stone is opened. Entering the coffin, it will become eternal; if the corpse is opened, the sky will change."

This ancient proverb has endured for a long time, and it has been sung for half an hour, and the whole world knows it. The ancient corpse, the Styx River, which has been reincarnated for millions of years, has been opened again. The person entered the depths of the ancient corpse and buried himself.

At the same time, Zhang Tian took Yunxia, ​​Yuxin, and Li Linger to the land of the ninth mountain and sea.

"It actually caught up with this day?"

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