Looking at the terrifying vision in the sky, Zhang Tian couldn't help but be slightly surprised. The Styx River in the ancient land of the corpse, which recurs in millions of years, does not appear sooner or later, but it appeared on the day he came. Measurement.

Although Zhang Tian stands on behalf of Tiandao, he does not have to do everything by himself. In fact, he has not exercised the responsibility of management for five million years. The kind of surprise.

"Ah, this, this..."

Fairy Yunxia suddenly exclaimed, her warm and nephrite-like body directly attached to Zhang Tian, ​​her fingers were far away, and her eyes were inexplicably horrified.

Yu Xin and Li Ling'er looked over and were also shocked. They involuntarily approached Zhang Tian for three minutes, and saw a huge coffin, hundreds of meters in length, covered with inscriptions, and eight black men holding their hands in their arms. The ancient coffin moved forward slowly.

There is a white talisman on their foreheads, flashing light from time to time, their faces are rigid and without a trace of expression, like zombies, but the breath exuding from their bodies is terrifying, it is the breath of immortality, and a full eight immortal emperors carry them. Wearing an ancient coffin.

What is even more shocking is that four cyan iron chains with thick arms spread out in front of the ancient coffin. They seem to be made of nine-day mysterious gold. coffin.

This big man is thirty feet tall and as strong as an iron tower. There is also a white talisman on his forehead, but the talisman is inlaid with gold patterns, which is much more advanced than those zombies holding the coffin, and his cultivation is impressively— Quasi God!

The eight emperors carry the coffin, and the quasi emperor pulls the cart!

This is exactly what moved Yunxia, ​​Yuxin and others. The dignified quasi-emperor can sweep across a world and make emperors worship him, but he is only a coffin puller. How terrifying is the existence in the coffin?

Zhang Tian glanced lightly and said with a chuckle: "Don't make a fuss, today is a special day, you will see a lot of such ancient coffins in a while."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As soon as Zhang Tian’s voice fell, the surrounding voids exploded one after another, and the void abyss split open, hundreds of ancient coffins lay across the sky, covering the sky and blocking the sun, and a peerless powerhouse guarded the left and right, and the divine might was overwhelming. . , , .

Chapter 533 The Immortal King shall not be buried!


Fairy Yunxia was stunned, each of these powerhouses standing in the void made her feel suffocated and depressed, and they were ten times, a hundred times stronger than the old dean of the college who had reached the realm of the supreme supreme sage.

So many strong people gathered together, making the world pale, shaking the void, giving people a feeling of being broken at any time.

There are also many strong people walking on the earth, looking at this magnificent landscape of the flickering void, and discussing it enthusiastically.

"Styx was born, and it has been repeated every million years, and it really shook the world. Tsk tsk, that's the team of the Lingling Immortal Palace, and the Emperor Zhun pulls the coffin. It's quite impressive!"

"I saw the team of the Yaoguang Immortal Realm, and they used the nine-refined star steel to build the ancient coffin. It's too extravagant, and there must be a big man in it."

"Isn't that the team of the Wang family of the Changsheng family, there are six emperors from one door, the background is terrifying, I don't know which ancestor will be buried this time, even the second son Wang Tengfei has come. At a Taoist conference, he overwhelmed several god emperors, and he has the strength to win the Qianlong list."

This scene is obviously very rare, and it makes many aborigines in the Ninth Mountains and Seas feel terrified. After all, so many top bigwigs carry ancient coffins together, and they can only be seen when Styx is born once in a million years.

"Is little sister also going to Tiangu Xiancheng? Let's have a company together, this posture is too terrifying."

A beautiful girl stepped forward and held Yu Xin's hand, her eyes were full of gentleness, and she pointed to the motorcade behind her and said, "My eldest brother is the leader of the mercenary group, and this time I took an escort mission to Tiangu Xiancheng. , follow us, and you can also avoid many interruptions."

"Little sister, you can pull people at will for me again. I am a mercenary group, not a shelter!"

A tall flying warhorse jumped out from the back of the convoy, and a handsome young man sat on it. He reprimanded him badly. Obviously, the girl pulled a lot of people along the way, which gave him a headache.

The girl made a face and said, "Anyway, it's not too long before we reach the ancient city of Tiancheng. We have a little more people and our momentum is strong."

The young Yingwu was still a little dissatisfied, but when his eyes caught sight of Yu Xin, his eyes lit up, showing a very astonishing expression. He was devoted to martial arts, claiming to be a firm-willed martial artist, but Yu Xin's appearance was too startling. The world, let his Dao heart that he has adhered to for hundreds of years was shaken, and the imprint of domineering left a shadow.

The eyes continued to sweep, and a slight meal was placed on the faces of Yunxia and Li Linger. Although these two women were not as good as Yuxin, they were also considered to be beautiful women of national beauty and heavenly fragrance. On Zhang Tian.

Because the previous scene of Emperor Zhun pulling the coffin was too shocking, the three girls couldn't help leaning towards Zhang Tian and surrounding him in the middle. Their demeanor seemed very intimate, which made the young Yingwu look jealous.

After all, in his opinion, Zhang Tian is a mortal with no cultivation, but he is surrounded by three alluring beauties, it really feels like a pearl covered in dust.

After a pause, the young warrior said coldly, "Then keep up, remember not to cause trouble, or no one will be able to save you."


The girl cheered, pulled Yu Xin's wrist even more enthusiastically, glanced at Zhang Tian quickly, and said with a blushing face: "Come with me, my brother is the Immortal Emperor, who can protect you. Safety."

Yunxia exclaimed: "Look at your brother's life wheel, at most no more than [-] years old, and he has already cultivated into the Immortal God Emperor Realm. His talent is amazing." Qishu Website www.qishuw.com

The girl nodded and said, "My brother's talent is indeed very high, otherwise he would not be able to receive such important tasks."

Yuxin followed the girl to the motorcade and saw an ancient coffin on display at the back, she said in amazement, "Could it be that this coffin is what Brother Ling was escorting?"

The girl said: "Yeah, what else can you do when you come to Tiangu Xiancheng at this time?"

Yunxia finally couldn't help but ask, "Could it be that these people came to bury their ancestors?"

The girl blinked her eyes and said in surprise: "Of course, didn't you hear the ancient sounds echoing in the sky before? Today is the day when the River Styx opens once in a million years. There is a dark river leading to the underworld, of course, no one really knows whether it leads to the underworld. But it is true that it can lead to the depths of the ancient corpse."

Fairy Yunxia said again: "As far as I know, the ancient land of the corpse can be entered at any time, why does it have to be on this day?"

The girl said: "The ancient land of the corpse can naturally be entered at any time, but it is dangerous and tight, tens of millions of years, I don't know how many great powers have been buried, and there are even legends that immortal emperors are buried in it, although I don't know if it's true or not. , but Immortal Kings and True Immortals have indeed buried a lot, and the feng shui treasure land close to the outside has long been divided up.

And if you want to kill the depths single-handedly, even the Immortal King may not be able to do it, let alone the Great Emperor and the Emperor.Therefore, the ancestors of the various immortal mountains and mountains have pinned their hopes on the ghost boat in the Styx River. If they want to go directly to the depths by boat, they may be able to occupy the next feng shui treasure land and prolong their life. "

Yuxin and Yunxia both showed a clear look. The ancient corpse has been formed since ancient times, and it has been nearly [-] million years. I don't know how many fairyland characters have been buried.

However, time has changed, and now it is a modern era when spiritual energy is exhausted. Immortals and gods are hidden, and the emperor dominates the common people.

These unparalleled emperors overwhelmed the nine great mountains and seas during their lifetimes, pushing them horizontally and invincibly, but after their death they couldn’t compete with the powerhouses of the ancient and ancient times, and they did not dare to go directly to the ancient corpse to find the treasures of feng shui to bury themselves.In this case, going directly to the depths of the ancient corpse through the nether ship is naturally the only choice.


At this moment, the surrounding void roared, and a chariot full of desolation and antiquity came out of the sky, as if cast in gold, with dense Taoism engraved all over its body.

The most astonishing thing is that the carts were actually eighteen blue-colored beasts covered in scale armor. They looked like unicorns. Each of them was several thousand feet in size. A savage beast is fixed in front of the chariot.

This pomp is very big. Eighteen wild beasts are in front, followed by more than thirty powerful monks, guarding a chariot rolling in together, causing many immortal fields to retreat in a hurry.

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