"This is the team of Shengtian Sect. It is simply that the gods are retreating, and they are extremely overbearing. Even Shengtian Daozi is here!"

There were many exclamations on the ground, especially the eyes of the young Tianjiao who looked at the leader, all of them were extremely hot and full of awe.

The Holy Heavenly Daozi was extremely majestic and looked around, suddenly his eyes fixed on Yu Xin, and his divine eyes burst into a light of surprise, Ling Ran said, "I want that beauty!"

In an instant, the audience's eyes were focused on Yu Xin.

Zhang Tian, ​​who has always been calm and relaxed, showed a cold look for the first time. , , .

Chapter 534 You dare to insult this emperor's daughter?

"That beauty, I want it!"

Shengtian Daozi's arrogant voice resounded through the sky, allowing everyone to hear it clearly. For a time, the four fields shook, and countless eyes looked over.

"Shameless, which Daozi is this, dare to rob a civilian girl in public?"

"Silence! You don't want to die. He is the Holy Heavenly Daozi of the Holy Heaven Sect. This sect has always advocated wanton behavior. When this Daozi takes a fancy to him, he can only admit that he is unlucky."

"I have heard for a long time that Shengtian Daozi is lecherous, and indeed his reputation is well-deserved. On the day of the ancestor's burial, he even thought about prostitution."

There was a lot of discussion around, and even many great forces in the Immortal Domain stopped and watched. They were accustomed to the domineering of the Holy Heaven Sect. Occasionally, when their eyes swept over Yuxin, they couldn't help showing pity.None of the female cultivators who had been favored by Shengtian Daozi in the past had a good end, and it could even be said that life was better than death.

In the team of Shengtian Sect, a middle-aged man showed a worried look and whispered: "Young Master, this is the scope of Tiangu Xiancheng. The ancestors will be buried. You'd better restrain yourself."

This middle-aged man rode a savage beast with a majestic appearance and seemed to have a very high status, but he still behaved very respectfully when facing Shengtian Daozi, using a negotiating tone, obviously knowing his own Daozi's temper.

"No, I want her today! This young master has never seen Jiuyin Juemai with such a powerful qi and blood. Treating her as a cauldron sacrificing and refining will surely make my Zhoutian Holy Body reach the perfect state!"

Shengtian Daozi vetoed, and looked at Yuxin with burning eyes, as if looking at another treasure.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man stopped speaking immediately. The Zhoutian Holy Body of the Holy Heavenly Daozi is very powerful and has the qualification to be the invincible emperor. Otherwise, he would not have the support of the entire Holy Heavenly Religion. Ruo Yuxin is related to the Holy Body cultivation. , that doesn't care about etiquette.

"Hehe, Shengtian Daozi, this is Tiangu Xiancheng, not the Holy Heavenly Domain of your Shengtian Religion. It would be too embarrassing to come here to rob people."

Someone finally made a voice of protest. Everyone followed the sound and couldn't help taking a breath. I saw that this person is also a genius, a young hero, and Qiyu Xuanang. It is Wang Tengfei, the second son of the Wang family of the Changsheng family.

The Wang family of this generation has six emperors, prosperous and prosperous, and the descendants are also very high-spirited. They have produced many geniuses of the Daozi level. The first son, Wang Tengyuan, has entered the Hidden Dragon List, making many old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years. Feel the fear, is the emperor who is famous in the nine mountains and seas.The second son, Wang Tengfei, has a great imperial body. Although he is not as stunning as Wang Tengyuan, he is also a master of the quasi Qianlong list.

When many people saw Wang Tengfei stand up, they all showed an expression of 'unexpected'. The Wang family of the longevity family and Shengtianjiao always have grudges, and Wang Tengfei is competing with Shengtian Daozi for the qualification to enter the Hidden Dragon List. Why would you want to give Yuxin, the incomparable furnace cauldron, to Daozi Shengtian?

"Wang Tengfei, how dare you to stop me? Wang Tengyuan is almost here, what are you? Go away!"

Daozi Shengtian looked contemptuous and shocked the audience as soon as he opened his mouth. There are only a handful of people in the world who dare to talk to Wang Tengfei like this, which shocked many people.

"Holy Heavenly Daozi, you are courting death!"

Wang Tengfei's face was ferocious. He hated others to compare him with Wang Tengyuan, the first son of the Wang family. The words of Shengtian Daozi could be regarded as poking his sore spot. Immediately, he swung his right hand horizontally, took a spear with shining light, and slammed it. Boom to the Holy Heavenly Daozi.

This was a sure-fire blow, and even the void was blasted, making many Immortal Domain powerhouses moved.Read a book www.lkbook.org

"The pearl of rice grains also shines?"

Shengtian Daozi closed the feather fan in his hand, and his eyes were shining like divine eyes, and a huge treasure wheel was formed in the void, brilliance overflowing, and he was crushed towards Wang Tengfei.

"This is the Holy Heavenly Dao Wheel! The Holy Heavenly Sect's divine art of sectarianism can grind the world into dust when it is practiced to the highest level. The Holy Heavenly Daozi has already practiced to the realm of small achievement, and it is worthy of the Holy Body of Zhoutian."

A strong man in the Immortal Domain recognized this treasure wheel and immediately screamed, causing many people to panic and retreat.


With a loud bang, the Holy Heavenly Dao Wheel directly smashed Wang Tengfei's spear to pieces, and the Yuwei unabated, slammed on Wang Tengfei, making him fly upside down several dozen feet, and was caught by the master of the Wang family behind.The swaying remnants scattered, causing many strong men who had no time to retreat to be sent flying, extremely domineering.

"It's so terrifying, Wang Tengfei, who is a dignified emperor, is not the opponent of Shengtian Daozi!"

"It is said that Wang Tengfei can overwhelm the immortal emperor. The strength of this holy day is probably close to the level of a peerless emperor."

Many senior figures are in awe. You must know that whether it is Shengtian Daozi or Wang Tengfei, they are only half-step emperors. They have not yet ignited the divine fire to achieve immortal bodies, but they can suppress immortal emperors at will. This is the power of peerless Tianjiao.

The Wang family came to Tiangu Xiancheng this time to bury a powerful ancestor of their own family. Although they were angry, they didn't want to have more twists and turns, so they could only temporarily hold back their anger and retreat to the side.

"Okay, little beauty, obey this young master obediently. If you commit suicide now, this young master can also train your corpse and let you serve, haha..."

Shengtian Daozi's face is full of madness, and Yunlong's claw is grabbing towards Yuxin. This is just a condensed magical power, but it is still earth-shattering.


The girl who had spoken to Yuxin before had a look of righteous indignation on her face. She was about to speak, but her brother suddenly blocked her pulse, so she couldn't make a sound.

The young Yingwu pulled his sister behind him, shook his head gently, and there was a bit of bitterness on his face. He prided himself on his talent and became an immortal emperor at a young age, but in front of Daozi Shengtian, he was just an ant, regardless of talent or strength. If you want to be crushed, making a sound now is a dead end.

The girl seemed to understand something, and she was also dejected, looking at Yu Xin with sadness in her eyes.

"You dare to insult this emperor's daughter?"

At this moment, Zhang Tian opened his mouth, it was clear and light, without joy or sorrow, but instantly turned into a strangler Shenhong, bucked the trend, directly crushed the big hand of the Yunlong, and turned into a real dragon's claws. The cover pressed down and slammed the holy day Daozi standing in the sky to the ground, smashing a terrifying big hole hundreds of feet deep.


For a time, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang Tian, ​​but seeing his white clothes like snow, he was indescribably leisurely and graceful, calm.Obviously there is no fluctuation of spiritual power, but it exudes an invincible power that suppresses the heavens and the world, so that everyone who sees it can't help but kneel on the ground and worship! , , .

Chapter 535 Zhang Tian is also an emperor!

"Here, who is this person, to actually exhale and suppress Shengtian Daozi, it's too terrifying."

"He is definitely a great cultivator. He is introverted and has entered the realm of returning to his original state. Maybe he is an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years."

"This person is looking for death, Shengtian Daozi is the young master of Shengtian Sect. If you suppress him, how can Shengtian Sect give up."

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