There was a hustle and bustle in the crowd. This scene was too shocking. You must know that Shengtian Daozi is not an ordinary Tianjiao, but a half-step God Emperor with Zhoutian Holy Body. , but Zhang Tian turned his hand to suppress it and slammed it down from the sky. What kind of divine power this is, it is like a ghost.

The girl who talked to Yu Xin before was also completely dumbfounded. She stared blankly at Zhang Tian. She had always been very fond of Zhang Tian, ​​because her temperament was very different. The closer she got, the more intoxicated she became. She was embarrassed and didn't strike up a conversation, but she didn't expect this person to be so tyrannical, much stronger than the eldest brother she had always admired, she couldn't help worrying about gains and losses.

The Yingwu young man's eyes almost popped out, and his heart was both ashamed and shocked. He was ashamed because Zhang Tian's strength was much stronger than him, and he kept posing high, like a clown jumping on a beam.The shock was because Zhang Tian was too strong. The blow just now, exhaling the air and turning the blade, was so light, but the divine might caused him to feel horrified, as if he would be wiped out when he touched it, it was not a level at all.

"It's him!"

A surprised cry suddenly sounded from a large force across the sky.

"Rou'er, do you know this person?"

The leader of the team was an old woman, her face was wrinkled, like dry tree bark, only two eyes shone with divine light, showing her full of blood.

Chan Yurou nodded slightly and looked at Zhang Tian from a distance, as if confirming repeatedly, and finally said softly: "He is the father of that little witch Zhang Ziyan. I have seen it once in the small world of Shengyuan, and there is absolutely nothing wrong."

This team is the team from the Purple Spirit Mountain. They came here to bury an ancestor. Because they knew that the situation was gathering, they brought Chan Yurou on purpose for experience, but they didn't expect to meet Zhang Tian.

"The father of the little witch who defeated King Hunyuan Xiaopeng? Tsk tsk, it's really not that simple. I wondered before, how could it be possible to give birth to a demon emperor star in a small barren world. It turned out to be taught by a quasi emperor. It barely makes sense.”

The old woman's eyes flickered, as expected.

Chan Yurou was shocked to hear the words, "Emperor Zhun? You said that the little witch's father is Emperor Zhun?"

The old woman smiled and said, "Of course, do you think Shengtian Daozi is easy to provoke? To be able to suppress Shengtian Daozi so easily and freely, at least he is a quasi-emperor, and he may also have great supernatural powers."

"No wonder that little witch doesn't even care about Venerable Shenshan. It turns out that there is a father who is in the realm of quasi-emperor, but how can a quasi-emperor be born in a small world?" Chan Yurou was puzzled.

The old woman said: "The so-called small thousand worlds and large thousand worlds, the most essential difference is the concentration of aura. When the aura recovers, the small thousand worlds can also become the large thousand worlds. When the aura declines, the large thousand worlds will also become small thousand worlds. Maybe that The small world of Shengyuan is in the stage of aura recovery, and it is about to be upgraded to the world of Daqian, and it is not uncommon to have a quasi emperor." Weichang Novel Network

After a pause, the old woman glanced at the middle-aged man headed by the Holy Heaven Sect team, and sighed softly: "Unfortunately, he is still too young, and in the realm of a quasi-emperor, he is naturally invincible in a small world, and he dares to do so in the ninth mountain and sea. Arrogant, I'm afraid it's not too quick to die, the Holy Heaven Sect is not something that a mere quasi emperor can offend."

As if to confirm the old woman's words, the Holy Heaven Sect's team erupted with awe-inspiring power. Eighteen wild beasts roared and surrounded Zhang Tian and several others. Their young master was suppressed under the attention of ten thousand people. If the murderer is not severely punished, what is the face of the Holy Heaven Sect?

I saw the middle-aged man headed by Shengtian Sect with a gloomy expression, raised his hand and turned into a treasure wheel, which revealed immortal power faintly, and when he swayed into the deep pit, Shengtian Daozi was sucked out, but at this time he had already changed beyond recognition. , Half of his body was blurred with flesh and blood, and the white bones could be seen everywhere, his dantian was broken, and the sea was lost.

Such a tragic situation caused all the onlookers to take a deep breath. The powerful physiques such as Zhou Tian's body and Dacheng Emperor's body, in addition to greatly improving their cultivation qualifications, their physical performance is even more amazing, even if not. Deliberately practicing the body training method, the physical strength will not be as strong as that of the monsters of the same rank. It was destroyed to such a degree by a qi blade. What a terrifying power.

"How brave!"

The middle-aged man's eyes were about to split, and he shouted loudly, and the terrifying pressure of the abyss like a prison pressed down on Zhang Tian like a torrent of rivers and seas, until the whole world changed color, as if the end of the world had come.

He is one of the Four Holy Emperors of the Holy Heaven Sect. He is called the Holy Emperor of the Wasteland. He is the real emperor of ancient times. He can destroy gods and slaughter demons. He is really angry. The time and resources it takes for a Zhoutian Holy Body to reach the half-step Divine Sovereign Realm is an astronomical figure.

Now, all the expenses, all the hard work, all the high hopes, all vanished, how could he not let his anger rage.

"No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, you will die today and be buried with the Holy Son of Heaven!"

The Holy Emperor of the Wasteland roared, and the violent emperor's power was vented in all directions, making everyone tremble, almost to the ground.

"Ancestor, think of a way." Chan Yurou was a little anxious, and she couldn't tell whether she was worried about the little witch or Zhang Tian.

The old woman said solemnly: "Since you have already established a good relationship with the demon emperor, even for her, we have to gamble on the Purple Spirit Mountain. For the anger of the Holy Heaven Sect, the old lady will fight for him..."


Before the old woman of the Purple Spirit Mountain could finish speaking, there was a sudden explosion of thunder on the ground. The barren land holy emperor, who was so mighty that he could swallow the sun and the moon, actually vomited blood and flew wildly.

"If you have humiliated this emperor's daughter, you are truly beyond redemption. Go to the nether hell to repent!"

Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, and every word, like the proverbs of the Great Dao, rumbled in everyone's ears, his might was like a god and a demon, and in the eyes of the gods, all the bodies of the thirty-three strong men of the Holy Heaven Sect burst. Blood swept across the sky, and the eighteen wild beasts also roared and whined, turning into an endless rain of blood.

The old woman of the Purple Spirit Mountain took a few steps backwards, inexplicably horrified, clutching her heart with one hand, and murmured:

"This, this is the Great Emperor!" ,, . . .

Chapter 536 The Emperor Shengtian, who pushed Jiuzhou across the board, is resurrected!

The ancient emperor!

These four words flashed in everyone's mind.

Destroying the entire Holy Heaven Sect team with one's own power is a very terrifying thing, especially killing the Holy Emperor of the Wasteland.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone looking at Zhang Tian changed. If Zhang Tian, ​​who suppressed Shengtian Daozi, would at most give some Xianyu strong people a high look, it would be a complete awe now!

An ancient emperor, and an ancient emperor with unparalleled combat power, with an invincible posture, even if it is placed in the ninth mountain and sea, it is still a figure standing at the top.

After all, in this era, the immortals are hidden, unless the ancestors of the immortal realms who are sleeping in the immortal realms are willing to risk the loss of their origins to be born, who can check and balance an invincible emperor?

The brothers and sisters of the mercenary group were silent, and their emotions were extremely shocking. They never imagined that the person who casually chatted up on the street turned out to be the supreme existence of the Wasteland Holy Emperor who could be suppressed at will. This is too dreamy.

"I can't believe that this person is actually a great emperor, or a four-star or more great emperor. He has an invincible appearance. This time, my old lady, I missed my eyes and wanted to help."

The old woman of the Purple Spirit Mountain was talking about the five million years of spiritual decay, which made too many amazing people stop in the emperor realm, and also divided this realm into very fine, roughly in terms of stars, because even if He is the lowest emperor and has the power to destroy a star, so he can be called a one-star emperor.

The road to the great emperor, every step forward is extremely difficult, and the gap is also very terrifying.For example, the wasteland saint emperor, as one of the four holy emperors of the Holy Heaven Sect, has a profound background and masters the divine powers against the sky.

The strength of the old woman is very strong, and she was a four-star emperor in her heyday, but now there is not much life left, so she has to seal most of her qi and blood. Suppressing the Holy Emperor of the Wasteland is only equivalent to increasing the speed of her death.

When she came to Tiangu Xiancheng this time, in addition to burying her ancestors, the old woman also figured out the way in advance. The next time she came, she would probably be lying in the coffin.

But I didn't expect to meet Zhang Tian, ​​a terrifying powerhouse, at least a four-star emperor of the same level as her, but he was full of qi and blood, and he seemed to have a long lifespan. This is not something she can compare with. of.

"Hehe, Shengtian Sect has kicked the iron plate this time. A great emperor with a four-star rating or above, even some ancient countries have to respectfully greet him, and he even wants to rob someone's daughter. Shengtian Daozi and Wasteland Holy Emperor At the same time, the Holy Heaven Sect will decline for a while."

The members of the Wang family of the Changsheng family were sneering, looking at Zhang Tian with a look full of awe. A great emperor with a [-]-star rating or above, even if he was just a loose cultivator with no background, could not be bullied at will.

"Old Ancestor, look at that girl, that's the one..."

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