In the team of Lingling Immortal Palace, a young cultivator suddenly had green eyes, transmitted a voice to his ancestor, and pointed to Li Linger next to Zhang Tian.

The ancestor's attention was focused on Zhang Tian and Yu Xin. This was a reminder. He stared at Li Linger, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

He felt the breath of an invincible emperor in Li Linger!

What is the invincible emperor, at least a nine-star or above, who can suppress a large continent and destroy the terrifying existence of the star field with one hand, even in the current nine mountains and seas, such a person is rare.Ranwen Novel Network

The Lingling Immortal Palace is famous all over the world for the art of restraining the spirit and sending the generals. It was famous in the ancient times. It even used a treasure to restrain the true spirit of the peerless fairy king. Search for the true spirit everywhere, and sacrifice to become a spirit general.

"Treasure, this is the supreme treasure!"

The eyes of the ancestors of the Lingling Immortal Palace were shining, and the real spirit of the first generation of human emperors on Li Linger was so cherished that it was a rare encounter in a million years.After all, most of the invincible emperors came from the powerful Immortal Realm Sacred Mountain. Even if he died, his true spirit would be buried in his ancestral land with his body.

If Li Linger's real spirit of the first generation of human emperors can be captured and made into a peerless spirit emperor, then the power of the entire Fifth Inning Immortal Palace will increase a lot.

But when his eyes swept to Zhang Tian next to him, the old Kuling ancestor couldn't help but shuddered. He asked himself that even if he released a spirit emperor he had arrested, he would be at best with the wasteland saint emperor, and even the wasteland saint emperor would be arrested. Suppressed at will, if he dares to touch the bad, it will be a dead end.

"Jie Jie, I'll let you fight 'it' first."

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Ku Ling's ancestor, and his fingers were hidden in the sleeves to emit a light.


Just when everyone thought that the matter had calmed down, the ancient coffin brought by the Holy Heaven Sect suddenly moved, and the top coffin lid moved inch by inch, stepping out an extremely thin palm.

"This, this is..."

Everyone gasped in fright. Yunxia, ​​Yuxin and others leaned on Zhang Tian's body tightly. A corpse that had already died and was sealed in a coffin was suddenly resurrected, and everyone felt horrified.

Finally, the lid of the ancient blue coffin blasted out, and a skinny old Taoist stepped out of it, wearing a purple-gold crown, wearing an immeasurable Taoist robe, holding a bone-turning whisk, and stepping on fairy cloud boots. His eyes were tightly closed, but he exuded a fierce aura that shook the heavens.

"This is the Great Emperor Shengtian who pushed Jiuzhou [-] years ago!"

Some people recognized Lao Dao's identity. It really was an invincible emperor back then. He had been dead for [-] years.

It was originally called another emperor, but it was later changed to 'Shengtian', which is the name of Shengtian Sect. It means extraordinary. Only those who are brilliant and have made great deeds for Shengtian Sect can be crowned. The title of God, the number of people who have received this title over the past five million years, is only a few.

"This is impossible. Emperor Shengtian has already stopped bleeding, why did he suddenly wake up?"

The old woman in the Purple Spirit Mountain looked suspicious. The so-called stagnation of blood and lifespan is a kind of self-seal by some invincible powerhouses when their lifespan is about to expire. In this case, it is impossible to perceive the external situation at all.

"Kill me a saint—death—"

The dry eyes of the Great Emperor Shengtian slowly opened, as if containing the meaning of endless destruction, the monstrous killing intent locked on Zhang Tian, ​​and slammed out with a palm. , , .

Chapter 537 Zhang Tian's Strong Suppression of the Invincible Emperor

This is the power of an invincible emperor. Although he is already dead, he still has the power of invincibility. The palm wind just waved, and in an instant, it turned into a boundless black storm, traversing the sky and the earth, and even the sky was covered. The leaders of many Immortal Domain teams present changed their colors and offered defensive Noble Phantasms one after another.


The violent palms crushed the void, roaring at Zhang Tian like a black dragon, as if to destroy the land where he was.

"Terrorist, the invincible emperor is the invincible emperor, even if he dies, he still has a strong combat power!"

"Emperor Shengtian died a long time ago, but to hang his last breath by means of blood-stopping, this blow should also be the last burst of energy."

"This power is definitely beyond the four-star, it depends on whether this young man can continue."

Under everyone's attention, Zhang Tian was still calm, with one hand behind his back, his black hair slightly raised in the wind, inexhaustibly leisurely and graceful, overlooking the clear stream, calmly, until the palm of his hand approached, He moved suddenly.

Everyone paid attention, only to see Zhang Tian take a small step forward.

In one step, the color of the world changed, as if a wild beast rose from the bottom of the sea and roared for nine days.

Endless winds rolled up, annihilating the void, blood-red sandstorms rolled wildly in the sky, dark clouds covered the sky, and large groups of golden thunders shone in the clouds, as if the sky was angry, descending the power of the heavens, rumbling loudly. Incessantly.


As soon as the emperor opened his mouth, he followed the law, and a mysterious power of the heavenly way descended from the sky. Everyone only saw a hand of God sticking out from the void. The dao pattern of the tens of millions of dao lines exudes a terrifying divine light, and it will destroy the palm of Shengtian Great Emperor with a casual sweep.


The gust of wind swept through, and everyone only felt a flower in front of them. The skinny body of the Great Emperor Shengtian flew out. The immeasurable Taoist robes on his body were shattered into powder, and a terrifying big hole was shattered in his heart.

The audience was deadly silent. Looking at the inhuman Emperor Shengtian who fell in a pool of blood, everyone felt a cold air rising from their backs. It ended up in such an ending, being bombarded and killed by a little-known young man, and the prestige accumulated over tens of thousands of years was lost, which made people sigh.

In the next moment, more eyes condensed on Zhang Tian, ​​and he was extremely fanatical. It is the supreme glory obtained by stepping on Shengtian Sect, stepping on wasteland emperor, stepping on Shengtian emperor.

"Let's go."

Destroyed the team of Shengtian Sect and killed two great emperors, but Zhang Tian seemed to have done a trivial thing. He casually held Yu Xin's hand and stepped forward.

The heroic youth of the mercenary group looked at Zhang Tian's back with a gloomy expression on his face. In the end, he held back some small emotions and followed Zhang Tian and others embarrassedly.Read novels every day

At this point, he really knows what it means to be someone outside the sky, a mere immortal emperor, and he can be a hegemon elsewhere, but here, it is too dangerous to be wiped out easily.Following behind Zhang Tian, ​​at least he can pretend to be a tiger and save himself the troubles along the way. Compared with his life, his self-esteem is nothing.

The girl also had a complicated expression. She had always been under the protection of the heroic youth. She was carefree. It was not until the moment when the power of the Holy Heavenly Daozi descended that she knew that with her brother's strength, she was powerless in front of the real powerhouse. , if today Shengtian Daozi is looking at her, I am afraid it will be a tragedy beyond the world.

Thinking of this, the girl looked at Yu Xin's back with envy. With such a father's protection, that is truly carefree, and she can live happily so far, just because of luck, she must be cautious in her words and deeds in the future. , can no longer escape as in the past.

"The dandy misunderstood the country!"

Things gradually subsided, but some people still sighed. This matter can be traced back to the source, but it was because Shengtian Daozi was arrogant and domineering and wanted to rob civilians, but it caused the fall of a three-star emperor and the ashes of an invincible emperor. Where did it come from?

Taking advantage of this, many senior figures patiently reminded their younger generation, no matter how high their cultivation base is, no matter who they are facing, they must be cautious and benevolent, and at least make sure that people don't offend me and I don't offend others.These senior figures have lived for a long time, and they know that the ninth mountains and seas are vast, and there are too many unknown powerhouses hidden.

"Ancestor, should we go over and say hello?"

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